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Kaleb Houck edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the DeepLynx wiki!

This wiki endeavors to be a comprehensive look at DeepLynx. If after reading you have additional questions, spot an error, or simply wish to clarify something already written please don't hesitate to reach out to our development team at [email protected]

What is DeepLynx?

DeepLynx is a open-source data warehouse focused on enabling complex projects to embrace digital engineering. It accomplishes bringing digital thread and digital twins to these projects with integrations to a large collection of software systems across a projects lifecycle.

Data is stored in a graph like format following a user defined ontology. Through GraphQL, users and applications can request exactly the data they need by using client side defined queries.

Why Embrace Digital Engineering and DeepLynx?

The construction of megaprojects has consistently demonstrated challenges for project managers in regard to meeting cost, schedule, and performance requirements. Megaproject construction challenges lead to failing to meet cost and schedule efforts by significant margins.

Currently, engineering teams operate in siloed tools and disparate teams where connections across design, procurement, and construction systems are translated manually or over brittle point-to-point integrations. The manual nature of data exchange increases the risk of silent errors in the project design, with each silent error cascading across the design. These cascading errors lead to uncontrollable risk during construction, resulting in significant delays and cost overruns.

Deep Lynx is a key tool in solving this problem of mega projects by bringing those siloed efforts into an integrated platform over the course of a projects lifecycle. The initial part of a projects lifecycle including systems engineering efforts in tools such as Innoslate, requirements management in tools such as IBM's Doors, and

DeepLynx Wiki

Sections marked with ! are in progress.

Building DeepLynx

DeepLynx Overview

Getting Started

Building From Source

Admin Web App

Deploying DeepLynx

Integrating with DeepLynx

Using DeepLynx


Data Ingestion

Timeseries Data

Manual Path
Automated Path
File/Blob Storage

Data Querying

Event System

Data Targets

Developing DeepLynx

Developer Overview

Project Structure and Patterns

Data Access Layer

Development Process

Current Proposals

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