A modern Qt Quick application built with Python and QML that displays a list of countries in an interactive table view with a clean, professional interface.
- Fetches country data from country.io API
- Displays countries in a responsive table view
- Clean and modern UI with:
- Alternating row colors
- Separate code and name columns
- Semi-transparent backgrounds
- Qt logo watermark
- Smooth scrolling animation
- Professional typography
- Python 3.12.2
- PySide6
- Qt Quick 2.15
- Internet connection (for API access)
├── main.py # Main application entry point (version 1)
├── main2.py # Alternative implementation (version 2)
├── ui/
│ ├── main.qml # Main QML interface
│ ├── main2.qml # Alternative QML interface
│ ├── logo.png # Qt logo for watermark
│ └── qmldir # QML module definition
└── qml-application.pyproject # Project configuration
- Install the required Python packages:
pip install PySide6
- Run either version of the application:
python main.py # For version 1
python main2.py # For version 2
- Uses PySide6 for Python-Qt integration
- Implements a ListView with custom delegates for data display
- Features semi-transparent UI elements for modern look
- Responsive layout that adapts to window size
- Efficient data model binding between Python and QML
This project uses Qt under the BSD-3-Clause license. Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.