Library goal is to create claim data slots according to the claim specification (
We use a common approach to describe data for Iden3 credentials by utilizing the concept of JSON-LD and JSON schemas.
Repository of claim schema vocabulary:
The library includes three main components of any processor:
- Schema Loaders
- Data Validators
- Data Parsers
Schema loader's purpose is to load schema (JSON / JSON-LD) from a given address.
Implemented loaders:
- HTTP loaders
- IPFS loader
Schema examples:
Example of JSON-LD schema for KYC
{ "@context": [ { "@version": 1.1, "@protected": true, "id": "@id", "type": "@type", "KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential": { "@id": "", "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "@protected": true, "id": "@id", "type": "@type", "kyc-vocab": "", "serialization": "", "countryCode": { "@id": "kyc-vocab:countryCode", "@type": "serialization:IndexDataSlotA" }, "documentType": { "@id": "kyc-vocab:documentType", "@type": "serialization:IndexDataSlotB" } } } } ] }
Each schema defines the type of credential e.g. KYCCountryOfResidenceCredential
has next fields : countryCode
and documentType
Type of countryCode
is determined by the "serialization:IndexDataSlotA"
That means, claim processor library will process data with property countryCode
and will put it to the Index slot (A) of the claim.
JSON schemas
Example of JSON schema for KYC
{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "countryCode": { "type": "integer" }, "documentType": { "type": "integer" }, "index": { "type": "array", "default":["countryCode","documentType"] }, "value": { "type": "array", "default":[] } }, "required": [ "countryCode","documentType" ] }
From this schema, JSON processor will extract fields name for Index slots ("countryCode","documentType") and for Value slots (none)
Validators implement two methods: ValidateData and ValidateDocument
Their purpose is to restrict possible invalid data to be processed by the parser.
The parser is the main part of this library. There are two implementations: JSON and JSON-LD
For each parser two parsing strategies exist: OneFieldPerSlotStrategy
and SlotFullfilmentStrategy
If the parser is initialized with OneFieldPerSlotStrategy
it will assign only one field from data to the claim a slot, in the case of SlotFullfilmentStrategy
all capacity of the claim slot will be used (for several fields).
For JSON-LD parser claim type is required.
loader := loaders.HTTP{}
validator := json.Validator{}
parser := jsonld.Parser{ClaimType: "KYCAgeCredential", ParsingStrategy: processor.OneFieldPerSlotStrategy}
jsonLdProcessor := New(processor.WithValidator(validator), processor.WithParser(parser), processor.WithSchemaLoader(loader))
schema, _, err := jsonLdProcessor.Load(url) // Load schema
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["birthday"] = 828522341
data["documentType"] = 1
dataBytes, err := commonJSON.Marshal(data)
assert.Nil(t, err)
err = p.ValidateData(dataBytes, schema) // Validation of data
parsedData, err := jsonLdProcessor.ParseSlots(dataBytes, schema) // parsing data
As result, output of processor will be 4 claim slots
type ParsedSlots struct {
IndexA, IndexB []byte
ValueA, ValueB []byte