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infinityrobot edited this page Feb 7, 2011 · 5 revisions

As Ares is a Thor script, we can use the power of Thor to install the command into the system Thor commands.

Install Thor

As Ares is a Thor task, make sure the Thor gem is installed:

gem install thor

Installing Ares

We can then install Ares by:

thor install <path_to_file>

The installer should do its thing:

thor install lib/tasks/setup.thor
Your Thorfile contains:
class Setup < Thor
Do you wish to continue [y/N]? y
Please specify a name for lib/tasks/setup.thor in the system repository [setup.thor]: 
Storing thor file in your system repository

Check the Installation Worked

To check if Ares has been installed we can use the thor list command in any directory and see if it is listed. To check Ares installed correctly, run:

$ cd ~
$ thor list
thor ares:new [NAME]  # Creates a new Rails app

Use Ares!

All done! Ares is now install and can be used by running

thor ares

Enjoy easily generating Rails apps!

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