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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import numpy as npfrom enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Float, Int, Bool, Range, Str, Button, Instancefrom enthought.traits.ui.api import View, HSplit, Item, VGroup, EnumEditor, RangeEditorfrom enthought.tvtk.pyface.scene_editor import SceneEditor from import MlabSceneModelfrom enthought.mayavi.core.ui.mayavi_scene import MayaviScenefrom enthought.mayavi import mlabclass FieldViewer(HasTraits): """三维标量场观察器""" # 三个轴的取值范围 x0, x1 = Float(-5), Float(5) y0, y1 = Float(-5), Float(5) z0, z1 = Float(-5), Float(5) points = Int(50) # 分割点数 autocontour = Bool(True) # 是否自动计算等值面 v0, v1 = Float(0.0), Float(1.0) # 等值面的取值范围 contour = Range("v0", "v1", 0.5) # 等值面的值 function = Str("x*x*0.5 + y*y + z*z*2.0") # 标量场函数 function_list = [ "x*x*0.5 + y*y + z*z*2.0", "x*y*0.5 + sin(2*x)*y +y*z*2.0", "x*y*z", "np.sin((x*x+y*y)/z)" ] plotbutton = Button(u"描画") scene = Instance(MlabSceneModel, ()) # mayavi场景 view = View( HSplit( VGroup( "x0","x1","y0","y1","z0","z1", Item('points', label=u"点数"), Item('autocontour', label=u"自动等值"), Item('plotbutton', show_label=False), ), VGroup( Item('scene', editor=SceneEditor(scene_class=MayaviScene), # 设置mayavi的编辑器 resizable=True, height=300, width=350 ), Item('function', editor=EnumEditor(name='function_list', evaluate=lambda x:x)), Item('contour', editor=RangeEditor(format="%1.2f", low_name="v0", high_name="v1") ), show_labels=False ) ), width = 500, resizable=True, title=u"三维标量场观察器" ) def _plotbutton_fired(self): self.plot() def _autocontour_changed(self): "自动计算等值平面的设置改变事件响应" if hasattr(self, "g"): self.g.contour.auto_contours = self.autocontour if not self.autocontour: self._contour_changed() def _contour_changed(self): "等值平面的值改变事件响应" if hasattr(self, "g"): if not self.g.contour.auto_contours: self.g.contour.contours = [self.contour] def plot(self): "绘制场景" # 产生三维网格 x, y, z = np.mgrid[ self.x0:self.x1:1j*self.points, self.y0:self.y1:1j*self.points, self.z0:self.z1:1j*self.points] # 根据函数计算标量场的值 scalars = eval(self.function) mlab.clf() # 清空当前场景 # 绘制等值平面 g = mlab.contour3d(x, y, z, scalars, contours=8, transparent=True) g.contour.auto_contours = self.autocontour mlab.axes() # 添加坐标轴 # 添加一个X-Y的切面 s = mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(g) cutpoint = (self.x0+self.x1)/2, (self.y0+self.y1)/2, (self.z0+self.z1)/2 s.implicit_plane.normal = (0,0,1) # x cut s.implicit_plane.origin = cutpoint self.g = g self.scalars = scalars # 计算标量场的值的范围 self.v0 = np.min(scalars) self.v1 = np.max(scalars) app = FieldViewer()app.configure_traits()