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Kevin Hoffman edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 21 revisions

Issue Format

{type}({scope}): {subject line}

Each issue should include a prefix that communicates type and scope followed by a subject line .

Example Issue Titles

  • build(webpack): add sourcemap support
  • doc(donors-query): improve clarity of DocBlocks
  • feat(reports): add summary report for all forms
  • style(payments-query): correct indentation
  • fix: prevent white screen after donation


  1. Begin each issue title with a {type}({scope}): prefix.
  2. Use the imperative mood.
  3. Wrap any code, such as Class_Name, method(), $property, $variable, or @tag, in backticks.
  4. Write goal-oriented issue titles. Think about the problem that needs solved and turn it into a goal.
  5. Assign each issue an estimate of story points based on complexity. This number can be updated once the issue is better understood.
  6. Follow the issue template within reason. Before submitting, remove all HTML comments and any headings that do not apply. This will result in cleaner presentation of issue when it is consumed via an API by third-party apps like Slack.


  1. Do not end titles or subject lines with a period.
  2. Do not exceed 72 characters in your titles, subject lines, or body text.
  3. Do not include multiple goals in a single issue.

Roles & Capabilities

  • Support/Marketing/Contributors
    • Add issue
  • Development
    • Add issue
    • Add estimate
  • Senior Development
    • Add issue
    • Add estimate
    • Add assignee
    • Add to sprint (milestone)
    • Add to release
    • Add to epic
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