diff --git a/.angular-cli.json b/.angular-cli.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c313e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.angular-cli.json
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
+ "project": {
+ "name": "ngx-admin-demo"
+ },
+ "apps": [
+ {
+ "root": "src",
+ "outDir": "dist",
+ "assets": [
+ "assets",
+ "favicon.ico",
+ "favicon.png",
+ {
+ "glob": "**/*",
+ "input": "../node_modules/leaflet/dist/images",
+ "output": "./assets/img/markers"
+ }
+ ],
+ "index": "index.html",
+ "main": "main.ts",
+ "polyfills": "polyfills.ts",
+ "test": "test.ts",
+ "tsconfig": "tsconfig.app.json",
+ "testTsconfig": "tsconfig.spec.json",
+ "styles": [
+ "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css",
+ "../node_modules/typeface-exo/index.css",
+ "../node_modules/roboto-fontface/css/roboto/roboto-fontface.css",
+ "../node_modules/ionicons/scss/ionicons.scss",
+ "../node_modules/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss",
+ "../node_modules/nebular-icons/scss/nebular-icons.scss",
+ "../node_modules/socicon/css/socicon.css",
+ "../node_modules/pace-js/templates/pace-theme-flash.tmpl.css",
+ "./app/@theme/styles/styles.scss"
+ ],
+ "scripts": [
+ "../node_modules/pace-js/pace.min.js",
+ "../node_modules/tinymce/tinymce.min.js",
+ "../node_modules/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js",
+ "../node_modules/tinymce/plugins/link/plugin.min.js",
+ "../node_modules/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js",
+ "../node_modules/tinymce/plugins/table/plugin.min.js",
+ "./assets/vendors/echarts.min.js",
+ "./assets/vendors/echarts.world.min.js",
+ "../node_modules/chart.js/dist/Chart.min.js"
+ ],
+ "environmentSource": "environments/environment.ts",
+ "environments": {
+ "dev": "environments/environment.ts",
+ "prod": "environments/environment.prod.ts"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "e2e": {
+ "protractor": {
+ "config": "./protractor.conf.js"
+ }
+ },
+ "lint": [
+ {
+ "files": "src/**/*.ts",
+ "project": "src/tsconfig.app.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "project": "src/tsconfig.spec.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "project": "e2e/tsconfig.e2e.json"
+ }
+ ],
+ "test": {
+ "karma": {
+ "config": "./karma.conf.js"
+ }
+ },
+ "defaults": {
+ "styleExt": "scss",
+ "component": {}
+ }
diff --git a/.devel/ictdialer.conf b/.devel/ictdialer.conf
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5cd2cdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devel/ictdialer.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Alias /ictdialer /usr/ictdialer
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
+ AllowOverride All
+ Allow from all
+ = 2.4>
+ Require all granted
diff --git a/.devel/ictdialer.spec b/.devel/ictdialer.spec
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..df5b79d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devel/ictdialer.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%define dialer_version __DIALER_VERSION__
+%define dialer_edition __DIALER_EDITION__
+%define dialer_build __DIALER_BUILD__
+%define dialer_home %{_prefix}/ictdialer
+Name: ictdialer
+Version: %{dialer_version}.%{dialer_build}
+Release: %{dialer_edition}%{?dist}
+Summary: Web based management interface for ICTDialer
+Vendor: ICT Innovations
+Group: ict
+Packager: Nasir Iqbal
+License: MPLv2
+URL: https://ictdialer.org/
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source1: ictdialer.conf
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+BuildRequires: npm git
+Provides: ictdialer
+# GUI dependence on ICTDialer
+Requires: ictcore-voice ictcore-fax ictcore-email ictcore-sms
+# ICTDialer exposse its interface via apache web server
+Requires: httpd
+ICTDialer is web based interface which act as client to ICTCore REST APIs and expose Voice, Fax, SMS and Email related services over web
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
+npm install @angular/cli
+npm install
+./node_modules/.bin/ng build --prod
+%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
+%{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{dialer_home}
+%{__cp} -pr dist/* %{buildroot}%{dialer_home}
+# install ictdialer configuration for apache
+%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/etc/httpd/conf.d/
+%{__cp} %SOURCE1 %{buildroot}/etc/httpd/conf.d/ictdialer.conf
+%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
+# basic configuration files
+%config /etc/httpd/conf.d/ictdialer.conf
+# include all ictdialer files and folder
+# alter firewall for sip
+%if %{rhel} < 7
+# apache web port
+/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT # tcp
+/etc/init.d/iptables save
+# apache web port
+/bin/firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent # tcp
+/bin/firewall-cmd --reload
+* Tue Jan 16 2018 Nasir Iqbal - 3.0.0
+- ICTDialer 3.0.0 release with Angular instead of Drupal
+* Thu Nov 20 2018 Nasir Iqbal - 0.2.0
+- ICTDialer GUI 0.2.0 release
+* Thu Dec 28 2017 Nasir Iqbal - 0.1.0
+- ICTCore GUI 0.1.0 release (first release)
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e87a003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Editor configuration, see http://editorconfig.org
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+max_line_length = off
+trim_trailing_whitespace = false
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0198d5af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# compiled output
+# dependencies
+# IDEs and editors
+# IDE - VSCode
+# misc
+# e2e
+# System Files
diff --git a/.stylelintrc.json b/.stylelintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9732970f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.stylelintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ "rules": {
+ "color-hex-case": "lower",
+ "color-no-invalid-hex": true,
+ "function-calc-no-unspaced-operator": true,
+ "function-comma-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "function-comma-space-before": "never",
+ "function-name-case": "lower",
+ "function-url-quotes": "always",
+ "function-whitespace-after": "always",
+ "number-leading-zero": "always",
+ "number-no-trailing-zeros": true,
+ "length-zero-no-unit": true,
+ "string-no-newline": true,
+ "string-quotes": "single",
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+ "value-list-comma-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "value-list-comma-space-before": "never",
+ "shorthand-property-no-redundant-values": true,
+ "property-case": "lower",
+ "declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties": [ true, {
+ "ignore": ["consecutive-duplicates-with-different-values"]
+ }],
+ "declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": "always",
+ "declaration-block-single-line-max-declarations": 1,
+ "declaration-block-semicolon-space-before": "never",
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+ "declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after": "always-multi-line",
+ "declaration-property-value-blacklist": [
+ { "/.*/": ["initial"] },
+ { "message": "The `initial` value is not supported in IE."}
+ ],
+ "block-closing-brace-newline-after": [
+ "always",
+ {
+ "ignoreAtRules": ["if", "else"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "block-closing-brace-newline-before": "always-multi-line",
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+ "block-opening-brace-space-before": "always-multi-line",
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+ "selector-attribute-operator-space-before": "never",
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+ "selector-combinator-space-before": "always",
+ "selector-pseudo-class-case": "lower",
+ "selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside": "never",
+ "selector-pseudo-element-case": "lower",
+ "selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation": "double",
+ "selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown": true,
+ "selector-type-case": "lower",
+ "selector-max-id": 0,
+ "no-missing-end-of-source-newline": true,
+ "max-line-length": 120
+ }
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b2e5751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+sudo: false
+language: node_js
+ - '6'
+ - '7'
+ - '8'
+ directories:
+ - node_modules
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+ packages:
+ - g++-4.8
+before_install: if [[ `npm -v` != 5* ]]; then npm i -g npm@5; fi
+ - npm i
+ - npm run lint:ci
+ - npm run build:ci
+ depth: 1
+ slack: akveo:q559HckfZMSyZRb803aiLcjH
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f56de00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "type": "chrome",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
+ "url": "http://localhost:4200",
+ "sourceMaps": true,
+ "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "chrome",
+ "request": "attach",
+ "name": "Attach to Chrome",
+ "port": 9222,
+ "sourceMaps": true,
+ "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a90bead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "typescript.tsdk": "./node_modules/typescript/lib",
+ "tslint.enable": false
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11309149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+## [2.0.1](https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1) (2017-10-26)
+Nebular changelog is available [here](https://github.com/akveo/nebular/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#200-rc3-2017-10-26) for more details.
+### Features
+* **bootstrap:** update bootstrap to beta.2, nebular to rc.3 ([b525213](https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin/commit/b525213))
+* **compodoc:** add compodoc documentation generator ([#1327](https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin/issues/1327)) ([eebbc12](https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin/commit/eebbc12))
+* **loader:** add loading progress indicator ([#1319](https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin/issues/1319)) ([f479715](https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin/commit/f479715))
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93092fd6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2017 akveo.com
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ba3a5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+[](https://travis-ci.org/akveo/ngx-admin)
+[](https://gitter.im/ng2-admin/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
+[](https://david-dm.org/akveo/ng2-admin)
+# Admin template based on Angular 4+, Bootstrap 4 and Nebular
+### What's included:
+- Angular 4+ & Typescript
+- Bootstrap 4+ & SCSS
+- Responsive layout
+- High resolution
+- Flexibly configurable themes with **hot-reload** (2 themes included)
+- Authentication module with multiple providers
+- Lots of awesome features:
+ - Buttons
+ - Modals
+ - Icons
+ - Typography
+ - Animated searches
+ - Forms
+ - Tabs
+ - Notifications
+ - Tables
+ - Maps
+ - Charts
+ - Editors
+And many more!
+### Demo
+Live Demo
+### ng2-admin
+We will continue supporting ng2-admin version, but if you are starting from scratch we recommend using ngx-admin version. Unfortunately, there is no way to update from ng2-admin to ngx-admin, but some parts (Nebular components) could be manually included.
+### Angular 1.x version
+Here you can find Angular 1.x based version: [Blur Admin](http://akveo.github.io/blur-admin/)
+## Documentation
+This template is using [Nebular](https://github.com/akveo/nebular) modules set, documentation and other useful articles could be found [here](https://akveo.github.io/nebular/#/docs/installation/based-on-starter-kit-ngxadmin).
+## BrowserStack
+This project runs its tests on multiple desktop and mobile browsers using [BrowserStack](http://www.browserstack.com).
+### How can I support developers?
+- Star our GitHub repo :star:
+- Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features or documentation updates :wrench:
+- Follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/akveo_inc) :feet:
+- Like our page on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/akveo/) :thumbsup:
+### Looking for engineering services?
+Visit [our homepage](http://akveo.com/) or simply leave us a message to [contact@akveo.com](mailto:contact@akveo.com). We will be happy to work with you!
+### From Akveo
+Made with :heart: by [Akveo team](http://akveo.com/). Follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/akveo_inc) to get the latest news first!
+We're always happy to receive your feedback!
diff --git a/Raphael.FreeTransform b/Raphael.FreeTransform
new file mode 160000
index 00000000..6316e7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Raphael.FreeTransform
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 6316e7ccf5881bb5748e812544e332a734ea7063
diff --git a/doc/INSTALL.md b/doc/INSTALL.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1156779a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/INSTALL.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ICTDIALER is a unique and complete faxing solution featuring Mass Voice, Sms, Email and fax broadcasting campaigns, and Transmissions.
+* CentOs 6
+* Apache 2
+* MySQL 5
+* PHP 5.3.3
+* ICTCore
+* Sendmail
+To install above requirements, first of all we need to install their respective repositories
+ **FOR CENTOS 7**
+ rpm -Uvh 'https://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/7/ict-release-7-4.el7.centos.noarch.rpm'
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-release-1-0.noarch.rpm'
+ yum install epel-release
+ yum INSTALL ictdialer
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/6/ict-release-6-2.noarch.rpm'
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm'
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-release-1-0.noarch.rpm'
+Disable SELinux, before proceeding further,
+Check the SELinux state by:
+ getenforce
+ setenforce 0
+If the output is either permissive or disabled, skip this task and follow the instructions given below, otherwise disable it first and then follow the instructions:
+ICTCore is main dependency of ICTDialer, if you have proper repositories pre installed (see above) then all other dependencies will be installed along with ICTCore. so we just need to issue following command:
+ yum -y install ictcore ictcore-voice ictcore-fax ictcore-sms
+write in command prtompt
+ mysql
+enter these commands one by one:
+ CREATE DATABASE ictdialer;
+ USE ictdialer;
+ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ictdialer.* TO ictdialeruser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'plsChangeIt';
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/database.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/voice.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/fax.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/sms.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/email.sql;
+Now update /usr/ictcore/etc/ictcore.conf and /usr/ictcore/etc/odbc.ini files as per above created database.For that exit from database with
+ exit
+go to usr folder to edit ictcore.conf and odbc.ini. Once you're in etc write
+ vi ictcore.conf
+edit your username and password here by writing
+ i
+press escape and enter following to save the data
+ :w
+press escape and write:
+ :q
+edit odbc.ini as in the same way.
+Now go to `http://yourdomain/ictdialer`
+Login by entering the default admin and password, which we provided you.Go to the admininstration pannel , which is placed on the bottom of the side bar on left.Create a new user or edit the exisiting.
+You can configure providers and accounts too.For further details visit [Admin Guide]()
diff --git a/doc/README.md b/doc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ff7ea60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Management GUI for ICTDialer
+ICTDialer is a unified communication framework which work as backend server and offer its services via REST based APIs, to read more about ICTDialer please visit the official website [ICTDialer](http://ictdialer.org)
+This angular based application act as client to ICTDialer, and offer basic ICTDialer functionality to users like managing messages creating different kind of transmissions like SMS, emails and voice fax calls.
+Here a brief instruction and user guide for this application.
+### Unified Communication
+A Single GUI is created to cover all the major communication methods and services like:
+- Send SMS
+- Send Document
+- Send Email
+- Voice Call
+### Features
+By Using ICTDialer a user can manage:
+* Contacts Management
+* Message Management
+ * SMS Messages
+ * Fax Documents
+ * Voice Recording
+ * Email Templates
+* Transmission Management
+Getting Started
+### Download and install
+To download the ICTDialer you need to have a fresh server if you are looking for Source Code you can find it as git branch `ictdialer` at [ICT Dialer](http://devel.ictinnovations.com/git/ict/gittest_git). You first install ICTDialer from the following [link](https://github.com/ictinnovations/ictdialer). Install it and download the build. After that open the terminal and keep the build in the
+ /usr/ictdialer/wwwroot/GUI
+Now go to the http:ip_address/ictdialer/wwwroot/GUI/dist ,you will see the application running.
+### Configure Providers
+You can configure Providers by using the provider management. In order to manage your providers click on the Provider management a list of providers will appear. Here you can manage all of your providers. You can also delete the provider by clicking on the delete icon against the provider in provider list.
+In order to configure the new provider click the button on the top left page of provider list. It will redirect you to the **add provider** window. Enter the required fields like:
+* User Name
+* Password
+* Host (IP Address)
+* Port
+* Gateway type(SIP for voice & Fax, SMTP for email and SMPP for SMS)
+* Weight (provider having light weight will be used more frequently)
+and so on.
+A new provider will be configured and it will redirect you to the list.
+You can **update** provider details by clicking on the edit icon against the provider name in the list.
+You can also **delete** the provider by clicking on the delete icon against the provider in provider list.
+### Sending your first message / call
+To send your first message/call you firstly need to create the message/call. To create the message/call
+* Go to the message management.
+* Choose the type of message you want to send i.e SMS, Email, Fax, Voice Call.
+* Create the message of your choice (For more details See Message Management below)
+* After creating the message, Choose the desired transmission, i.e if you want to send the SMS click Send SMS in Transmission Management
+* A new window will appear. Choose the message.
+* Choose the Contact
+* Enter additional remarks, if any.
+* Press Submit button
+### Signing In:
+To start the application just go the link, A window will appear it will ask for the username and password. Fill the required fields and Sign in. It will show warning if the email is not valid and if password is not entered. Once entered the fields, Sign In. Now you can manage all of your contacts, texts, voice recording, send fax, send call and much more features.
+After succesfully signing in it will redirect you to the transmission page
+Contact Management
+### Contacts:
+In order to manage your contacts click on the phone icon a list of contacts will appear. Here you can manage all of your contacts. You can **update** contact details by clicking on the edit icon against the contact name in the list. You can also **delete** the contact by clicking on the delete icon against the contact in contact list.
+In order to create the new contact click the button on the top left page of contact list. It will redirect you to the **add contact** window. Fill the required fields by entering the correct first name, last name, phone and email. Enter the correct phone number and password else it will show warning. Enter the required fields and press the submit button. A new contact will be created and it will redirect you to the list.
+### Contact Group:
+Groups are an efficient way of delivering message. For example Friends Group, Customer group etc. ICT Dialer also has a feature of contact group. In a case when you want to send sms, email, fax and voice to a group of people yopu can use this group service to send you message to a list of people. To create a group click on the Contact Management and then click the group. Here you can see the list of a group. To create a group click on the **Add Group** button on the top left page of group list. You can also delete the group by clicking on the delete icon against the group in the group list.
+Message Management
+#### SMS Management
+To manage the SMS click on the Message Management, click sms management it will show you the list of text SMS. You can **update** Text details by clicking on the edit icon against the text sms name in the list. You can also **delete** the Text SMS by clicking on the delete icon against the Text in Text list.
+In order to create the new text sms click the button on the top left page of text list. It will redirect you to **add text** window. Fill the required fields like text name, text message and any additional description and click the submit button. A new SMS Text message will be created.
+#### Voice Recording Management
+To manage the Voice Recording click on the Message Management, click Voice Recording it will show you the list of Voice Recordings. You can **update** Recording details by clicking on the edit icon against the recording name in the list. You can also **delete** the Voice Recording by clicking on the delete icon against the Recording in Recording list.
+In order to add the new voice recording click the button on the top left page of recording list. It will redirect you to **add recording** window. Fill the required fields like recording name, upload recording and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Voice Recording will be created.
+In order to **Download** the recording click the download icon against the recording in the recording list.
+Download of wav file/recording will be started.
+#### Email Template Management
+To manage the Emails click on the Message Management, click Email Template it will show you the list of Templates. You can **update** email template details by clicking on the edit icon against the template name in the list. You can also **delete** the email template by clicking on the delete icon against the email in email list.
+In order to add the new email click the button on the top left page of recording list. It will redirect you to **add template** window. Fill the required fields like template name, upload HTML file and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Template will be created.
+In order to **Download** the attachment click the download icon against the template in the template list. Download of HTML file/attachment will be started.
+#### Fax Document Management
+To manage the Fax Document click on the Message Management, click Fax Document it will show you the list of documents. You can **update** documents details by clicking on the edit icon against the document name in the list. You can also **delete** the document by clicking on the delete icon against the document name in document list.
+In order to add the new fax document click the button on the top left page of document list. It will redirect you to **add document** window. Fill the required fields like document name, upload pdf file and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Document will be created.
+In order to **Download** the document click the download icon against the document in the document list. Download of pdf file/document will be started.
+Transmissions Management
+Here you can manage your transmission, It will ahow you the Transmission list. Moreover you can also create transmissions like send sms, send fax, send email and voice call.
+In order to create your own transmission click the respective button. For example in order to create the new transmission for send fax click the **Send Fax** button. A Send Fax program window will open:
+* Choose the document to be sent
+* Select Contact to be sent
+* Add Remarks where applicable
+* Click the submit button
+The send fax transmission will be created successfully. You can view the transmission in Transmission list and can also check its status.
+Similarly you can create othe transmissions like send email, voice call like this.
+Campaign Management:
+In case when you want to send a message to a group of contacts, you can use campaign management. ICTDialer supports different kind of campaigns like:
+* SMS Campaign
+* Email Campaign
+* Voice Campaign
+* Fax Campaign
+Now you can send the message to a contact group instead of manually sending to each contact. Furthermore you can also schedule as when the campaign shoud start. You can **start** the campaign by hitting the start icon aginst the respective campaign in campaign list. You can also **stop** the campaign by hitting the stop icon against the campaign in the campaign list. You can schedule it according to your own desire and you can also cancel the schedule.
+###### Create SMS Campaign:
+In order to create the SMS Campaign, click on the SMS Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create SMS Campaign window. Now choose the SMS you want to send from a list of text, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. An SMS Campaign will be created.
+###### Create Voice Campaign:
+In order to create the Voice Campaign, click on the Voice Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Voice Campaign window. Now choose the Voice you want to send from a list of recordings, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A Voice Campaign will be created.
+###### Create Email Campaign:
+In order to create the Email Campaign, click on the Email Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Email Campaign window. Now choose the Email you want to send from a list of templates, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A new Email Campaign will be created.
+###### Create Fax Campaign:
+In order to create the Fax Campaign, click on the Fax Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Fax Campaign window. Now choose the Fax you want to send from a list of documents, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A new Fax Campaign will be created.
+You can also **update** the campaign details by clicking on the edit icon against the respective campaign in the campaign list. The contact group once selected cannot be changed. You can change the message(voice, fax, sms and email) in the Edit mode. Once Edited press the update button. Now the campaign will be updated.
+To **delete** a campaign click the delete icon against the respective campaign in the campaign list.
+User Management:
+To manage the user click on the User Management, a list of user will appear. You can update the user details by clicking on the edit button against the user name in the list.
+You can also **delete** the user by clicking on the delete icon against the user in the user list. In order to create the new user click the button on the top left page of user list. It will redirect you to the **Add User** window. Fill the required fields like username, password, first name, last name, so on and hit the Submit button.
+A new user will be created.
+You can also **update** the user detail by clicking on the edit icon against the user in the user list. Change the desired fields and press the update button.
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+Task list for ICTDialer
+Following are our recommendations and task list to improve overall user experience with ICTDialer.
+First some general GUI related tasks
+- Right align operations
+- Left align all strings include phone and email
+- Right align all numbers
+- Pagination not working
+- Scroll bars not working
+- Operation icons can be improved further
+- Top heading is too big
+- Some control does not match theme like **file control**
+- When asking for **yes/no** use radio buttons
+- Use search enable dropdown boxes whenever needed
+- Only text is clickable in buttons, should be entire button.
+Use following order for menus
+* Dashboard
+* Campaigns
+* Contacts
+ * Groups
+ * Contacts
+* Media
+ * Voice recordings
+ * Fax Documents
+ * Email Templates
+ * Text Messages
+* Transmissions
+* Provider / Trunks
+* User Management
+- Search not working
+- Bell and Email icons at top have no use
+- There is no profile page for user icon
+- Developed by Fiza Khan, Copyright ICT Innovations 2018, all right reserved
+- Remember me, at login screen, is it working
+- Remove **Support Us** from menu top
+Error handling
+- Update application user in case API server return error.
+ICTDialer / API
+### Dashboard
+- Show system statistics, like
+ - Total campaign
+ - Active campaign
+ - Total contacts
+ - Contact processed
+- Link to **Start a broadcasting campaign**
+- Link to **Send a single transmission**
+### Contacts
+- (in form) Put phone and email on same line
+- (in form) Address on full line
+### Groups
+- (in list) Show contact count
+- (in list) Authentication issue, with download sample
+- (in form) File control does not match with theme
+### Texts
+- (in list) Show text length or use segments
+### Templates
+- (in list) show an icon if template have attachment.
+- (in form) Subject, Message and Plain message will use full page length and will be placed together
+### Recording
+- (in list) Show recording length in seconds
+- (in list) Show controls to play / pause recordings
+### Documents
+- (in list) Online preview
+### Transmissions
+- (in form) Add title field and move remarks to top along with title field.
+- (in form) Add number of retries along with contact selection
+- (in list) Show title
+- (in list) Show program type
+### Providers
+- (in list) Show gateway type
+- (in form) Rename **Username and Password** with **Access Credentials**
+- (in form) Move active at top along with provider anme
+### User management
+- (in list) (in form) No space in Username
+- (in list) Show both first and last names
+- (in form) Repeat password for confirmation
+### Campaigns
+- (in list) Show status
+- (in list) Show campaign progress using contact_total and contact_done fields
+- (in form) Use proper dropdown select control for retry selection
+- (in form) For users use second as delay unit
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+Admin Guide for ICTDIALER
+When we build softwares our main objective is to provide ease to our Users , and make it user friendly as much as we can.
+Getting Started
+### Download and install
+To download and install ICTDialer you can follow our [Installation Guide]().
+For managing Provider(Trunks),Contacts and Accounts(extensions), admin must login to his account.After login the page will be redirected to the main page.
+Click **Administration Icon** , placed at the bottom of the side bar on left.
+Three more icons will be displayed : **Provider/ Trunk**, **Accounts** and **User Management**.
+### User Management
+To manage the users , User Management option is given, a list of user will appear upon clicking this icon. All the user details can be altered by clicking **edit** button against the user name in the list.
+User can be deleted by clicking the **delete** icon against the user in the user list. In order to create the new user a button **Add user** is present on the top left page of user list which redirects to the **Add User** window. Rrequired fields for creating a new user are:
+* User Name
+* Password
+* First name
+* Last name
+* User Address
+* Country and Time Zone
+Hitting the **Submit** button will create a new user .
+Edit icon, against the user in the user list gives the options to To **Update** the user details.
+
+### Configure Providers
+Providers can be configured by using the provider management. In order to manage providers go to the Provider management, a list of providers will appear. Here you can manage all of the providers.Provider can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon against the provider in provider list.
+In order to configure the new provider the button **Add provider** is placed on the top left page of provider list. It will redirect to the **add provider** window. The required fields to be entered are :
+* Provider Name (if its active , check the box infront of it)
+* Gateway type(SIP for voice & Fax, SMTP for email and SMPP for SMS)
+* User Name
+* Password
+* Host (IP Address)
+* Port
+* Prefix
+* Weight (provider having light weight will be used more frequently) and so on.
+* Additional Information, if any.
+Clicking the **Submit** button will configure a new provider and redirect to the list.
+Provider details can be **update** by clicking on the edit icon against the provider name in the list.
+The provider can be obliterate from the list by **delete** icon against the provider in provider list.
+### Accounts
+Accounts are used for assigning the extensions to the users.Clicking this icon from the side bar will open a new window, in which all the assigned extensions are displayed.
+* user name
+* password
+* password pin
+* First name
+* Last name
+* phone
+* email
+* User Address
+* a check box for Active
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+Admin Guide for ICTCore
+When we build softwares our main objective is to provide ease to our Users , and make it user friendly as much as we can.
+Getting Started
+### Download and install
+To download and install ICTDialer you can follow our [Installation Guide]().
+For managing Provider(Trunks),Contacts and Accounts(extensions), admin must login to his account.After login the page will be redirected to the main page.
+Click **Administration Icon** , placed at the bottom of the side bar on left.
+Three more icons will be displayed : **Provider/ Trunk**, **Accounts** and **User Management**.
+### User Management
+To manage the users , User Management option is given, a list of user will appear upon clicking this icon. All the user details can be altered by clicking **edit** button against the user name in the list.
+User can be deleted by clicking the **delete** icon against the user in the user list. In order to create the new user a button **Add user** is present on the top left page of user list which redirects to the **Add User** window. Rrequired fields for creating a new user are:
+* User Name
+* Password
+* First name
+* Last name
+* User Address
+* Country and Time Zone
+Hitting the **Submit** button will create a new user .
+Edit icon, against the user in the user list gives the options to To **Update** the user details.
+### Configure Providers
+Providers can be configured by using the provider management. In order to manage providers go to the Provider management, a list of providers will appear. Here you can manage all of the providers.Provider can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon against the provider in provider list.
+In order to configure the new provider the button **Add provider** is placed on the top left page of provider list. It will redirect to the **add provider** window. The required fields to be entered are :
+* Provider Name (if its active , check the box infront of it)
+* Gateway type(SIP for voice & Fax, SMTP for email and SMPP for SMS)
+* User Name
+* Password
+* Host (IP Address)
+* Port
+* Prefix
+* Weight (provider having light weight will be used more frequently) and so on.
+* Additional Information, if any.
+Clicking the **Submit** button will configure a new provider and redirect to the list.
+Provider details can be **update** by clicking on the edit icon against the provider name in the list.
+The provider can be obliterate from the list by **delete** icon against the provider in provider list.
+### Accounts
+Accounts are used for assigning the extensions to the users.Clicking this icon from the side bar will open a new window, in which all the assigned extensions are displayed.
+* user name
+* password
+* password pin
+* First name
+* Last name
+* phone
+* email
+* User Address
+* a check box for Active
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+In order to access **ICTCore** , there are some steps that should be followed.
+* Remote Server
+* Install Git
+* Install NPM and Node
+* Install Angular Cli
+* Build Project
+* Change Server
+### 1. Remote Server
+To build ICTCore on a remote server, a **remote connection** must be established by SSH.
+Establishing this connection requires following steps:
+* Type this command in terminal and enter the Password afterwards :
+ ssh root@your.domain.tld
+You are on the way of building project.
+### 2. Install Git
+Install git to clone the repository.
+To install git and other dependencies use the following command:
+ dnf install git make gcc-c++
+For previous versions of OS i.e CentOS and Fedora21 use this command:
+ yum install git make gcc-c++
+Once the installation is complete , clone the repository using:
+ git clone http://devel.ictinnovations.com/git/ict/gittest.git ~/ictcore-gui
+Download the source code.
+### 3. Install NPM and Node
+For installation of npm following commands can be used:
+ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc. ~/.bashrc
+make a new folder by :
+ mkdir ~/local
+install node:
+ mkdir ~/node-latest-install
+ cd ~/node-latest-install
+ curl http://nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1./ configure --prefix=~/local
+ make install
+The last command installs all the npm and node files into a new directory, which might take some time.
+### 3. Install Angular Cli
+This software is built in Angular therefore Angular cli is required for working.
+Angular cli will be installed by typing the following command in terminal:
+ npm install -g @angular/cli
+### 4. Change Server:
+Replacing API_URL variable with **domain name or IPaddress of the server** will change server. For this navigate to `src>environments/environment.prod.ts `and open the **environment.prod.ts**
+Find the following lines and make changes to these:
+ API_URL: 'http://demo.ictcore.org/api',
+replace these lines with the following ones:
+ API_URL: 'http://your.domain.tld/api',
+### 5. Build Project
+Build the project, use the following commands for this purpose:
+ cd ~/ictcore-gui
+ npm install
+ ng build --env=prod
+Now you can manage **ICTCore** on the new server.
+**Note** : If you want to change the API after build, then open the dist folder which is created after **ng build --env=prod** command, find the file **main.bundle.js** , open this file, and change the API_URL with the desired one.
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+ICTDIALER is a unique and complete solution featuring Mass, Voice, Sms, Email and fax broadcasting campaigns, and Transmissions.
+* CentOs 6
+* Apache 2
+* MySQL 5
+* PHP 5.3.3
+* ICTCore
+* Sendmail
+To install above requirements, first of all we need to install their respective repositories
+ yum install -y https://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/7/ict-release-7-4.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
+ yum install -y http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-release-1-6.noarch.rpm
+ yum install -y epel-release
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://service.ictinnovations.com/repo/6/ict-release-6-2.noarch.rpm'
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm'
+ rpm -Uvh 'http://files.freeswitch.org/freeswitch-release-1-0.noarch.rpm'
+Disable SELinux, before proceeding further,
+Check the SELinux state by:
+ getenforce
+ setenforce 0
+If the output is either permissive or disabled, skip this task and follow the instructions given below, otherwise disable it first and then follow the instructions:
+ICTCore is main dependency of ICTDialer, if you have proper repositories pre installed (see above) then all other dependencies will be installed along with ICTCore. We just need to issue following command:
+ yum -y install ictcore ictcore-voice ictcore-fax ictcore-sms ictcore-email
+write in command prtompt
+ mysql
+enter these commands one by one:
+ CREATE DATABASE ictdialer;
+ USE ictdialer;
+ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ictdialer. *TO ictdialeruser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'plsChangeIt';
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/database.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/voice.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/fax.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/sms.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/email.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_user.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/data/role_admin.sql;
+ SOURCE /usr/ictcore/db/data/demo_users.sql;
+Now update `/usr/ictcore/etc/ictcore.conf` and `/usr/ictcore/etc/odbc.ini` files as per above created database.
+Open the file ictcore.conf and find out the [db] section and replace the following lines:
+user = myuser
+pass = mypass
+name = ictcore
+with these lines:
+user = ictdialeruser
+pass = plsChangeIt
+name = ictdialer
+Next open the file odbc.ini and change the following lines
+Database = ictcore
+User = myuser
+Password = mypass
+with these lines
+Database = ictdialer
+User = ictdialeruser
+Password = plsChangeIt
+Now install ICTDialer web interface
+ yum install ictdialer;
+Now Restart the **apache** by typing the following command in the terminal
+ service httpd restart
+Now visit `http://yourdomain/ictdialer` in your browser
+Default Username : **admin@ictcore.org**
+Default Password : **helloAdmin**
+Login by entering the default admin and password, which we provided you. Go to the administration panel, which is placed on the bottom of the side bar on left.Create a new user or edit the existing.
+You can configure providers and accounts too. For further details visit [**Admin guide** ](/admin-guide).
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+User Guide for ICTCore
+ICTCore is a unified communication framework which works as backend server and offer its services via REST based APIs, to read more about ICTCore please visit the official website [ICTCore](http://ICTCore.org)
+This angular based application actS as client to ICTCore, and offers basic functionality like managing messages , creating different kind of transmissions : SMS, emails,fax and voice calls.
+Here's a brief instruction and user guide for this application.
+### Unified Communication
+A Single GUI is created to cover all the major communication methods and services like:
+- Send SMS
+- Send Document
+- Send Email
+- Voice Call
+### Features
+By Using ICTCore a user can manage:
+ * Contacts Management
+ * Text Messages
+ * SMS Messages
+ * Fax Documents
+ * Voice Recording
+ * Email Templates
+ * Transmission Management
+## Signing In:
+To start the application visit the link, a window will appear and it will ask for the username and password. Fill the required fields to Sign in. Manage all contacts, texts, voice recording, send fax, send call and much more features.
+Once you have logged in successfully it will redirect you to the Home page.
+### Sending your first message / call
+To send your first message or call you need to create it as:
+* Go to the Text Messages.
+* Choose the type of message you want to send i.e SMS, Email, Fax, Voice Call.
+* Create the message of your choice (For more details See Text Messages below).
+* After creating the message, Choose the desired transmission, i.e if you want to send the SMS click Send SMS in Transmission Management.
+* A new window will appear, choose the message.
+* Choose the Contact
+* Enter additional remarks, if any.
+* Press Submit button
+Contact Management
+### Contacts:
+In order to manage your contacts click on the phone icon and two icons will be displayed:
+* **Groups**
+* **Contacts** .
+### Contacts:
+In order to manage your contacts click on the phone icon a list of contacts will appear. Here you can manage all of your contacts. You can **update** contact details by clicking on the edit icon against the contact name in the list. You can also **delete** the contact by clicking on the delete icon against the contact in contact list.
+In order to create the new contact click the button on the top left page of contact list. It will redirect you to the **add contact** window. Fill the required fields by entering the correct first name, last name, phone and email. Enter the correct phone number and password else it will show warning. Enter the required fields and press the submit button. A new contact will be created and it will redirect you to the list.
+### Groups:
+Groups are an efficient way of delivering message. For example Friends Group, Customer group etc. ICT Core also has a feature of contact group. In a case when you want to send sms, email, fax and voice to a group of people yopu can use this group service to send you message to a list of people. Here you can see the list of a group. To create a group click on the **Add Group** button on the top left page of group list .It will redirect you to the **add group** window. Fill the required fields by entering the correct name,description and choose a **CSV**file which contains the contacts, press the submit button. A new contact will be created and it will redirect you to the list.If you click Groups, all the contacts which are in a group form will be displayed.Here you can manage these group contacts. You can **update** , **delete** and **download** the contact by clicking on the edit icon gainst the contact in contact list .
+#### Text Message Management
+To manage the SMS click on Resources, click **Text Message** it will show you the list of text SMS. You can **update** Text details by clicking on the edit icon against the text sms name in the list. You can also **delete** the Text SMS by clicking on the delete icon against the Text in Text list.
+In order to create the new text Message click the button on the top left page of text list. It will redirect you to **add text** window. Fill the required fields like text name, text message and any additional description and click the submit button. A new SMS Text message will be created.
+#### Voice Recording Management
+To manage the Voice Recording click on Resources, then **Voice Recording** it will show you the list of Voice Recordings. You can **update** Recording details by clicking on the edit icon against the recording name in the list. You can also **delete**, **update** and **download**, the Voice Recording by clicking on the icon against the Recording in Recording list.
+In order to add the new voice recording click the button on the top left page of recording list. It will redirect you to **add recording** window. Fill the required fields like recording name, upload recording and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Voice Recording will be created.
+#### Email Template Management
+To manage the Emails click on **Resources**, click Email Template it will show you the list of Templates. You can **update** email template details by clicking on the edit icon against the template name in the list. You can also **delete** the email template by clicking on the delete icon against the email in email list.
+In order to add the new email click the button on the top left page of recording list. It will redirect you to **add template** window. Fill the required fields like template name, subject, message,attatchment file and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Template will be created.
+In order to **Download** the attachment click the download icon against the template in the template list. Download of HTML file/attachment will be started.
+#### Fax Document Management
+To manage the Fax Document click on the **Resources**, click Fax Document it will show you the list of documents. You can **update** documents details by clicking on the edit icon against the document name in the list. You can also **delete** the document by clicking on the delete icon against the document name in document list.
+In order to add the new fax document click the button on the top left page of document list. It will redirect you to **add document** window. Fill the required fields like document name, upload pdf file and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Document will be created.
+In order to **Download** the document click the download icon against the document in the document list. Download of pdf file/document will be started.
+Transmissions Management
+Here you can manage your transmission, It will allow you the Transmission.This software offers following transmissions:
+* Send SMS
+* Send EMail
+* Send Fax
+* Send Voice Call
+In order to create your own transmission click the respective button. For example in order to create the new transmission for send fax click the **Send Fax** button. A Send Fax program window will open:
+* Choose the document to be sent
+* Select Contact to be sent
+* Add Remarks where applicable
+* Click the submit button
+The send fax transmission will be created successfully. You can view the transmission in Transmission list and can also check its status.
+You can create other transmissions as well.
+Similarly you can create other transmissions by following these simple steps.
+Campaign Management:
+In case when you want to send a message to a group of contacts, you can use campaign management. ICTCore supports different kind of campaigns like:
+* SMS Campaign
+* Email Campaign
+* Voice Campaign
+* Fax Campaign
+Now you can send the message to a contact group instead of manually sending to each contact. Furthermore you can also schedule as when the campaign shoud start. You can **start** the campaign by hitting the start icon aginst the respective campaign in campaign list. You can also **stop** the campaign by hitting the stop icon against the campaign in the campaign list. You can schedule it according to your own desire and you can cancel the schedule as well.
+###### Create SMS Campaign:
+In order to create the SMS Campaign, click on the SMS Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create SMS Campaign window. Now choose the SMS you want to send from a list of text, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. An SMS Campaign will be created.
+###### Create Voice Campaign:
+In order to create the Voice Campaign, click on the Voice Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Voice Campaign window. Now choose the Voice you want to send from a list of recordings, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A Voice Campaign will be created.
+###### Create Email Campaign:
+In order to create the Email Campaign, click on the Email Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Email Campaign window. Now choose the Email you want to send from a list of templates, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A new Email Campaign will be created.
+###### Create Fax Campaign:
+In order to create the Fax Campaign, click on the Fax Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Fax Campaign window. Now choose the Fax you want to send from a list of documents, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A new Fax Campaign will be created.
+You can also **update** the campaign details by clicking on the edit icon against the respective campaign in the campaign list. The contact group once selected cannot be changed. You can change the message(voice, fax, sms and email) in the Edit mode. Once Edited press the update button. Now the campaign will be updated.
+To **delete** a campaign click the delete icon against the respective campaign in the campaign list.
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+User Guide for ICTDIALER 3.0
+ICTCore is a unified communication framework which works as back end server and offer its services via REST based APIs, to read more about ICTCore please visit the official website [ICTDIALER](http://ictdialer.org/)
+This angular based application acts as client to ICTDIALER, and offers basic functionality like managing messages , creating different kind of transmissions : SMS, emails,fax and voice calls.
+Here's a brief instruction and user guide for this application.
+### Unified Communication
+A Single GUI is created to cover all the major communication methods and services like:
+- Send SMS
+- Send Document
+- Send Email
+- Voice Call
+### Features
+By Using ICTDIALER a user can manage:
+ * Contacts Management
+ * Text Messages
+ * SMS Messages
+ * Fax Documents
+ * Voice Recording
+ * Email Templates
+ * Transmission Management
+### Signing In:
+To start the application visit the link, a window will appear and it will ask for the username and password. Fill the required fields to Sign in. Manage all contacts, texts, voice recording, send fax, send call and much more features.
+Once you have logged in successfully it will redirect you to the Home page.
+#### Sending your first message / call
+To send your first message or call you need to create it as:
+* Go to the Text Messages.
+* Choose the type of message you want to send i.e SMS, Email, Fax, Voice Call.
+* Create the message of your choice (For more details See Text Messages below).
+* After creating the message, Choose the desired transmission, i.e if you want to send the SMS click Send SMS in Transmission Management.
+* A new window will appear, choose the message.
+* Choose the Contact
+* Enter additional remarks, if any.
+* Press Submit button
+Contact Management
+#### Contacts:
+In order to manage your contacts click on the phone icon and two icons will be displayed:
+* **Groups**
+* **Contacts** .
+#### Contacts:
+In order to manage your contacts click on the phone icon a list of contacts will appear. Here you can manage all of your contacts. You can **update** contact details by clicking on the edit icon against the contact name in the list. You can also **delete** the contact by clicking on the delete icon against the contact in contact list.
+In order to create the new contact click the button on the top left page of contact list. It will redirect you to the **add contact** window. Fill the required fields by entering the correct first name, last name, phone and email. Enter the correct phone number and password else it will show warning. Enter the required fields and press the submit button. A new contact will be created and it will redirect you to the list.
+#### Groups:
+Groups are an efficient way of delivering message. For example Friends Group, Customer group etc. ICTDIALER also has a feature of contact group. In a case when you want to send sms, email, fax and voice to a group of people yopu can use this group service to send you message to a list of people. Here you can see the list of a group. To create a group click on the **Add Group** button on the top left page of group list .It will redirect you to the **add group** window. Fill the required fields by entering the correct name,description and choose a **CSV**file which contains the contacts, press the submit button. A new contact will be created and it will redirect you to the list.If you click Groups, all the contacts which are in a group form will be displayed.Here you can manage these group contacts. You can **update** , **delete** and **download** the contact by clicking on the edit icon gainst the contact in contact list .
+#### Text Message Management
+To manage the SMS click on Resources, click **Text Message** it will show you the list of text SMS. You can **update** Text details by clicking on the edit icon against the text sms name in the list. You can also **delete** the Text SMS by clicking on the delete icon against the Text in Text list.
+In order to create the new text Message click the button on the top left page of text list. It will redirect you to **add text** window. Fill the required fields like text name, text message and any additional description and click the submit button. A new SMS Text message will be created.
+#### Voice Recording Management
+To manage the Voice Recording click on Resources, then **Voice Recording** it will show you the list of Voice Recordings. You can **update** Recording details by clicking on the edit icon against the recording name in the list. You can also **delete**, **update** and **download**, the Voice Recording by clicking on the icon against the Recording in Recording list.
+In order to add the new voice recording click the button on the top left page of recording list. It will redirect you to **add recording** window. Fill the required fields like recording name, upload recording and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Voice Recording will be created.
+#### Email Template Management
+To manage the Emails click on **Resources**, click Email Template it will show you the list of Templates. You can **update** email template details by clicking on the edit icon against the template name in the list. You can also **delete** the email template by clicking on the delete icon against the email in email list.
+In order to add the new email click the button on the top left page of recording list. It will redirect you to **add template** window. Fill the required fields like template name, subject, message,attatchment file and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Template will be created.
+In order to **Download** the attachment click the download icon against the template in the template list. Download of HTML file/attachment will be started.
+#### Fax Document Management
+To manage the Fax Document click on the Text Messages, click Fax Document it will show you the list of documents. You can **update** documents details by clicking on the edit icon against the document name in the list. You can also **delete** the document by clicking on the delete icon against the document name in document list.
+In order to add the new fax document click the button on the top left page of document list. It will redirect you to **add document** window. Fill the required fields like document name, upload pdf file and any additional description and click the submit button. A new Document will be created.
+In order to **Download** the document click the download icon against the document in the document list. Download of pdf file/document will be started.
+Transmissions Management
+Here you can manage your transmission, It will allow you the Transmission.This software offers following transmissions:
+* Send SMS
+* Send EMail
+* Send Fax
+* Send Voice Call
+In order to create your own transmission click the respective button. For example in order to create the new transmission for send fax click the **Send Fax** button. A Send Fax program window will open:
+* Choose the document to be sent
+* Select Contact to be sent
+* Add Remarks where applicable
+* Click the submit button
+The send fax transmission will be created successfully. You can view this transmission in Transmission list and can also check its status.
+Similarly you can create other transmissions by following these simple steps.
+Campaign Management:
+In case when you want to send a message to a group of contacts, you can use campaign management. ICTDIALER supports different kind of campaigns like:
+* SMS Campaign
+* Email Campaign
+* Voice Campaign
+* Fax Campaign
+Now you can send the message to a contact group instead of manually sending to each contact. Furthermore you can also schedule as when the campaign shoud start. You can **start** the campaign by hitting the start icon aginst the respective campaign in campaign list. You can also **stop** the campaign by hitting the stop icon against the campaign in the campaign list. You can schedule it according to your own desire and you can cancel the schedule as well.
+#### Create SMS Campaign:
+In order to create the SMS Campaign, click on the SMS Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create SMS Campaign window. Now choose the SMS you want to send from a list of text, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. An SMS Campaign will be created.
+#### Create Voice Campaign:
+In order to create the **Voice Campaign**, click on the Voice Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Voice Campaign window. Now choose the Voice you want to send from a list of recordings, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A Voice Campaign will be created.
+#### Create Email Campaign:
+In order to create the **Email Campaign**, click on the Email Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Email Campaign window. Now choose the Email you want to send from a list of templates, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A new Email Campaign will be created.
+#### Create Fax Campaign:
+In order to create the **Fax Campaign**, click on the Fax Campaign, it will redirect you to the Create Fax Campaign window. Now choose the Fax you want to send from a list of documents, select the contact group, delay b/w calls in (millisecond), number of retires and hit the **Submit** button. A new Fax Campaign will be created.
+You can also **update** the campaign details by clicking on the edit icon against the respective campaign in the campaign list. The contact group once selected cannot be changed. You can change the message(voice, fax, sms and email) in the Edit mode. Once Edited press the update button. Now the campaign will be updated.
+To **delete** a campaign click the delete icon against the respective campaign in the campaign list.
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+### About Us
+ICT Innovations is open source based solution provider focused to provide creative business solutions to Internet Telephony Service Providers to find new ways to generate their revenue by offering innovative services.
+The term ICT is abbreviation of Information and Communication technology and It is used to refer the convergence of IT and communications technologies, ICT consists of IT as well as telecommunication, unified communications, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions.
+Core Values
+Believe in positive
+Committed to change
+Working for innovation
+### Vision
+ICT Innovations is struggling for complete open source based Unified Communications ecosystem as we, at ICT Innovations, believe that this will be foundation for a just world and a tool to fight against exploitation.We want to contribute in making this world a better place.
+### Team
+ICT Innovations is a team of innovative, positive, objective, highly qualified and research oriented professionals having in depth knowledge of broad spectrum of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) with extensive experience in open source Softwares, LAMP Development, Linux platforms, TCP/IP Networking and VOIP Communication Systems.
+### Contact
+Email: info at **ictinnovations.com**, support at **ictinnovations.com**
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+### **Download open source Auto Dialer**
+ICTDIALER 3.0 is recommended by Developers.
+For downloading this new, improved version of multi-tenant, open source ICTDIALER 3.0, click on the link given below.
+For downloading the previous version, ICTDIALER 2.x (which is not supported anymore), you can click the following link.
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+FEATURES OF ICTDIALER 3.0### View Detailed System Statistics
+This software has a descriptive Dashboard which shows System Statistics i.e the details of the Campaigns and Transmission. It displays status of campaigns, total contacts, and processed contacts. Provides with facility to create transmissions and campaigns from the main page as well.
+### Blasting simultaneous messages
+ICTDIALER is a comprehensive software that provides vast features. A user can send Voice messages, SMS, Email and Fax in a **big sum** now. Campaigns provide their user the facility to send a large amount of data in a less time. The **new feature** introduced in campaigns is the **delay** between SMS, Email, Fax and Voice messages. Campaigns have been discussed below in detail.
+### Sending SMS in bulk
+Sending the same message to a large number of groups is not a problem any more as ICTDIALER provides its users a feature, **SMS CAMPAIGN** to send messages in a bulk quantity. This particular campaign sends a message to the all the contacts in a group. A message is written first and then sent to the chosen group of contacts. This campaign can send messages to a wide range of contacts. Number of retries and delay between sms can be added as well. An option in the bottom lets you add this delay and number of retries.
+### Sending Emails to a large number of group
+To send an email to a group of contacts proves problematic sometimes, so a template of email comes handy. You can save a template and send this specific email to a large group containing email addresses. Number of retries and delay between emails can be mentioned while creating an **Email campaign**.
+### Sending Fax in a big sum
+If you have to send fax to more than one number worry not! **Fax campaign** has got your back.It will send fax to all the numbers that you have mentioned in the group. The number delay between fax documents during a campaign and number of retries in case of failure, can be mentioned when creating this campaign.
+### Sending Voice message to thousands of contacts
+Sending a voice message to thousands of contacts is now easy peasy lemon squeezy. **Voice campaign** can send voice messages to more than one number the selected group. You can send any audio of your choice and in case of failure this campaign retries to send the voice message and the user can choose the number of tries and mention the delay time between two messages.
+### Sending message to single contact
+Where ICTDIALER provides a feature to blast thousands of messages, at the same time it sends messages to single contacts as well. This new feature introduced in
+ICTDIALER 3.0 is called **Transmission**.
+ICTDIALER is bundled with TRANSMISSIONS that have capability to send message, fax, email and voice message to **only one** contact. The message, fax, email or voice message used for campaigns can be used to send to a single contact as well.It provides a retry option as well. A number can be selected from the drop down for retrying.
+Transmissions have been discussed below in detail.
+### Sending SMS to one contact
+**SMS Transmission** is the best for sending message to only one contact.
+### Sending Email to only one address
+**Email Transmission** can reuse the templates. The same template used for sending email to a large number of group, can be reused for sending mails to a single contact. You can send a saved email template to a single contact with in seconds.
+###Sending Fax to one contact
+A user can send fax to the only one contact using **Fax Transmission** easily.
+### Sending Voice Message to only one contact
+**Voice transmission** can send voice message to one contact only.
+### Adding Contacts
+With this improved GUI a user can add contacts. Single Contacts and Groups can be added smoothly.
+### Importing Bulk Contacts from external files
+ICTDialer lets you import and export contacts in CSV files. You don't need to bother entering individual contacts. Just import a CSV file containing your thousands of contact numbers and upload to contact management of ICTDialer.
+###Adding User Accounts
+Admin can add more than one account for accessing ICTDIALER. This can be done in a small number of steps.
+### Adding Extensions
+An Admin has access to add the extensions and he can configure the providers by filling up forms, which will probably take a few minutes.
+### Saving Media
+A user can add media i.e a Voice recordings, Email templates,Fax documents and SMS Messages, which he can use later in campaigns and transmissions.
+View Detailed System Statistics
+This software has a descriptive Dashboard which shows System Statistics i.e the details of the Campaigns and Transmission. It displays status of campaigns, total contacts, and processed contacts. Provides with facility to create transmissions and campaigns from the main page as well.
+Blasting simultaneous messages
+ICTDIALER is a comprehensive software that provides vast features. A user can send Voice messages, SMS, Email and Fax in a big sum now. Campaigns provide their user the facility to send a large amount of data in a less time. The new feature introduced in campaigns is the delay between SMS, Email, Fax and Voice messages. Campaigns have been discussed below in detail.
+Sending SMS in bulk
+Sending the same message to a large number of groups is not a problem any more as ICTDIALER provides its users a feature, SMS CAMPAIGN to send messages in a bulk quantity. This particular campaign sends a message to the all the contacts in a group. A message is written first and then sent to the chosen group of contacts. This campaign can send messages to a wide range of contacts. Number of retries and delay between sms can be added as well. An option in the bottom lets you add this delay and number of retries.
+Sending Emails to a large number of group
+To send an email to a group of contacts proves problematic sometimes, so a template of email comes handy. You can save a template and send this specific email to a large group containing email addresses. Number of retries and delay between emails can be mentioned while creating an Email campaign.
+Sending Fax in a big sum
+If you have to send fax to more than one number worry not! Fax campaign has got your back.It will send fax to all the numbers that you have mentioned in the group. The number delay between fax documents during a campaign and number of retries in case of failure, can be mentioned when creating this campaign.
+Sending Voice message to thousands of contacts
+Sending a voice message to thousands of contacts is now easy peasy lemon squeezy. Voice campaign can send voice messages to more than one number the selected group. You can send any audio of your choice and in case of failure this campaign retries to send the voice message and the user can choose the number of tries and mention the delay time between two messages.
+Sending message to single contact
+Where ICTDIALER provides a feature to blast thousands of messages, at the same time it sends messages to single contacts as well. This new feature introduced in ICTDIALER 3.0 is called Transmission. ICTDIALER is bundled with TRANSMISSIONS that have capability to send message, fax, email and voice message to only one contact. The message, fax, email or voice message used for campaigns can be used to send to a single contact as well.It provides a retry option as well. A number can be selected from the drop down for retrying. Transmissions have been discussed below in detail.
+Sending SMS to one contact
+SMS Transmission is the best for sending message to only one contact.
+Sending Email to only one address
+Email Transmission can reuse the templates. The same template used for sending email to a large number of group, can be reused for sending mails to a single contact. You can send a saved email template to a single contact with in seconds.
+Sending Fax to one contact
+A user can send fax to the only one contact using Fax Transmission easily.
+Sending Voice Message to only one contact
+Voice transmission can send voice message to one contact only.
+Adding Contacts
+With this improved GUI a user can add contacts. Single Contacts and Groups can be added smoothly.
+Importing Bulk Contacts from external files
+ICTDialer lets you import and export contacts in CSV files. You don't need to bother entering individual contacts. Just import a CSV file containing your thousands of contact numbers and upload to contact management of ICTDialer.
+Adding User Accounts
+Admin can add more than one account for accessing ICTDIALER. This can be done in a small number of steps.
+Adding Extensions
+An Admin has access to add the extensions and he can configure the providers by filling up forms, which will probably take a few minutes.
+Saving Media
+A user can add media i.e a Voice recordings, Email templates,Fax documents and SMS Messages, which he can use later in campaigns and transmissions.
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+**ICTDIALER**, is an open source, unified auto dialer software which is Voice, Fax, Email and SMS broadcasting server. ICTDialer is multi-tenant with Voice, Fax and SMS broadcasting capabilities developed over re-known open source Content Management System Drupal and Freeswitch based powerful ICTCore Communication Framework. It can be scaled to blast hundreds of simultaneous calls using either **VoIP, FoIP or PSTN**. ICTDialer capable to fit in many broadcasting and telemarketing scenarios. It empowers users with capabilities of Drupal CMS and ICTCore Communication Framework.
+ICTDIALER 3.0 a multi-tenant and multi-campaign software, is very flexible as it provides a range of new features to the users. With this improved version a user can send **thousands** of concurrent messages, fax, emails, voice recordings to not only groups of contacts, but also a single contact. Campaigns can be utilized for sending these messages in bulk form and prove useful for sending messages to a large number of people, where as **Transmission** the new feature can be used to send the message to only **one contact**. The same SMS, Email template, Fax and Voice message can be used in Campaigns and Transmissions. This new version has an improved illustrative **Dashboard**, all the statistics are displayed on the front page. With **enhanced GUI**, a user can add the data with in minutes and use the software. **Better theme** is introduced, in fact it offers two themes now, the look and feel of new version is totally different, it provides various layouts and side bar design that can be changed according to your choice.
Voice Broadcasting
Supports Multiple Campaigns
Advance Contacts Management
Voice Recording Portal
Telecasting to single contact
Fax Blasting
Provides Bulk Faxing
T.38 Support and G.711 Support
Multi-Campaign Support
Transmission Support
Telecasting to a particular contact
Bulk SMS
It is Scalable
SMPP Provider Supported
Bulk Messaging
Transmission support
Sending SMS to one contact only
E-Mail Broadcasting
Bulk Email Broadcasting
Multiple Campaigns
Email support for a unique contact
Agent Campaign
Rest APIs
Custom Caller-ID
CRM Integration
+Commercial Support Services for ICTDialer have been mentioned below in the list. If you would like to have your company added to this list, please [Contact Us](http://www.ictdialer.org/node/24) with a short description of your services.