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Simple setup.exe auto install for Windows, requiring MAMP to be installed first

This project is maintained by IdéesCulture. We do provide services on CollectiveAccess mostly in french speaking areas or institutions ; for services in USA, Canada and LATAM, please contact Whirl-i-Gig. For every other demands, please check first.

How to use the installer


Summary in a 3 step procedure :

  1. Install MAMP
  2. Disable PHP 8 in MAMP
  3. Launch the installer

1. Install MAMP

Download and install MAMP from

2. Disable PHP 8 in MAMP

Open the folder c:\MAMP\bin\PHP and rename :

  • php8.0.1 to _php8.0.1 (to disable it)
  • php8.1.0 to _php8.1.0 (to disable it)

Then STOP services and restart MAMP.

Disable PHP 8

3. Launch the CollectiveAccessMAMP_setup.exe

launch setup

Developer notes

Github Issues

Please label properly your issues as Bug or Enhancement. For bugs, we need to have screen captures, if your config is not a blank MAMP install on a virgin Windows 11 setup, give us some details.

Developer prerequisites


Tested with current stable version

Tested with Google Drive 1.5.1 download


Open the c:\MAMP\bin\php and rename :

  • php8.0.1 to _php8.0.1 (to disable it)
  • php8.1.0 to _php8.1.0 (to disable it)


What is done through this installer

  • last stable version of providence is downloaded and unzipped inside c:\MAMP\htdocs\providence
  • a setup.php with default MAMP mysql credentials is copied inside
  • a "collectiveaccess" database is created (if not already exists) inside mysql through mysql.exe command line
  • a browser is run at the end of the install

What needs to be done

There seems no way to rename directly MAMP php folders to enable PHP 7.4, still searching.

Thinking to deploy a test php file that does not redirect to install if PHP is in v8, but instead showing screen captures on how to enable PHP 7.4 in MAMP. Just in case...

What could be done

  • A pawtucket install should be done, with symlinks for medias
  • the default php conf for MAMP could be edited : rising up max execution time etc. Still searching on how to edit files inside other programs.

Why this project / disclaimer

CollectiveAccess is used in classrooms for museum curators, collection management... in France. Students in museum studies are not always able to install by themselves CollectiveAccess. This setup.exe aims to bring that gap BUT it is not to be thought of as a way to have a proper install inside a museum : backup questions are not handled, windows MAMP is not meant to be a secured Apache/MySQL/Php platform to be used as a server...

Use it to play inside CollectiveAccess, learn and discover.

Windows setup is exotic for us...

I built this tool aimed for testing and students, most are under Win. I chose MacOS ages ago, and our servers runs with Debian. There are more actual way of doing this, through Wix toolset and MSI, but batch is faster, as we can fastly mimic simple bash scripts :-)