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| -Latest (In development) # Breaking changes # Features # Bug fix # Fix: fatal error: concurrent map writes #125 Improvements # Enhance UI for Adding a New Data Source (#126) Add option login flag to logout api 0.2.0 (2025-03-07) # 🚀 Features # Add default index template and schema to document Implement docoument serach api Implement suggest api Support cancel inflight background job Add google drive connector Incremental indexing google drive files, connect via url Ignore empty query (#35) Add new field to push messages (#34) Add reset api to google_drive’s connector (#36) Add yuque connector #41 Allow to skip invalid token for yuque connector Add hugo site connector (#51) Add datasource and connector Add notion connector (#63) Add document enrichment processor Init support for RAG Add web #77 Add a simple security feature to Coco Server (#79) Init commit for Datasource management UI (#81) (datasource) Support CRUD management (#82) Add guide, login, home, and settings (#83) Add field SyncEnabled to control datasource synchronization (#103) Add google drive connector settings (#109) Support toggling synchronization in datasource list (#112) Add LLM config (intent_analysis_model, picking_doc_model, answe… (#114) 🐛 Bug Fixes # Update header key to avoid using underscores (#48) Init the payload Adjust locales (#85) Adjust endpoint validation (#96) Adjust styles of guide (#97) Adjust locales of llm (#100) Adjust loading Update settings of yuque datasource not work (#104) Override theme settings (#105) Avoid panic when Google Drive credential config is missing (#106) Empty response (#121) Redirect to the login page when the token expires (#124) Fatal error: concurrent map writes 🚜 Refactor # Split metadata and payload Refactoring datasource Refactoring icon management Refactoring hugo_site connector to support mutlti datasource (#56) Refactoring google_drive connector Refactoring query and suggest Refactoring connectors Refactoring connectors Refactoring google_drive connector, support token_refresh, … (#61) Refactoring yuque connector (#62) Refactoring static assets (#65) Refactoring default config Refactoring search api Refactoring rag based chat (#94) 📚 Documentation # Update search document Init docs (#47) Add connectors Fix images Update docker install guide (#118) Update install docs (#119) Typo update docker install guide (#120) Upgrade to 0."><meta name=theme-color content="#FFFFFF"><meta property="og:title" content="Release Notes"><meta property="og:description" content><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content="/coco-server/main/docs/release-notes/"><title>Release Notes | Coco Server</title><link rel=manifest href=/coco-server/main/manifest.json><link rel=icon href=/coco-server/main/favicon.png type=image/x-icon><link rel=stylesheet href=/coco-server/main/book.min.d80e87b12a4b49d9913d0bdd98bd83b7a44988be784760ba15522b377313dcf9.css integrity="sha256-2A6HsSpLSdmRPQvdmL2Dt6RJiL54R2C6FVIrN3MT3Pk="><link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/coco-server/main/docs/release-notes/index.xml title="Coco Server"><script defer src=/coco-server/main/js/jquery-2.x.min.js></script><script defer src=/coco-server/main/js/doc.js></script></head><body><input type=checkbox class="hidden toggle" id=menu-control> |
| 2 | +Latest (In development) # Breaking changes # Features # Bug fix # Fix: fatal error: concurrent map writes #125 Improvements # Enhance UI for Adding a New Data Source (#126) Add option login flag to logout api Catch error in background message processing task 0.2.0 (2025-03-07) # 🚀 Features # Add default index template and schema to document Implement docoument serach api Implement suggest api Support cancel inflight background job Add google drive connector Incremental indexing google drive files, connect via url Ignore empty query (#35) Add new field to push messages (#34) Add reset api to google_drive’s connector (#36) Add yuque connector #41 Allow to skip invalid token for yuque connector Add hugo site connector (#51) Add datasource and connector Add notion connector (#63) Add document enrichment processor Init support for RAG Add web #77 Add a simple security feature to Coco Server (#79) Init commit for Datasource management UI (#81) (datasource) Support CRUD management (#82) Add guide, login, home, and settings (#83) Add field SyncEnabled to control datasource synchronization (#103) Add google drive connector settings (#109) Support toggling synchronization in datasource list (#112) Add LLM config (intent_analysis_model, picking_doc_model, answe… (#114) 🐛 Bug Fixes # Update header key to avoid using underscores (#48) Init the payload Adjust locales (#85) Adjust endpoint validation (#96) Adjust styles of guide (#97) Adjust locales of llm (#100) Adjust loading Update settings of yuque datasource not work (#104) Override theme settings (#105) Avoid panic when Google Drive credential config is missing (#106) Empty response (#121) Redirect to the login page when the token expires (#124) Fatal error: concurrent map writes 🚜 Refactor # Split metadata and payload Refactoring datasource Refactoring icon management Refactoring hugo_site connector to support mutlti datasource (#56) Refactoring google_drive connector Refactoring query and suggest Refactoring connectors Refactoring connectors Refactoring google_drive connector, support token_refresh, … (#61) Refactoring yuque connector (#62) Refactoring static assets (#65) Refactoring default config Refactoring search api Refactoring rag based chat (#94) 📚 Documentation # Update search document Init docs (#47) Add connectors Fix images Update docker install guide (#118) Update install docs (#119) Typo update docker install guide (#120) Upgrade to 0."><meta name=theme-color content="#FFFFFF"><meta property="og:title" content="Release Notes"><meta property="og:description" content><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content="/coco-server/main/docs/release-notes/"><title>Release Notes | Coco Server</title><link rel=manifest href=/coco-server/main/manifest.json><link rel=icon href=/coco-server/main/favicon.png type=image/x-icon><link rel=stylesheet href=/coco-server/main/book.min.d80e87b12a4b49d9913d0bdd98bd83b7a44988be784760ba15522b377313dcf9.css integrity="sha256-2A6HsSpLSdmRPQvdmL2Dt6RJiL54R2C6FVIrN3MT3Pk="><link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/coco-server/main/docs/release-notes/index.xml title="Coco Server"><script defer src=/coco-server/main/js/jquery-2.x.min.js></script><script defer src=/coco-server/main/js/doc.js></script></head><body><input type=checkbox class="hidden toggle" id=menu-control> |
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18 | 18 | <a class=anchor href=#breaking-changes>#</a></h3><h3 id=features>Features
19 | 19 | <a class=anchor href=#features>#</a></h3><h3 id=bug-fix>Bug fix
20 | 20 | <a class=anchor href=#bug-fix>#</a></h3><ul><li>Fix: fatal error: concurrent map writes #125</li></ul><h3 id=improvements>Improvements
21 |
| -<a class=anchor href=#improvements>#</a></h3><ul><li>Enhance UI for Adding a New Data Source (#126)</li><li>Add option login flag to logout api</li></ul><h2 id=020-2025-03-07>0.2.0 (2025-03-07) |
| 21 | +<a class=anchor href=#improvements>#</a></h3><ul><li>Enhance UI for Adding a New Data Source (#126)</li><li>Add option login flag to logout api</li><li>Catch error in background message processing task</li></ul><h2 id=020-2025-03-07>0.2.0 (2025-03-07) |
22 | 22 | <a class=anchor href=#020-2025-03-07>#</a></h2><h3 id=-features>🚀 Features
23 | 23 | <a class=anchor href=#-features>#</a></h3><ul><li>Add default index template and schema to document</li><li>Implement docoument serach api</li><li>Implement suggest api</li><li>Support cancel inflight background job</li><li>Add google drive connector</li><li>Incremental indexing google drive files, connect via url</li><li>Ignore empty query (#35)</li><li>Add new field to push messages (#34)</li><li>Add reset api to google_drive’s connector (#36)</li><li>Add yuque connector #41</li><li>Allow to skip invalid token for yuque connector</li><li>Add hugo site connector (#51)</li><li>Add datasource and connector</li><li>Add notion connector (#63)</li><li>Add document enrichment processor</li><li>Init support for RAG</li><li>Add web #77</li><li>Add a simple security feature to Coco Server (#79)</li><li>Init commit for Datasource management UI (#81)</li><li><em>(datasource)</em> Support CRUD management (#82)</li><li>Add guide, login, home, and settings (#83)</li><li>Add field <code>SyncEnabled</code> to control datasource synchronization (#103)</li><li>Add google drive connector settings (#109)</li><li>Support toggling synchronization in datasource list (#112)</li><li>Add LLM config (intent_analysis_model, picking_doc_model, answe… (#114)</li></ul><h3 id=-bug-fixes>🐛 Bug Fixes
24 | 24 | <a class=anchor href=#-bug-fixes>#</a></h3><ul><li>Update header key to avoid using underscores (#48)</li><li>Init the payload</li><li>Adjust locales (#85)</li><li>Adjust endpoint validation (#96)</li><li>Adjust styles of guide (#97)</li><li>Adjust locales of llm (#100)</li><li>Adjust loading</li><li>Update settings of yuque datasource not work (#104)</li><li>Override theme settings (#105)</li><li>Avoid panic when Google Drive credential config is missing (#106)</li><li>Empty response (#121)</li><li>Redirect to the login page when the token expires (#124)</li><li>Fatal error: concurrent map writes</li></ul><h3 id=-refactor>🚜 Refactor
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