Create __
.py :
# An web server module
import json
from appmodule import AppModule
app = AppModule()
def getApp():
return app
def _():
Default view
title = "Application with a template and a config"
return dict(title = title, json = json)
Create index.tpl inside of view folder:
% include("header.tpl")
Application config:
{{json.dumps(module_config, indent=4, sort_keys=True)}}
% include("footer.tpl")
Create a JSON file named config.json in the module folder
(where is __
.py located) using the
Application web config editor
or copy & paste:
"data": {
"10": {
"description": "Data Source Name",
"name": "DSN",
"posturl": "",
"type": "text",
"value": "protocol://user:password@host/database"
"20": {
"description": "Enable or disable module execution",
"name": "module disabled",
"posturl": "",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": ""
"30": {
"description": "Show link to module config and user config",
"name": "config menu",
"posturl": "",
"type": "checkbox",
"value": "yes"
"fields": {
"10": [
"20": [
"30": [
"40": [
"50": [
The application config is passed to template
(by method render_template)
as variable module_config and template
is show it in a <
html tag using function json.dumps(module_config, indent=4, sort_keys=True).
The json config file contains data and fields, but the config of application consists only from data.
The info from fields is used by admin web config editor to render the edit form.
You must be logged in with administrative rights to be able to edit configuration with admin web config editor.