- Localized activity title
- Display minimum of 6-digits in the quantity column either the mic is active or not
- Right-aligned the text in the quantity column
- Inform user if no network is available during forced sync attempt
- Be more explicit when reporting missing information on the home screen
- Prevent prompt from showing if no data will be lost during back navigation
- Use ascending sort order for options listing
- Allow Snackbar to span max. 2 lines
- Right-align review screen quantity field
- Fix persistent voice input error across various screens
- Update transaction buttons text size
- Display app version on other screens
- Update to latest OpenId AppAuth library (0.11.1)
- Remove secure shared preferences feature
- Update material-ui and constraintlayout libraries
- Update DHIS2 Android SDK library, downgrade OpenId AppAUth library to 0.8.1 and update OpenId client ID in the config to ensure that the required OpenID standards are implemented.