- New parse logic for email addresses - utils.parse_email_addresses, using email.utils.getaddresses
- Added message.MailMessage.reply_to, message.MailMessage.reply_to_values
- Removed message.MailMessage._parse_addresses
- MailBox.fetch - added "reverse" parameter
- in utils.parse_email_address used email.utils.parseaddr
- added tests for message attributes
- message.Attachment.payload - removed probability of return None
- message.MailMessage.attachments now return list of message.MailMessage.Attachment objects
- utils.cleaned_uid_set now not raise ValueError('uid_set should not be empty')
- mailbox.MailBox delete,copy,move,flag,seen methods changed: Do nothing on empty uid_list - return None
- mailbox.StandardMessageFlags renamed to mailbox.MessageFlags
- MailMessage.from_bytes - Alternative constructor
- change license: MIT -> Apache License, Version 2.0
- improve utils.decode_value
- improve MailMessage.attachment decoding
- MailBoxFolderManager.status now returns int values in result
- fix query builder bugs - imap prefix notation rules
- query builder: The key types are marked with * can accepts a sequence of values like list, tuple, set or generator.
- add new examples
- improved MailMessage._parse_addresses
- improved utils.parse_email_address
- improved utils.parse_email_date
- fixed utils.short_month_names +Dec
- fixed MailMessage.text and MailMessage.html encoding bug on invalid headers
- fix README.rst encoding in setup.py
- Added query builder - implemented the search logic described in rfc3501
- MailBox.fetch - added "charset" parameter. If the "charset" argument is specified in MailBox.fetch, the search string will be encoded to this encoding.
- MailBox.fetch "search_criteria" parameter renamed to "criteria"
- MailMessage.date now returns datetime.date
- MailMessage.date_str attribute added
- MailMessage.headers attribute added
- MailMessage.id removed
- ImapToolsError base exception class removed
- MailBoxWrongFlagError exception class removed
- functions: (cleaned_uid_set,check_command_status,decode_value,parse_email_address,parse_email_date,quote,pairs_to_dict) moved to utils module
- readme text improved
- fixed folder.set encoding dug
- Add context manager
- MailBox._uid_str - get uid attrs for MailBox.fetch generator only
- Less strict regexp for parse uid
- decode MailMessage text and html using encoding, specified in email
- decomposition to modules
- remove typing dependency
- add MailMessage.cc, MailMessage.bcc attrs
- specify custom classes email_message_class directly
- MailBox._uid_str change type check logic
- Change MailMessage attr return types: lists -> tuples
- MailBox.fetch add mark_seen param
- fix MailMessage.from_ bug when empty
- new MailMessage.uid parse logic
- functools.lru_cache for MailMessage properties
- MailMessage.get_attachments() -> MailMessage.attachments
- fix setuptools
- fix _decode_value for unknown encoding
- fix _parse_email_address
- install_requires
- fix manifest
- add typing lib
- _uid_str works with generator
- first version: May 31, 2017