diff --git a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ b/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7ad65500c4bb6..0000000000000 --- a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.2.10 $debug=QUSU.CRLF.7-3-7.Win32NT -# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.installer.1.5.0.schema.json - -PackageIdentifier: Redisant.RedisantToolbox -PackageVersion: -InstallerType: zip -UpgradeBehavior: install -ReleaseDate: 2023-09-20 -Installers: -- Architecture: x64 - NestedInstallerType: inno - NestedInstallerFiles: - - RelativeFilePath: RT-\RT- - Scope: user - InstallerUrl: https://github.com/chenjing1294/redisant-toolbox-release/releases/download/v1.0.5.7/RT- - InstallerSha256: 989CCF45C377C388B08F8CAD42DCF59903C31A8295F5E84C82DA30A090CA96C9 - InstallerSwitches: - Custom: /CURRENTUSER - ProductCode: '{96C10418-9DDE-4C77-BAC6-F7B6FAAFEA47}_is1' -- Architecture: x64 - NestedInstallerType: inno - NestedInstallerFiles: - - RelativeFilePath: RT-\RT- - Scope: machine - InstallerUrl: https://github.com/chenjing1294/redisant-toolbox-release/releases/download/v1.0.5.7/RT- - InstallerSha256: 989CCF45C377C388B08F8CAD42DCF59903C31A8295F5E84C82DA30A090CA96C9 - InstallerSwitches: - Custom: /ALLUSERS - ProductCode: '{96C10418-9DDE-4C77-BAC6-F7B6FAAFEA47}_is1' -ManifestType: installer -ManifestVersion: 1.5.0 diff --git a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ b/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ deleted file mode 100644 index d4a2c0f560348..0000000000000 --- a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.2.10 $debug=QUSU.CRLF.7-3-7.Win32NT -# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.5.0.schema.json - -PackageIdentifier: Redisant.RedisantToolbox -PackageVersion: -PackageLocale: en-US -Publisher: Redisant -PublisherUrl: https://www.redisant.com/ -PublisherSupportUrl: https://www.redisant.com/rt/contact -PrivacyUrl: https://www.redisant.com/rt/privacy -# Author: -PackageName: Redisant Toolbox -PackageUrl: https://www.redisant.com/rt -License: Proprietary -LicenseUrl: https://www.redisant.com/rt/end_user_license_agreement -Copyright: Copyright © 2023 -# CopyrightUrl: -ShortDescription: An all-in-one toolbox for developers -Description: |- - All-in-one toolbox for developers, over 40 commonly used development tools; Well-designed, fast and efficient; Use offline, respecting your privacy. - - - Backslash Escape/Unescape: Escapes or unescapes JSON strings or characters such as t, n, s, etc - - Base64 Image Encode/Decode: Use Base64 to determine or encode images - - Base64 String Encode/Decode: Use Base64 to decode or encode strings - - Base64 URL Encode/Decode: Use Base64 to decode or encode URLs - - Color Converter: Select and convert colors (HEX, RGB, HSV, CYMK, etc.) - - Cron Job Parser: Parsing scheduled task (crontab) expressions - - CSV to JSON: Converts CSV strings to JSON - - Hash Generator: Generates MD5/SHA1/SHA2 hashes from strings or files - - HTML Entity Encode/Decode: Decodes or encodes HTML entities in strings - - JSON Formatter/Validate: Format or compress JSON strings - - JSON to CSV: Converts JSON strings to CSV - - JSON to YAML: Converts JSON strings to YAML - - YAML to JSON: Converts a YAML string to JSON - - JWT Debugger: Verifies or signs JWT tokens - - Language Beautify: Format source code in various languages - - Number Base Converter: Converts between binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and other digital bases - - QR Code Reader/Generator: Read QR codes or generate QR codes - - Random Data Generator: Generate random paragraphs, words, emails, names, etc - - RegExp Tester: Tests strings against regular expressions and finds matches - - String Case Converter: Converts camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, kebab-case style variables - - String Inspector: Detects ASCII/Unicode codes, string length, characters, words, and lines - - Text Diff Checker: Compares two text strings by character, word, or line - - Unix Time Converter: Converts UNIX datetime to a human-readable format - - URL Encode/Decode: Decode or encode URLs (RFC3986) - - URL Parser: Query String to JSON, parsing URL protocol, host, port, etc - - UUID/GUID Generate/Decode: Generate UUID, ULID, Nano ID - - Offline OCR: Convert images to text - - Icon Font Previewer: Preview vector icons - - YAML To Properties: Converts a YAML string to Properties - - JSON To Properties: Converts JSON strings to Properties -# Moniker: -Tags: -- develop -- developer -- development -- tools -- utility -ReleaseNotes: |- - - [New] Support selecting epoch time when generating SnowflakeID - - [New] Character encoding and decoding -ReleaseNotesUrl: https://www.redisant.com/rt/download -PurchaseUrl: https://www.redisant.com/rt/buy -# InstallationNotes: -# Documentations: -ManifestType: defaultLocale -ManifestVersion: 1.5.0 diff --git a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ b/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ deleted file mode 100644 index df5cc7187de2a..0000000000000 --- a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.2.10 $debug=QUSU.CRLF.7-3-7.Win32NT -# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.locale.1.5.0.schema.json - -PackageIdentifier: Redisant.RedisantToolbox -PackageVersion: -PackageLocale: zh-CN -Publisher: Redisant -PublisherUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/ -PublisherSupportUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/rt/contact -PrivacyUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/rt/privacy -# Author: -PackageName: Redisant Toolbox -PackageUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/rt -License: 专有软件 -LicenseUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/rt/end_user_license_agreement -Copyright: Copyright © 2023 -# CopyrightUrl: -ShortDescription: 面向开发人员的多合一工具箱 -Description: |- - 面向开发人员的多合一工具箱,超过 40 种常用的开发工具;精心设计,快速、高效;离线使用,尊重您的隐私。 - - - Backslash Escape/Unescape:转义或取消转义 JSON 字符串或字符,如 \t、\n、\s 等 - - Base64 Image Encode/Decode:使用 Base64 确定或编码图像 - - Base64 String Encode/Decode:使用 Base64 解码或编码字符串 - - Base64 URL Encode/Decode:使用 Base64 解码或编码 url - - Color Converter:选择和转换颜色(hex、rgb、hsv、cymk 等) - - Cron Job Parser:解析定时任务(crontab)表达式 - - CSV to JSON:将 CSV 字符串转换为 JSON - - Hash Generator:从字符串或文件生成 MD5/SHA1/SHA2 散列 - - HTML Entity Encode/Decode:解码或编码字符串中的 HTML 实体 - - Json Formatter/Validate:格式化或压缩 JSON 字符串 - - JSON to CSV:将 JSON 字符串转换为 CSV - - JSON to YAML:将 JSON 字符串转换为 YAML - - YAML to JSON:将 YAML 字符串转换为 JSON - - JWT Debugger:校验或签署 JWT 令牌 - - Language Beautify:格式化各种语言的源代码 - - Number Base Converter:在二进制、八进制、十进制、十六进制和其他数字基数之间转换 - - QR Code Reader/Generator:读取二维码或生成二维码 - - Random Data Generator:生成随机段落、单词、电子邮件、姓名等 - - RegExp Tester:针对正则表达式测试字符串并找到匹配项 - - String Case Converter:转换 camelCase、PascalCase、snake_case、kebab-case 风格的变量 - - String Inspector:检测 ASCII/Unicode 码、字符串长度、字符数、字数、行数 - - Text Diff Checker:按字符、单词或行比较两个文本字符串 - - Unix Time Converter:将 UNIX 日期时间转换为人类可读的格式 - - URL Encode/Decode:解码或编码 URL(RFC3986) - - URL Parser:Query String 转 JSON,解析 URL 协议、主机、端口等 - - UUID/GUID Generate/Decode:生成 UUID、ULID、Nano ID - - Offline OCR:将图像转换为文本 - - Icon Font Previewer:预览矢量图标 - - YAML To Properties:将 YAML 字符串转换为 Properties - - JSON To Properties:将 JSON 字符串转换为 Properties -# Moniker: -Tags: -- 工具 -- 开发 -- 开发者 -ReleaseNotes: |- - - [New] Support selecting epoch time when generating SnowflakeID - - [New] Character encoding and decoding -ReleaseNotesUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/rt/download -PurchaseUrl: https://www.redisant.cn/rt/buy -# InstallationNotes: -# Documentations: -ManifestType: locale -ManifestVersion: 1.5.0 diff --git a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ b/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4c88386fbc34e..0000000000000 --- a/manifests/r/Redisant/RedisantToolbox/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.2.10 $debug=QUSU.CRLF.7-3-7.Win32NT -# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.version.1.5.0.schema.json - -PackageIdentifier: Redisant.RedisantToolbox -PackageVersion: -DefaultLocale: en-US -ManifestType: version -ManifestVersion: 1.5.0