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Chapter 5 -

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205 lines (94 loc) · 8.84 KB

Samantha walked into her home at 8 PM, and immediately shut the door a little too hard behind her. She did not bother to turn on the lights, although her room was still dark. She already knew where to go and how to get there. Kicking off her shoes as she walked, Samantha made her way to her computer and didn't even bother keeping her hand away from herself. She didn't care anymore. She needed to end this. She needed release. Her other hand struggled to accurately press the keys she wanted them to, in an attempt to find some good porn, but it wasn't long before her hand fell from the keyboard as she lost herself in the pleasure. Samantha closed her eyes and continued to let her hand do the work she craved, inching her ever closer to the climax she has so desperately wanted all day...

Something felt like it had hit a wall. Her orgasm was so close, and yet she could push no further, and her recognition of this fact made her need it more than she's ever needed something before. She glanced at the clock, just as it was turning from 8:59 to 9:00. Before she knew what she was doing, she moved her hands across the keyboard in a flurry of motions, and once again found herself landing into Sleepychat's matchmaking system.

9:01:12 pm: [INFO] Hi there, SamIAm! You're now connected to the server.

9:01:12 pm: [INFO] Waiting for a new chat partner...

She didn't care who it was, but someone here had to know why she couldn't bring herself over the edge...

9:01:17 pm: [INFO] Found a chat partner! Say hello to ElysianTail, a male switch.

Samantha's hands flew across the keys, barely touching them, and missing others altogether.

*SamIAm: pls o god let me cm pls pls i nd to!*

*ElysianTail: Who there, calm down. What's going on?*

*SamIAm: i catn cum! i came here ysterday and was hpnotized by ScottB. i thnk he is keping my from cumming!*

*ElysianTail: Having a bit of trouble spelling I see... That worked up, huh? Hang on...*

It seemed that hours had passed before ElysianTail's next response. Samantha felt tingly all over, and almost couldn't keep her eyes open. Finally, after what was in reality only one minute, he responded.

*ElysianTail: Oh... Scott told me about you this morning.*

*ElysianTail: Don't worry, the effect is not permanent. In fact, I can help with it.*

*ElysianTail: But first, we're going to play a game...*

It took a vast amount of concentration to understand what this person was saying, but as she did, Samantha once again begged.

*SamIAm: pls juts let me cum ill do anythng!*

*ElysianTail: Oh don't worry, you will.*

*ElysianTail: But first, the rules.*

*ElysianTail: You see, I have recently written a dice roll function for the site, and I'm itching to try it out.*

What ensued was what Samantha could only make out as an exchange of her begging, and ElysianTail's site-generated dice rolls. All he had to do was type "/roll", and it would display a dice roll on the screen. Each roll seemed to do something different, but she just couldn't concentrate enough to make things out. She continued in this state for what felt like an eternity as her mind was reduced to absolutely nothing but deliciously agonizing pleasure and denial.

Samantha awoke in her chair to a message alert on Sleepychat. Her eyes opened, and she tried to move. Her body felt very weak, and she slowly made her way to the keyboard, to be greeted with new messages on the screen.

*ElysianTail: How was it?*

*ElysianTail: Take your time...*

*ElysianTail: Uh. Hello?*

Samantha made to send another message, but she had to take her time, as her hands refused to respond as quickly as normal.

*SamIAm: sorry. I think I fell asleep...*

*ElysianTail: Oh? Do you remember what happened?*

Samantha thought for a second, and then felt something... wet. She looked down to find that her legs, chair, and even a part of the floor was soaked. And then she remembered, and her breath caught in her dry throat. Oh my God... Did I really just... pass out from an orgasm!? Her thoughts raced, remembering every roll, remembering what they did, and remembering how she responded to each one, and remembering the roll that knocked her out, a roll of 2 sixes.

*ElysianTail: Are you ok? I'm kinda getting worried here.*

*SamIAm: Sorry! I just... had o think.*

*ElysianTail: Ah ok. So why did you fall asleep?*

*SamIAm: I uhh. That last roll. That was the best Ive ever felt...*

*ElysianTail: Wait... You passed out from your orgasm?*

*ElysianTail: Wow... I'm jealous.*

*SamIAm: Yea... sorry Im a bit slow right now...*

*ElysianTail: Take your time. You may need to rest after that.*

*SamIAm: Yea... i'll see you later.*

*ElysianTail: Oh yeah, do you mind if I talk about what happened here?*

*ElysainTail: To others on this site?*

*SamIAm: No, go ahead*

*ElysianTail: Okay then*

*ElysianTail: Take care! ('-')/*

*SamIAm: thx for the session, ElysianTail.*

*ElysianTail: Oh, please call me Ely! Everyone else does, and you're very welcome :)*

Samantha disconnected from the room, and then laid back into her chair, unable and unwilling to move anymore. And then she remembered something about the shorthand her partner called himself, Ely. Where had she heard that name before? Ah well, it'll come to me. Something struck her as strange about that chat, but she couldn't put her finger in it. She went back to the Sleepychat main page, and noticed a button she hadn't bothered with before, "Join the big group chat". She clicked it, and it took her to a new chat page.

Samantha disconnected from the room, and then laid back into her chair, unable and unwilling to move anymore. And then she remembered something about the shorthand she just called her partner, Ely. Where had she heard that name before?

9:41:29 pm: [INFO] SamIAm♀↓ has joined.

9:41:29 pm: [INFO] Users in the chatroom: [ 'WiseFerret78↕' 'SleepySnake♂↓' 'ScottB♂↑' 'Vic♂↑' 'Zach♂↑' 'Davixxa♂↓' 'HypnoticVoice♂↑' 'Dawn♂↓' 'HypnotizedTortoise23↕' 'HypnoticDoge♂↕' 'Markus♂↑' 'HypnoFan71♂↓' 'pet♂↓' 'Dreamy↕' 'MindlessOtter♂↓' 'BlankWoodchuck67↕' 'Peep_Ex_Machina♂↓' 'SleepyCamel48♀↓' 'TiredOx43♂↕' 'SleeperCell♂↓' 'Lauren♀↓' 'SamIAm♀↓' ]

*SamIAm: Hi*

*Vic: You clearly don't understand quantum computing*

*SleeperCell: What I don't understand is how they're relavant to this*

*ScottB: Hi again Samantha*

*9:42:01 pm: [INFO] ElysianTail♂↕ has joined.*

*SleeperCell: The wavefunction collapse creates multiple copies, free will is unaffected*

*ElysianTail: ('-')/ *

*ScottB: Oh hi Ely*

*Vic: If copies are made, how can there be free will?*

*Peep_Ex_Machina: Can't you two just agree to disagree?*

*Vic: Probably a good idea*

*9:42:53 pm: [INFO] SleeperCell has left.*

*ScottB: So Samantha, whatcha doing over here?*

*ElysianTail: I'm surprised she's here myself. Firgured she'd be too tired...*

*SamIAm: I would like to know what the **** actually happened today*

*SamIAm: Because everyone seems to be in on it but me*

*ElysianTail: Should we tell her, Scott?*

*ScottB: Hmmm*

*SamIAm: Please!*

*ElysianTail: Okay, I'll tell you*

*ElysianTail: Scott gave you a suggestion that would make you hornier throughout the day, in various ways.*

*ScottB: Fun ways too*

*ElysianTail: And did some stuff to make the day a bit more interesting for you.*

*ScottB: Like, whenever someone asked if you were horny you would just say you were fine, but get even hornier :)*

*TiredOx43: Ooh, that's good*

*BlankWoodchuck67: Gonna have to steal that*

*ElysianTail: And you couldn't orgasm until someone on this site said you could*

*SamIAm: I don't think you guys understand how bad I needed to...*

*ScottB: And I told Ely here that you were going to pop in here at exactly 9:00*

*ScottB: And I asked him to have some fun with you*

*SamIAm: I don't think you guys know how dangerous that was*

*SamIAm: What if my internet died or something?*

*ScottB: Then you would have orgasmed once the clock struck 10*

*ElysianTail: Saftey first!*

*9:43:56 pm: [INFO] Peep_Ex_Machina has left.*

*SamIAm: Oh okay*

*Lauren: You two are evil*

*ElysianTail: Whoa. I'm not evil. I just know how to provide a quality experience.*

**ScottB whispers: I knew about the party, by the way. And I even brought you out of trance to make sure it would be okay, then made you forget**

*ScottB: So evil*

*ElysianTail: Hey. I try to be nice.*

*Vic: So... Anybody up for some hypnosis?*

*WiseFerret78: Yea Ely and Scott kinda dominated the chat for a bit*

*ElysianTail: Uh... Sorry?*

While Scott and Ely and everyone else was chatting, she sat back in her chair and thought. Her body did all that, just through hypnosis? Without her having any clue what was happening? She wondered what else hypnosis could do, and knew she wanted to be hypnotized again.