Create __
.py :
# An web server module
import datetime
from appmodule import AppModule
class MyAppModule(AppModule):
def init(self):
Initialisation code.
Put here what you need to be executed
when the application is created.
self.datetimeformat = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"
print("Init module {}".format(self.module_name))
app = MyAppModule()
def getApp():
return app
def _():
Default view
title = "Index of {}".format(app.module_name)
now =
return dict(title = title, now = now, datetimeformat = app.datetimeformat)
Create index.tpl inside of view folder:
% include("header.tpl")
Now is {{now.strftime(datetimeformat)}}.
% include("footer.tpl")
The datetime format defined in MyAppModule as self.datetimeformat is passed to template as variable datetimeformat.