diff --git a/R/make.R b/R/make.R index c1e7ac5819..ad0761b060 100644 --- a/R/make.R +++ b/R/make.R @@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ full_bipartite_graph <- function(...) constructor_spec(make_full_bipartite_graph #' `is_bipartite()` checks whether the graph is bipartite or not. It just #' checks whether the graph has a vertex attribute called `type`. #' -#' @aliases graph.bipartite is.bipartite +#' @aliases graph.bipartite #' @param types A vector giving the vertex types. It will be coerced into #' boolean. The length of the vector gives the number of vertices in the graph. #' When the vector is a named vector, the names will be attached to the graph diff --git a/R/structural.properties.R b/R/structural.properties.R index a02e13c9a2..dc6c5bd7d4 100644 --- a/R/structural.properties.R +++ b/R/structural.properties.R @@ -1067,6 +1067,7 @@ all_shortest_paths <- function(graph, from, #' @param to The target vertex of the shortest paths. #' @param k The number of paths to find. They will be returned in order of #' increasing length. +#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty #' @inheritParams shortest_paths #' @return A named list with two components is returned: #' \item{vpaths}{The list of \eqn{k} shortest paths in terms of vertices} diff --git a/man/is.mutual.Rd b/man/is.mutual.Rd index a882bca3fc..730d4d6c0a 100644 --- a/man/is.mutual.Rd +++ b/man/is.mutual.Rd @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ is.mutual(graph, eids = E(graph), loops = TRUE) \item{eids}{Edge sequence, the edges that will be probed. By default is includes all edges in the order of their ids.} + +\item{loops}{TBD} } \description{ \ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#deprecated}{\figure{lifecycle-deprecated.svg}{options: alt='[Deprecated]'}}}{\strong{[Deprecated]}} diff --git a/man/k_shortest_paths.Rd b/man/k_shortest_paths.Rd index 15b6b77fbd..407077cbf1 100644 --- a/man/k_shortest_paths.Rd +++ b/man/k_shortest_paths.Rd @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ k_shortest_paths( \item{to}{The target vertex of the shortest paths.} +\item{...}{These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.} + \item{k}{The number of paths to find. They will be returned in order of increasing length.} diff --git a/man/label.propagation.community.Rd b/man/label.propagation.community.Rd index 9f6b521c1f..74faa20162 100644 --- a/man/label.propagation.community.Rd +++ b/man/label.propagation.community.Rd @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ edge weight means a stronger connection for this function.} \item{...}{These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.} +\item{mode}{TBD} + \item{initial}{The initial state. If \code{NULL}, every vertex will have a different label at the beginning. Otherwise it must be a vector with an entry for each vertex. Non-negative values denote different labels, negative diff --git a/man/make_bipartite_graph.Rd b/man/make_bipartite_graph.Rd index c431c006b8..a3e18904f3 100644 --- a/man/make_bipartite_graph.Rd +++ b/man/make_bipartite_graph.Rd @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ \alias{is_bipartite} \alias{make_bipartite_graph} \alias{graph.bipartite} -\alias{is.bipartite} \alias{bipartite_graph} \title{Create a bipartite graph} \usage{