Releases: impress-org/givewp
Releases · impress-org/givewp
- Fix: Donation date discrepancy in transaction details view - #898
- Fix: Switching donation form in transaction view "-2" appears when no form set - #877
- Fix: Styling issue on donor profile editor page - #997
- Fix: Pre-populate First and Last name fields in PayPal Standard - #945
- Fix: Save default value for donation receipt emails for new installs - #863
- Tweak: Payment errors log missing gateway data and payment ID column data - #780
- Tweak: Reverted settings AJAX tabs in preparation for refactor - #937
- New: Added email tag support to Offline Donation Admin Notification - #846
- New: Added a "Reset Password" option to the donation form if the user is prompted to login - #723
- New: Add the ability for admins to switch a transaction to a different form - #429
- New: Setting to adjust the number of decimal spaces. Give now support zero and three decimal currencies. - #738
- New: Human readable large monetary goal formats. For instance, if you have a goal of $2 million it will not display as "2,000,000" but rather "2 million". - #650
- New: Address Give's right-to-left issues with a complete audit & resolution - thanks @ramiy! - #736
- New: New template added for Give goals. - #411
- New: Easier and more understandable strings according for translators. - thanks @ramiy! - #451
- New: Added a new filter "give_pdf_export_logo" to easily customize the export logo. - #802
- New: Customer meta class added for updating and saving donor data for non-users outside usermeta. - #653
- New: Conditional functions introduced is_give_form(), is_give_category(), is_give_tag(), and is_give_taxonomy() - #832
- New: Donation receipt email previews now allow you to view actual payment data and switch between transactions. Add-on specific email tags will render when actual data is previewed. - #274
- New: Consolidated the number of columns within the transaction details screen. - #814
- Tweak: Update the country dropdown to use the new ISO country codes for islands in Dutch West Indies. - #698
- Tweak: Updated to the latest version of CMB2 & tested compatibility. - #670
- Tweak: Remove invalid @description from PHP inline doc blocks. - #733
- Tweak: Incorporate proper sanitization for i18n strings. - #471
- Tweak: Accessibility page headings added to screens in wp-admin. - #820
- Tweak: Unify wp_die() throughout codebase and add title and HTML status response codes. - #828
- Fix: Transaction list and donor donation list design break on tablet and mobile. - #813
- Fix: Unrendered html in multi-level donation confirmation emails. - #754
- Fix: Text editor does not have same height for visual mode and text mode. - #688
- Fix: Auto populate state list is not working on transaction detail page. - #715
- Fix: Unable to view payment history for donors with unusual characters in the email. - #717
- Fix: Mixed content warning with single donation form thumbnail placeholder image. - #768
- Fix: Secure SSL padlock icon and style no longer broken. - #769
- Fix: Categories and tags are registering permissions incorrectly upon install. - #725
- Fix: Amount field not formatting on focus out & lingering validation tooltip issues. - #778
- Fix: Auto populate the correct donation level when user adds a matching custom amount. - #730
- Fix: The "Export Donation History" csv no longer had the "Form Title" column and contained unnecessary columns. - #757
- Fix: A CSS conflict appeared with some themes when users view the donation receipt in browser and admins preview emails in wp-admin. - #818
- Fix: Prevent editor shortcode generator from displaying for users who don't have access to Give donation form editing. - #845
- New: Added an addition "status" column for donation logs - #684
- Tweak: Hide the submit button for the API Tab in Settings & improved the field description - #681
- Fix: Deleted unnecessary user capabilities and resolved ones with typos causing issues with viewing and publishing donation forms for admins on new installs - #671 and #662
- Fix: Donation amount and count get reduced when delete pending donation - thanks @farookibrahim - #677
- Fix: Broken link when clicking on donors name from transactions list in wp-admin - #680
- Fix: The give_forms post type doesn't register correctly on new installs therefore users weren't seeing the "Add Form" or "Edit Form" options within WP-Admin - #671 and
- New: Easily reorder payment gateways with the new drag-and-drop gateway reorder capability within settings - #391
- New: Implement honeypot hidden field to help prevent spam donation form submissions - #424
- New: Export donation history based on a date range exports in "Reports > Export > Export Donation History"- #414
- New: Added the ability to delete all test transactions under "Donations > Reports > Tools" - #263
- New: Recalculate stats tool now available to recount individual donor statistics, delete test transactions, or reset all your statistics entirely - #441
- New: New Give_Payments class added which allows easier development for donation payments - #504
- New: Added "Test Mode" labels to more easily identify donations made while Give is in Test Mode - #188
- New: Template wrapper support for the "Catch Evolution" theme added - #632
- New: Export additional data and control the export columns for donors under Reports > Export > Export Donors in CSV - #630
- New: South Korean Won added to list of currencies - #624
- New: Moroccan Dirham added to list of currencies - #381
- New: South African Rand added to list of currencies - #624
- Tweak: Now when a multi-level donation is made the multi-level labels will display on the confirmation page, within the transactions listing page, and also attached to the {donation} email tag which outputs the email receipts - #175
- Tweak: Added donor name to the donation receipt and reordered the rows for a more logical flow - #645
- Tweak: Removed the French translation files included because, thanks to all French polyglots, we have been translated in full -
- Tweak: Removed Grunt in favor of Gulp for compiling pot files - #666
- Tweak: Removed hosted translations in favor of public GlotPress translations
- Tweak: Rewrite of give_get_current_page_url to fix issues with domain mapped server with $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] - #622
- Fix: Transactions Status Changes Causes Donation Form Income Amounts + Goals to Not Calculate Correctly - #188
- Fix: Per form Offline donations gateway's "Request Billing Information" checkbox doesn't properly override the global setting - #649
- Fix: Reports filter custom date range option when selected causes the refresh reports button to overlap - #626
- Fix: Reports graph tooltips not displaying currency properly formatted - #620
- Fix: Attaching a new user to a donor isn't updating - #644
- Fix: Remove shortcode generator button when visual editor disabled - #638
- Fix: Bug with shortcode & show_content argument when two of the same forms on a page displaying the content incorrectly when set to none - #634
Release of version 1.4.5
- Fix: Update the email address of a customer record when the email of a user is updated via the WordPress profile updater - #607
- Fix: Bug if the donation form's custom amount minimum is set to 0.00 the warning message would still display - #604
- Fix: Bug with email access and the Donation History shortcode pagination not counting properly - #600
- Fix: Fixed incorrect meta_key usage within is_single_price_mode() method which was returning false positives - #602
- Update: Updated install process to account for WP multisite creation and deletion - #609
- Fix: Bug with Custom Amount minimum and currencies with "," for decimal separator miscalculating the amounts - #591
- Fix: Tooltips weren't loading properly when clicking the "Cancel" button after opting to create an account - #500
- Fix: Closing Give Donation Modal Displays "give-hidden" elements in form incorrectly - #582
- Fix: Ensure email is set in PHP session to view donation history after donating properly without having to preform additional email access request - #587
- Tweak: Removing the top loading animation when changing donation amounts to reduce theme compatibility issues with it - #556
- Tweak: Replaced JS get query parameter function with better function that doesn't throw unreachable code warning in console and works similarly - #586
- Tweak: New changelog.txt file to offload older version changelogs; also added release dates to versions for better tracking - #596
- Tweak: Hid the "ID" column from the multi-level repeater table because it served no real purpose for admins - #554
- Fix: Member-only donation forms don't display member-only validation responses properly - #551
- Fix: Email access cookie path set incorrectly breaks viewing details - #570
- Fix: Validation conflicts with MemberPress - thanks @jimwebb - #568
- Fix: If no Give logs under Settings > Reports > Logs then the log navigation does not display - #564
- Fix: Login/Cancel/Register within donation form don't trigger float-labels - #574
- Fix: Login/Cancel/Register within donation form has problems maintaining gateway-specific fields when changing gateways - #574
- Tweak: Deprecated give_no_guest_checkout() in favor of give_logged_in_only() - #551
- Tweak: Clean up '&' encoded ampersands for PayPal standard - #562
- Tweak: Added a check for DOM and MBString PHP extensions in System Info tab - #560