diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md index 3d57da6ae..671325dd4 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ organized into intricate patterns that seem to be consistent across individuals. * [Pragmatics](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pragmatics/) - ***Plato Stanford***. A computational philosophy account of Pragmatics, whilch studies utterances in specific contexts. -* [Predicting Pragmatic Reasoning in Language Games](https://langcog.stanford.edu/papers_new/frank-2012-science.pdf) - ***Science***, 2012. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=15533081031935746054)]. The original paper on Rational Speech Act (RSA). +* [Predicting Pragmatic Reasoning in Language Games](https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.1218633) - ***Science***, 2012. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=15533081031935746054)]. [[Preprint](https://langcog.stanford.edu/papers_new/frank-2012-science.pdf)]. One of the most astonishing features of human language is its capacity to convey information efficiently in context. Many theories provide informal accounts of communicative inference, yet there have been few successes in making precise, quantitative predictions about pragmatic reasoning. This work examined judgments about simple referential communication games, modeling behavior in these games by assuming that speakers attempt to be informative and that listeners use Bayesian inference to recover speakers’ intended referents. The model provides a close, parameter-free fit to human judgments, suggesting that the use of information-theoretic tools to predict pragmatic reasoning may lead to more effective formal models of communication. * [Pragmatic Language Interpretation as Probabilistic Inference](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S136466131630122X) - ***Trends in Cognitive Sciences***, 2016. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=11393505968563356130)]. Noah Goodman and Micheal Frank's review on Rational Speech Act. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md index 282612014..800b967e0 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md @@ -529,6 +529,7 @@ become an Angular expert. * [ng-memento](https://github.com/terzurumluoglu/ng-memento) - Makes your application faster by preventing the same HTTP requests from being called again in your Angular project. * [ngx-suspense-of](https://github.com/Celtian/ngx-suspense-of) - Angular directive that adds suspense to your app. * [ngx-http-request-state](https://github.com/daiscog/ngx-http-request-state) - An Angular library for wrapping HttpClient responses with loading & error information. +* [ngs-request-tracker](https://github.com/andrei-shpileuski/ngs-request-tracker) - A library for tracking, storing, and displaying statistics on all HTTP requests. #### Integrations @@ -611,6 +612,7 @@ become an Angular expert. * [ngx-i18n-extract-regex-cli](https://github.com/Celtian/ngx-i18n-extract-regex-cli) - Tool for extracting translations from Angular app using regex. * [ngx-translate-version](https://github.com/Celtian/ngx-translate-version) - Angular module that provides version to your language files. * [ngx-signal-translate](https://github.com/adamcsk1/ngx-signal-translate) - A signal-driven translation service. +* [ngs-plural](https://github.com/andrei-shpileuski/ngs-plural) - A lightweight Angular library for handling pluralization in different languages using a pipe and a service. It simplifies the process of generating grammatically correct plural forms based on a numeric count and supports custom language rules. #### Module Federation @@ -1601,6 +1603,7 @@ for the creation of web applications developed with Angular. * [ngx-back-button](https://github.com/rbalet/ngx-back-button) - A library for handling proper Angular back button capability. * [ngx-route-manager](https://github.com/perez247/ngx-route-manager) - A simple library to store all route urls used in the application. * [ng-whiteboard](https://github.com/mostafazke/ng-whiteboard) - Lightweight Angular whiteboard component. +* [ngs-json-utils](https://github.com/andrei-shpileuski/ngs-json-utils) - A lightweight utility library for Angular applications that provides easy-to-use functions for working with JSON objects. It includes methods for deep cloning, serialization, and deserialization of JSON data, designed specifically for Angular projects with TypeScript support. --- diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-coq.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-coq.md index edfb8093b..ae468b5ae 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-coq.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-coq.md @@ -232,11 +232,17 @@ Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/coq - [Coq'Art](https://www.labri.fr/perso/casteran/CoqArt/) - The first book dedicated to Coq. - [Software Foundations](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu) - Series of Coq-based textbooks on logic, functional programming, and foundations of programming languages, aimed at being accessible to beginners. + - [Volume 1: Logical Foundations](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-current/index.html) - Introduction to functional programming, basic concepts of logic, and computer-assisted theorem proving. + - [Volume 2: Programming Language Foundations](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/index.html) - Introduction to the theory of programming languages, including operational semantics, Hoare logic, and static type systems. + - [Volume 3: Verified Functional Algorithms](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/vfa-current/index.html) - Demonstration of how a variety of fundamental data structures can be specified and verified. + - [Volume 4: QuickChick](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/qc-current/index.html) - Introduction to tools for combining randomized property-based testing with formal specification and proof. + - [Volume 5: Verifiable C](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/vc-current/index.html) - An extended tutorial on specifying and verifying C programs using the Verified Software Toolchain. + - [Volume 6: Separation Logic Foundations](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/slf-current/index.html) - An introduction to separation logic and how to build program verification tools on top of it. - [Certified Programming with Dependent Types](http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/) - Textbook about practical engineering with Coq which teaches advanced practical tricks and a very specific style of proof. - [Program Logics for Certified Compilers](https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/papers/plcc.pdf) - Book that explains how to construct program logics using separation logic, accompanied by a formal model in Coq which is applied to the Clight programming language and other examples. - [Formal Reasoning About Programs](http://adam.chlipala.net/frap/) - Book that simultaneously provides a general introduction to formal logical reasoning about the correctness of programs and to using Coq for this purpose. - [Programs and Proofs](https://ilyasergey.net/pnp/) - Book that gives a brief and practically-oriented introduction to interactive proofs in Coq which emphasizes the computational nature of inductive reasoning about decidable propositions via a small set of primitives from the SSReflect proof language. -- [Computer Arithmetic and Formal Proofs](http://iste.co.uk/book.php?id=1238) - Book that describes how to formally specify and verify floating-point algorithms in Coq using the Flocq library. +- [Computer Arithmetic and Formal Proofs](https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9781785481123/computer-arithmetic-and-formal-proofs) - Book that describes how to formally specify and verify floating-point algorithms in Coq using the Flocq library. - [The Mathematical Components book](https://math-comp.github.io/mcb/) - Book oriented towards mathematically inclined users, focusing on the Mathematical Components library and the SSReflect proof language. - [Modeling and Proving in Computational Type Theory](https://github.com/uds-psl/MPCTT) - Book covering topics in computational logic using Coq, including foundations, canonical case studies, and practical programming. - [Hydras & Co.](https://github.com/coq-community/hydra-battles) - Continuously in-progress book and library on Kirby and Paris' hydra battles and other entertaining formalized mathematics in Coq, including a proof of the Gödel-Rosser first incompleteness theorem. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-cpp.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-cpp.md index c10be1b2e..de9da9e32 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-cpp.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-cpp.md @@ -1138,6 +1138,7 @@ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny * [libevil](https://github.com/avati/libevil) - The Evil License Manager. [GPLv3] * [libnih](https://github.com/keybuk/libnih) - A lightweight library of C functions and structures. [GPL2.1] * [libONVIF](https://github.com/Privatehive/libONVIF) - Yet another ONVIF library. [GPL-3.0] +* [libpopcnt](https://github.com/kimwalisch/libpopcnt) - Fast C/C++ bit population count library. [BSD-2-Clause] * [libsigc++](https://github.com/libsigcplusplus/libsigcplusplus) - A typesafe callback system for standard C++. [LGPL] [website](https://libsigcplusplus.github.io/libsigcplusplus) * [libusb](https://libusb.info/) - A universal USB library which allows for portable access to USB devices. [LGPL2] * [Mach7](https://github.com/solodon4/Mach7) - A Pattern-matching library for C++. [BSD] diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md index d884caea9..602165ac5 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md @@ -577,7 +577,6 @@ _Data stores with expiring records, in-memory distributed data stores, or in-mem - [dgraph](https://github.com/dgraph-io/dgraph) - Scalable, Distributed, Low Latency, High Throughput Graph Database. - [diskv](https://github.com/peterbourgon/diskv) - Home-grown disk-backed key-value store. - [dolt](https://github.com/dolthub/dolt) - Dolt – It's Git for Data. -- [dtf](https://github.com/dtm-labs/dtf) - A distributed transaction manager. Support XA, TCC, SAGA, Reliable Messages. - [eliasdb](https://github.com/krotik/eliasdb) - Dependency-free, transactional graph database with REST API, phrase search and SQL-like query language. - [godis](https://github.com/hdt3213/godis) - A Golang implemented high-performance Redis server and cluster. - [goleveldb](https://github.com/syndtr/goleveldb) - Implementation of the [LevelDB](https://github.com/google/leveldb) key/value database in Go. @@ -741,7 +740,6 @@ _Libraries for building and using SQL._ - [mgo](https://github.com/globalsign/mgo) - (unmaintained) MongoDB driver for the Go language that implements a rich and well tested selection of features under a very simple API following standard Go idioms. - [mongo-go-driver](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver) - Official MongoDB driver for the Go language. - [neo4j](https://github.com/cihangir/neo4j) - Neo4j Rest API Bindings for Golang. -- [Neo4j-GO](https://github.com/davemeehan/Neo4j-GO) - Neo4j REST Client in golang. - [neoism](https://github.com/jmcvetta/neoism) - Neo4j client for Golang. - [qmgo](https://github.com/qiniu/qmgo) - The MongoDB driver for Go. It‘s based on official MongoDB driver but easier to use like Mgo. - [redeo](https://github.com/bsm/redeo) - Redis-protocol compatible TCP servers/services. @@ -960,7 +958,6 @@ _Libraries for handling files and file systems._ - [afero](https://github.com/spf13/afero) - FileSystem Abstraction System for Go. - [afs](https://github.com/viant/afs) - Abstract File Storage (mem, scp, zip, tar, cloud: s3, gs) for Go. - [baraka](https://github.com/xis/baraka) - A library to process http file uploads easily. -- [bigfile](https://github.com/bigfile/bigfile) - A file transfer system, support to manage files with http api, rpc call and ftp client. - [checksum](https://github.com/codingsince1985/checksum) - Compute message digest, like MD5, SHA256, SHA1, CRC or BLAKE2s, for large files. - [copy](https://github.com/otiai10/copy) - Copy directory recursively. - [flop](https://github.com/homedepot/flop) - File operations library which aims to mirror feature parity with [GNU cp](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/cp-invocation.html). @@ -1285,7 +1282,6 @@ _Libraries for manipulating images._ - [steganography](https://github.com/auyer/steganography) - Pure Go Library for LSB steganography. - [stegify](https://github.com/DimitarPetrov/stegify) - Go tool for LSB steganography, capable of hiding any file within an image. - [svgo](https://github.com/ajstarks/svgo) - Go Language Library for SVG generation. -- [tga](https://github.com/ftrvxmtrx/tga) - Package tga is a TARGA image format decoder/encoder. - [transformimgs](https://github.com/Pixboost/transformimgs) - Transformimgs resizes and optimises images for Web using next-generation formats. - [webp-server](https://github.com/mehdipourfar/webp-server) - Simple and minimal image server capable of storing, resizing, converting and caching images. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md index 75403421d..13cc24a11 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [Apigee](https://cloud.google.com/apigee) - A leading API management solution from Google that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you create, secure, and scale APIs with ease. - [Azure API Management](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/api-management/) - A hybrid, multicloud management platform for APIs across all environments, which enables you to manage APIs with ease, secure them, and gain insights into their performance. - [DigitMarket API Manager](https://www.torryharris.com/products/digitmarket-api-manager-for-api-management) - A complete package from Torry Harris that helps you manage your APIs and turn them into tools that can drive your business forward. -- [Gravitee.io API Management (⭐207)](https://github.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-api-management) - A flexible, lightweight, and open-source API management solution that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you manage your APIs with ease. +- [Gravitee.io API Management (⭐209)](https://github.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-api-management) - A flexible, lightweight, and open-source API management solution that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you manage your APIs with ease. - [IBM API Connect](https://www.ibm.com/cloud/api-connect) - A complete, intuitive, and scalable API platform that allows you to create, expose, manage, and monetize APIs across clouds. - [Kong Enterprise](https://konghq.com/products/kong-enterprise) - A comprehensive service connectivity platform that provides a range of API management capabilities and allows you to manage APIs, microservices, and service meshes with ease. - [Layer7 API Management](https://www.broadcom.com/products/software/api-management) - A continuous API management solution from Broadcom that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you manage APIs throughout their lifecycle. @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [TIBCO Cloud Mashery](https://www.tibco.com/products/api-management) - A cloud-native API platform from TIBCO that enables you to deploy APIs anywhere and manage them from everywhere. - [Tyk API Management](https://tyk.io/api-lifecycle-management/) - A powerful API management solution that allows you to connect, build, and control APIs with ease. - [webMethods API](https://www.softwareag.cloud/site/product/webmethods-api.html) - A comprehensive API management solution from Software AG that provides full lifecycle API management capabilities and enables you to manage APIs in both on-premises and cloud environments. -- [WSO2 API Manager (⭐863)](https://github.com/wso2/product-apim) - A fully open-source API management platform that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and allows you to manage APIs with ease. +- [WSO2 API Manager (⭐864)](https://github.com/wso2/product-apim) - A fully open-source API management platform that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and allows you to manage APIs with ease. - [Zuplo API Management](https://zuplo.com) - Light-weight, fully-managed API Management platform, built for developers with unique features like GitOps, fast deployments to the edge, unlimited preview environments, full OpenAPI support, API monetization with Stripe, and more. @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com *API design, documentation, and life-cycle automation tools streamline the process of creating, maintaining, and evolving APIs. These tools offer efficient means to design consistent and scalable APIs, generate comprehensive documentation, and automate various stages of the API life-cycle, enhancing developer experience and promoting API adoption.* - [Dredd (⭐4.1k)](https://github.com/apiaryio/dredd) - Validate API description docs against backend implementation using this language-agnostic CLI tool. - [OpenAPI-GUI (⭐1.4k)](https://github.com/Mermade/openapi-gui) - Create and validate OpenAPI specs with ease using this intuitive graphical user interface. -- [OpenAPI Diff (⭐844)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-diff) - Compare OpenAPI specs with version control and visualize the differences in HTML or Markdown format. +- [OpenAPI Diff (⭐848)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-diff) - Compare OpenAPI specs with version control and visualize the differences in HTML or Markdown format. - [OpenAPI Generator (⭐22k)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) - Automate the creation of API client libraries, server stubs, documentation and config files with this powerful OpenAPI Spec tool. -- [OpenAPI Style Validator (⭐214)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-style-validator) - Ensure that your OpenAPI specs meet your organization's standards with this flexible and customizable style validator. +- [OpenAPI Style Validator (⭐213)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-style-validator) - Ensure that your OpenAPI specs meet your organization's standards with this flexible and customizable style validator. - [Spectral (⭐2.5k)](https://github.com/stoplightio/spectral) - Detect and fix errors in your JSON/YAML files using this linter tool that supports OpenAPI 3.0 & 2.0 and AsyncAPI. - [Swagger Editor (⭐8.9k)](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor) - Create, describe, and document your API with ease using this open source editor built specifically for OpenAPI-based APIs. - [Zally (⭐914)](https://github.com/zalando/zally) - Ensure the quality of your OpenAPI specs with this linter tool that provides extensive analysis and feedback. @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com ### API Documentation *Explore a collection of tools and platforms designed to create, maintain, and present clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation for APIs. These resources facilitate seamless collaboration between developers and enable effective communication of API functionalities and specifications.* -- [DapperDox (⭐410)](https://github.com/DapperDox/dapperdox) - An open-source API documentation generator and server for OpenAPI/Swagger specifications, with customizable documentation, automated updates, and easy sharing. +- [DapperDox (⭐411)](https://github.com/DapperDox/dapperdox) - An open-source API documentation generator and server for OpenAPI/Swagger specifications, with customizable documentation, automated updates, and easy sharing. - [OpenAPI Explorer (⭐317)](https://github.com/Rhosys/openapi-explorer) - A tool for generating user interfaces from OpenAPI specifications, making it easier for software engineers to visualize and interact with APIs. - [RapiDoc (⭐1.7k)](https://github.com/rapi-doc/RapiDoc) - A tool that generates customizable, interactive API documentation from OpenAPI Specification, with a range of design options. - [Redoc (⭐23k)](https://github.com/Redocly/redoc) - An open-source tool for generating documentation from OpenAPI (fka Swagger) definitions, with customizable themes, language support, and branding. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [SwaggerHub](https://swagger.io/tools/swaggerhub/) - An integrated API design and documentation platform built for teams, with versioning, testing automation, and integration with popular API tools. - [Swagger UI (⭐26k)](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui) - An intuitive tool for exploring and interacting with APIs, with API specification visualization, endpoint exploration, and built-in interactive console. - [SpectaQL (⭐1.1k)](https://github.com/anvilco/spectaql) - A Node.js library that generates static documentation for a GraphQL schema from various sources, including live endpoint, query result, and SDL files. -- [Zudoku (⭐108)](https://github.com/zuplo/zudoku) - An open-source, OpenAPI powered, highly customizable API documentation framework for building quality developer experiences. +- [Zudoku (⭐116)](https://github.com/zuplo/zudoku) - An open-source, OpenAPI powered, highly customizable API documentation framework for building quality developer experiences. @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [Advanced REST Client (⭐1.4k)](https://github.com/advanced-rest-client/arc-electron) - An open-source API tool designed for testing and debugging RESTful web services. - [Bruno (⭐28k)](https://github.com/usebruno/bruno) - A fast, git-friendly, and offline-only opensource API client. - [curl (⭐36k)](https://github.com/curl/curl) - Command-line tool for transferring data with URLs over various protocols. - - [curlie (⭐2.8k)](https://github.com/rs/curlie) - Frontend to curl with the ease of use of httpie without compromising on performance and features. + - [curlie (⭐2.9k)](https://github.com/rs/curlie) - Frontend to curl with the ease of use of httpie without compromising on performance and features. - [HTTPie (⭐34k)](https://github.com/httpie/httpie) - User-friendly command-line HTTP client that simplifies HTTP request/response inspection and manipulation. - [Hoppscotch (⭐66k)](https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch) - A fast, open-source API development tool available as a web app. - [Insomnia (⭐35k)](https://github.com/Kong/insomnia) - Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL client designed to make API testing and debugging easier. - - [posting (⭐6.3k)](https://github.com/darrenburns/posting) - The modern API client that lives in your terminal. + - [posting (⭐6.4k)](https://github.com/darrenburns/posting) - The modern API client that lives in your terminal. - [Postman](https://www.postman.com/product/api-client/) - Comprehensive tool for simplifying API development and testing processes with features such as making HTTP requests, generating mock servers, and creating API documentation. - [resty (⭐2.6k)](https://github.com/micha/resty) - A Lua framework for building HTTP clients that provides a shell interface for interacting with REST services. - [SoapUI (⭐1.5k)](https://github.com/SmartBear/soapui) - Open-source web service testing application designed for testing SOAP and REST web services. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [Imposter (⭐374)](https://github.com/outofcoffee/imposter) - Mock server for REST APIs, OpenAPI (and Swagger) specifications, SOAP web services (and WSDL files), Salesforce and HBase APIs. - [Microcks (⭐1.4k)](https://github.com/microcks/microcks) - Open-source Kubernetes-native tool for API mocking and testing, supporting AsyncAPI, OpenAPI, Postman Collections, etc. - [Mockable](https://www.mockable.io/) - Simple configurable service to mock out RESTful API or SOAP web-services. - - [Mockbin (⭐95)](https://github.com/zuplo/mockbin) - Easily generate custom endpoints to test HTTP requests, and view the request logs from that API for free. + - [Mockbin (⭐96)](https://github.com/zuplo/mockbin) - Easily generate custom endpoints to test HTTP requests, and view the request logs from that API for free. - [Mockoon (⭐6.6k)](https://github.com/mockoon/mockoon) - Easy-to-use tool for designing and running mock REST APIs. - [MockServer (⭐4.6k)](https://github.com/mock-server/mockserver) - Easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS. - [Mocky (⭐2k)](https://github.com/MockyAbstract/Mocky) - Free and unlimited online service for generating custom HTTP responses. @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [WireMock (⭐6.4k)](https://github.com/tomakehurst/wiremock) - Mock your APIs for fast, robust, and comprehensive testing. - Testing tools and frameworks - [Apache JMeter (⭐8.4k)](https://github.com/apache/jmeter) - Open-source Java-based load testing tool that can be used to test the performance and scalability of web applications, databases, and other network services. - - [Gatling (⭐6.4k)](https://github.com/gatling/gatling) - An open-source load testing tool that allows users to write and run load tests as code, providing detailed performance reports to optimize system performance. + - [Gatling (⭐6.5k)](https://github.com/gatling/gatling) - An open-source load testing tool that allows users to write and run load tests as code, providing detailed performance reports to optimize system performance. - [Karate (⭐8.3k)](https://github.com/intuit/karate) - Open-source tool that combines API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing, and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. - [Pyresttest (⭐1.1k)](https://github.com/svanoort/pyresttest) - Python-based REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool that uses YAML or JSON for test. - [REST Assured (⭐6.8k)](https://github.com/rest-assured/rest-assured) - Java DSL for easy testing of REST services. @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [AltasMap (⭐199)](https://github.com/atlasmap/atlasmap) - A web-based data mapping solution that simplifies integration between Java, XML, CSV, and JSON data sources. Its interactive user interface makes configuring integrations easy. - [Altova MapForce](https://www.altova.com/mapforce) - A graphical data mapping tool that can handle any-to-any conversion and integration tasks. It simplifies complex mapping tasks, enabling software engineers to complete projects faster. - [JOLT (⭐1.5k)](https://github.com/bazaarvoice/jolt) - A Java-based JSON-to-JSON transformation library that uses a JSON document as the "specification" for the transform. JOLT provides a simple way for software engineers to transform JSON data. -- [JSLT (⭐641)](https://github.com/schibsted/jslt) - A complete query and transformation language for JSON that is inspired by jq, XPath, and XQuery. With JSLT, software engineers can quickly and easily transform JSON data to meet their needs. +- [JSLT (⭐643)](https://github.com/schibsted/jslt) - A complete query and transformation language for JSON that is inspired by jq, XPath, and XQuery. With JSLT, software engineers can quickly and easily transform JSON data to meet their needs. @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com - [Software AG webMethods Integration Server](https://www.softwareag.com/en_corporate/platform/integration-apis/webmethods-integration.html) - An integration platform that enables faster integration of any application. - [TIBCO BusinessWorks](https://www.tibco.com/products/tibco-businessworks) - A platform that implements enterprise patterns for hybrid integrations. - [UltraESB](https://www.adroitlogic.com/products/ultraesb/) - An ESB that supports zero-copy proxying for extreme performance utilizing Direct Memory Access and Non-Blocking IO. -- [WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (⭐376)](https://github.com/wso2/product-ei) - An API-centric, cloud-native, and distributed integration platform designed to provide a robust solution for software engineers. +- [WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (⭐378)](https://github.com/wso2/product-ei) - An API-centric, cloud-native, and distributed integration platform designed to provide a robust solution for software engineers. @@ -300,10 +300,10 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com ### Workflow engine *Software tools that enable the design, execution, and monitoring of complex workflows or business processes. Workflow engines provide a way to automate and streamline business processes, while orchestration engines help to manage the interactions between different systems or services.* - [Activiti (⭐10k)](https://github.com/Activiti/Activiti) - A lightweight and Java-centric open-source engine for executing BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) workflows. -- [Apache Airflow (⭐37k)](https://github.com/apache/airflow) - A platform that allows you to create, schedule, and monitor workflows programmatically, making it easier to manage and automate complex data pipelines. +- [Apache Airflow (⭐38k)](https://github.com/apache/airflow) - A platform that allows you to create, schedule, and monitor workflows programmatically, making it easier to manage and automate complex data pipelines. - [Argo Workflows (⭐15k)](https://github.com/argoproj/argo-workflows) - An open-source, container-native workflow engine designed to orchestrate parallel jobs on Kubernetes, making it easier to manage and automate complex workflows in a cloud-native environment. - [Azkaban (⭐4.4k)](https://github.com/azkaban/azkaban) - A distributed workflow manager that helps solve the problem of Hadoop job dependencies, making it easier to schedule and manage workflows in large-scale data processing environments. -- [Bonita (⭐155)](https://github.com/bonitasoft/bonita-engine) - An open-source BPMN engine that comes with a designer and optional development environment, making it easier to build and automate complex business processes. +- [Bonita (⭐156)](https://github.com/bonitasoft/bonita-engine) - An open-source BPMN engine that comes with a designer and optional development environment, making it easier to build and automate complex business processes. - [Cadence (⭐8.3k)](https://github.com/uber/cadence) - A fault-tolerant, stateful code platform that makes it easier to build and manage complex, long-running applications. - [Camunda (⭐4.1k)](https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform) - An open-source workflow and decision automation platform that helps you automate business processes and decisions in a flexible and scalable way. - [Conductor (⭐12k)](https://github.com/Netflix/conductor) - A cloud-based orchestration engine designed to run and manage workflows in a microservices architecture. @@ -777,10 +777,10 @@ the Design of Network-based Software Architectures](https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fie - [BSON](https://bsonspec.org/) - Binary-encoded serialization format for JSON-like documents that is designed to be lightweight and efficient. It supports rich data types and is widely used in NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB. - [CSV](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4180) - A simple and widely used data format that stores tabular data in plain text. It is easy to read and write, and can be processed by most programming languages. - [JSON](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8259) - A lightweight and easy-to-read data format that is widely used for data exchange. It supports a wide range of data types and is compatible with many programming languages. -- [NDJSON (⭐690)](https://github.com/ndjson/ndjson-spec) - A standard for delimiting JSON objects in stream protocols. It allows for efficient processing of large JSON datasets and is widely used in big data processing. +- [NDJSON (⭐695)](https://github.com/ndjson/ndjson-spec) - A standard for delimiting JSON objects in stream protocols. It allows for efficient processing of large JSON datasets and is widely used in big data processing. - [Protocol Buffers (⭐66k)](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf) - A language-neutral and platform-neutral serialization mechanism that is designed to be highly efficient and extensible. It supports rich data types and is widely used in distributed systems, such as gRPC and Apache Kafka. - [XML](https://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/) - A flexible and widely used markup language that is used for storing and exchanging structured data. It supports rich data types and is compatible with many programming languages. -- [YAML (⭐353)](https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec) - A human-friendly and easy-to-read data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange. It supports rich data types and is compatible with most programming languages. +- [YAML (⭐355)](https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec) - A human-friendly and easy-to-read data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange. It supports rich data types and is compatible with most programming languages. @@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ the Design of Network-based Software Architectures](https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fie ### Structure and Validation -- [JSON Schema (⭐3.8k)](https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-spec) - A powerful tool for validating the structure of JSON data. JSON Schema enables developers to ensure that JSON data conforms to a specific structure, making it easier to process and manipulate. +- [JSON Schema (⭐3.9k)](https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-spec) - A powerful tool for validating the structure of JSON data. JSON Schema enables developers to ensure that JSON data conforms to a specific structure, making it easier to process and manipulate. - [Schematron](https://www.schematron.com) - A rule-based validation language that enables developers to define and validate business rules, data reporting, quality control, and other validation scenarios. Schematron offers a flexible way to validate XML documents. - [XML Schema](https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/) - A schema language that offers facilities for describing the structure and constraining the contents of XML documents. XML Schema enables developers to ensure that XML data conforms to a specific structure, making it easier to process and manipulate. diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-pocketbase.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-pocketbase.md index e4f39a755..28955ffde 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-pocketbase.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-pocketbase.md @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ PocketBase is an open source backend consisting of embedded database (SQLite) wi - [PocketBase React](https://github.com/tobicrain/pocketbase-react) - Unofficial React SDK (React, React Native, Expo) for interacting with the PocketBase JavaScript SDK. ![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/tobicrain/pocketbase-react) - [PocketBase Next.js App Template](https://github.com/tsensei/nextjs-pocketbase-starter-template) - PocketBase Next.js Template with server & browser client using cookies. ![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/tsensei/nextjs-pocketbase-starter-template) +- [Next.js PocketBase Auth](https://github.com/jianyuan/pocketbase-nextjs-auth) - Sample Next.js 15 application with PocketBase integration, a typed client, server-side and client-side rendering techniques, and server actions. ![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/jianyuan/pocketbase-nextjs-auth) ## Svelte diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-slack.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-slack.md index a672586b4..9fc39434b 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/awesome-slack.md +++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-slack.md @@ -1,157 +1,73 @@ -
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Awesome Slack


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- A curated list of awesome, Slack-related things. -

- -*** - -An avid Slack user? A developer looking for awesome tools to build out an integration? Just looking for inspiration? This is a list of all the best things Slack. - - -## :pencil:   Lists -- [Community-Built Libraries](https://api.slack.com/community) - Slack-curated list of community open-source libraries -- [Slack App Directory](https://slack.com/apps) - Official directory of publicly available Slack apps -- [Slack Emojis](https://emoji.gg) - Unofficial directory of custom emojis for Slack - -## :art:   Themes - -- [Slack Themes](http://slackthemes.net/) - A Slack sidebar theme browser -- [Sweet Themes Are Made of These](http://sweetthemesaremadeofthe.se/) - Website for sharing Slack custom palettes - -## :hammer_and_wrench:   Libraries and SDKs - -### C# - -- [margiebot](https://github.com/jammerware/margiebot) - A .NET library designed to make building bots for Slack fast, easy, and fun -- [Slack.Webhooks](https://github.com/nerdfury/Slack.Webhooks) - A library to work with Slack webhooks more easily -- [SlackAPI](https://github.com/Inumedia/SlackAPI) - A third-party implementation of Slack's API written in C# - -### Erlang - -- [slacker](https://github.com/julienXX/slacker) - Erlang Slack REST API wrapper - -### Go - -- [webhook](https://github.com/adnanh/webhook) - Easily run commands in response to HTTP webhook requests from Slack - -### Java - -- [java-slack-sdk](https://github.com/slackapi/java-slack-sdk) - Slack's official Java framework for building Slack apps -- [simple-slack-api](https://github.com/Ullink/simple-slack-api) - A Slack client library in Java - -### JavaScript/TypeScript - -- [bolt-js](https://github.com/slackapi/bolt-js) - Slack's official JavaScript framework for building Slack apps -- [jsx-slack](https://github.com/yhatt/jsx-slack) - Build JSON object for Slack Block Kit surfaces from JSX -- [node-slack-sdk](https://github.com/slackapi/node-slack-sdk) - Slack's official SDK for Node.js -- [slack-block-builder](https://github.com/raycharius/slack-block-builder) - Lightweight Node.js library for building Slack Block Kit UIs, with a declarative syntax inspired by SwiftUI - -### PHP - -- [SlackBundle](https://github.com/DZunke/SlackBundle) - SlackBundle for Symfony2 -- [slack-php-app-framework](https://github.com/slack-php/slack-php-app-framework) - Robust PHP framework for building Slack apps in PHP -- [slack-php-block-kit](https://github.com/jeremeamia/slack-block-kit) - Fluent interface for composing Slack Block Kit messages and modals in PHP -- [slack-php-socket-mode](https://github.com/slack-php/slack-php-socket-mode) - A Socket Mode implementation for [slack-php-app-framework](https://github.com/slack-php/slack-php-app-framework) -- [slack-php-slick](https://github.com/slack-php/slack-php-slick) - Dependency-free micro-framework for building Slack apps in PHP - -### PowerShell - -- [PSSlack](https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSSlack) - PowerShell module for simple Slack integration. - -### Python - -- [blockkit](https://github.com/imryche/blockkit) - A fast way to build Block Kit interfaces in Python -- [bolt-python](https://github.com/slackapi/bolt-python) - Slack's official Python framework for building Slack apps -- [django-slack](https://github.com/lamby/django-slack) - Slack integration for Django, using the templating engine to generate messages -- [django-slack-oauth](https://github.com/izdi/django-slack-oauth) - Slack OAuth module for Django -- [python-slack-events-api](https://github.com/slackapi/python-slack-events-api) - Slack Events API adapter for Python -- [python-slack-sdk](https://github.com/slackapi/python-slack-sdk) - Slack's official SDK for Python -- [slackblocks](https://github.com/nicklambourne/slackblocks) - Python API for building Slack Block Kit messages -- [slack-php-api](https://github.com/jolicode/slack-php-api) - PHP Slack client based on the official OpenAPI specification -- [slacker-cli](https://github.com/juanpabloaj/slacker-cli) - Messages to slack from the command line -- [slashbot](https://github.com/ebrassell/slashbot) - An easy way to create slash commands using AWS Lambda functions -- [boltworks](https://github.com/YSaxon/boltworks) - Extensions to Slack's bolt framework: expandable GUIs, easier callbacks, richer CLIs - -### R - -- [slackr](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/slackr) - A package to send webhook API messages to Slack channels/users from R - -### Ruby - -- [slack-notifier](https://github.com/stevenosloan/slack-notifier) - A simple wrapper for posting to Slack -- [slack-notify](https://github.com/sosedoff/slack-notify) - Send notifications to Slack -- [slack-poster](https://github.com/rikas/slack-poster) - Simple gem to post messages on Slack using webhooks -- [slack-ruby-block-kit](https://github.com/CGA1123/slack-ruby-block-kit) - A ruby wrapper for Slack's Block Kit -- [slack-ruby-bot](https://github.com/dblock/slack-ruby-bot) - The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby -- [slack-ruby-bot-server](https://github.com/slack-ruby/slack-ruby-bot-server) - Ruby library for building Slack applications -- [slack-ruby-client](https://github.com/dblock/slack-ruby-client) - A Ruby client for the Slack Web and RealTime Messaging APIs - -### Rust - -- [slack-morphism-rust](https://github.com/abdolence/slack-morphism-rust) - A modern async Slack API client for Rust - -### Scala - -- [slack-scala-client](https://github.com/gilbertw1/slack-scala-client) - A Scala Slack client for the Web and RTM API - -### Swift - -- [SwiftBlocksUI](https://github.com/SwiftBlocksUI/SwiftBlocksUI/) - Interactive Slack messages and modals using a SwiftUI-like declarative style - -## :gear:   Open-Source Slack Apps and Integrations - -### CoffeeScript - -- [jinora](https://github.com/sdslabs/jinora) - Slack webhook app to create anonymous public channels - -### Java - -- [simple-slack-api](https://github.com/Ullink/simple-slack-api) - A Slack client library in Java -- [tasks-app](https://github.com/slackapi/tasks-app) - Simple task management app produced by Slack - -### JavaScript/Typescript - -- [definition-app](https://github.com/slackapi/definition-app) - App for storing and accessing company-specific phrases -- [slack-github-action](https://github.com/slackapi/slack-github-action) - Send data into Slack using this GitHub Action -- [slack-reporting-tool](https://github.com/slackapi/slack-reporting-tool) - App that allows team members to report offensive messages -- [tesla-slack](https://github.com/heikkipora/tesla-slack) - Track your Tesla from Slack -- [tasks-app](https://github.com/slackapi/tasks-app) - Simple task management app produced by Slack - -### PHP - -- [MantisBT-Slack](https://github.com/infojunkie/MantisBT-Slack) - MantisBT plugin to send bug updates to Slack -- [monolog](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog) - Sends your logs to Slack - -### Python - -- [slackbot](https://github.com/lins05/slackbot) - A chat bot for Slack -- [slacker-cli](https://github.com/juanpabloaj/slacker-cli) - Messages to slack from the command line -- [tasks-app](https://github.com/slackapi/tasks-app) - Simple task management app produced by Slack -- [wee-slack](https://github.com/rawdigits/wee-slack) - A WeeChat plugin for Slack - -### Ruby - -- [slack-gamebot](https://github.com/dblock/slack-gamebot) - A game bot for Slack -- [snarkov](https://github.com/gesteves/snarkov) - Sinatra-based Markov bot for Slack -- [tickbot](https://github.com/barryf/tickbot) - Simple team time tracking reminder -- [trebekbot](https://github.com/gesteves/trebekbot) - A Jeopardy! bot for Slack - -## :busts_in_silhouette:   Contributions - -Contributions are always welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/matiassingers/awesome-slack/blob/master/contributing.md) first. - -## :classical_building:   License - -[![CC0](https://licensebuttons.net/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) - -To the extent possible under law, [Matias Singers](http://mts.io) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. +
+## Awesome Slack Communities [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) +[![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/filipelinhares/awesome-slack.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/filipelinhares/awesome-slack) + +A list of communities about web development and design that are powered by **Slack**. + +## What's Slack +> Slack is a platform for team communication: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. *- slack.com* + + +## Development +- [Ember](https://ember-community-slackin.herokuapp.com/) +- [Laravel](https://larachat.co/) +- [Ruby](https://rubydevelopers.typeform.com/to/l7WVWl) +- [Front end](https://frontenddevelopers.org/) +- [Android](https://androidchat.co/) +- [GO](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNsNXbz2SCLH5hVNoZS0C70nPAXv730SW9F3K1g6iVvlcUTg/viewform?fbzx=4754263898376949596) +- [PHP Chat](https://phpchat.co) +- [Clojure](http://clojurians.net/) +- [iOS Developers](https://ios-developers.io/) +- [Elixir](https://elixir-slackin.herokuapp.com/) +- [slashrocket](https://slashrocket.io/) +- [Cordova](http://slack.cordova.io/) +- [Python Community](https://pythoncommunity.herokuapp.com/) +- [CFML/ColdFusion](https://cfml-slack.herokuapp.com/) + + +## Regional +- [Australia & New Zealand](http://devanz.co) +- [Les Pitonneux - Montreal QC Canada](https://pitonneux.slack.com) +- [Python Brazilian Community](http://slack-pythonbrasil.herokuapp.com/) +- [Remote workers in Romania](https://github.com/filipelinhares/awesome-slack/blob/master/weworkremotely.slack.com/) +- [Russian-speaking developers community](https://rusdevs.herokuapp.com/) +- [Kazan Developers](https://devkzn.slack.com/) +- [Polish developers](http://slackin.devstyle.pl/) +- [Spanish-speaking developer communities list](https://github.com/comunidad-tecnologica/awesome-spanish-slack-dev-groups) +- [Ruby Turkey Community](https://rubytr.herokuapp.com/) +- [Rochester NY USA Developers (RocDev)](https://rocdev.org/) +- [Vancouver Developers (yvrdev)](https://yvrdev.slack.com/) + +## Design +- [Sketch](http://teamsketch.io/) +- [Design Talks](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKT_LC8kKTzJ4JjmgVQVpfl24i1qBkjJ7TYyQcNHL7fBQkYQ/viewform?c=0&w=1) +- [Designer Hangout](https://www.designerhangout.co/) + +## Misc +- [WordPress](https://make.wordpress.org/chat/) +- [Chit Chats](http://www.chitchats.co/) +- [The Evangelist Collective](https://github.com/evangelistcollective/) +- [Psychedelic Chat](http://psychedelicchat.com/) +- [LGBTQ in Technology](https://lgbtq.technology/) +- [#Startup](http://startup.chat) +- [Safelight](http://safelight.herokuapp.com/) - Photography. +- [DFIR Community](https://rishi28.typeform.com/to/sTbTI8) - Information Security. +- [First Contributors](https://firstcontributors.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNjkxNzQwNzA2MTMwLTVhMWJjNjg2ODRlNWZhNjIzYjgwNDIyZWYwZjhjYTQ4OTBjMWM0MmFhZDUxNzBiYzczMGNiYzcxNjkzZDZlMDM#/) - Help / mentorship for open source contributors. +- [IT Pro Community](https://www.electric.ai/it-pro-slack) - Connect and network with IT practitioners and decision-makers +- [SaaS Community](https://join.slack.com/t/saas-hgv7803/shared_invite/zt-qwvrywyr-8DmSpEzBiSWD2WQuB9r9pw) - Community for SaaS product builders, to discuss the challenges involved. +- [Developer Marketing](https://marketingto.dev/) - Passionate marketing folks working in API Marketing, developer tooling, or actively marketing to developers. + +## DevOps +- [Google Cloud Platform](http://bit.ly/gcp-slack) +- [Kubernetes](http://slack.kubernetes.io/) +- [DevOps](https://devopschat.co/) +- [Devop Engineers](https://www.devopsengineers.com/) +- [SweetOps](https://slack.cloudposse.com/) +## Looking for more lists like that +- [Awesome Community](https://github.com/phpearth/awesome-community) + +## Contribute +Your contributions and suggestions are :heart: welcome. Ensure to read the [guidelines](https://github.com/filipelinhares/awesome-slack/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) first. + +## License +[![CC0](http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/buttons/88x31/svg/cc-zero.svg)](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)