There are just two steps needed to install django-pjaxr:
Install django-pjaxr to your virtual env:
pip install django-pjaxr
Configure your django installation with the following lines:
from django.template import add_to_builtins add_to_builtins('django_pjaxr.templatetags.pjaxr_extends') INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_pjaxr', ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS += ('django_pjaxr.context_processors.pjaxr_information',) DEFAULT_PJAXR_TEMPLATE = "django_pjaxr/pjaxr.html"
- Django >= 1.3
- jquery-pjaxr
If you are using django-pjaxr, please contact me, and tell me in which projects you are using it. Thank you!
Happy speeding up your django project!
For further information read django-pjaxr on