{% include_relative content_bounties.md %}
Defining a Form, Pattern, and Generative Language for the Internet Computer.
- GZip
- Motoko Processing Pipelines
- Motoko Streams
- Motoko Scalable Data Access and Indexing
- Motoko Tutorials
- Motoko to Rust Bridge
- Domain-Specific Language Support
- Annual National Meeting
- Quarterly Educational Symposiums
All suitably interesting consensus mechanisms can and will be built on or ported to the Internet Computer -- while enjoying sufficient security and performance that is equal or superior to other consensus platforms.
- Eth on the IC
- BTC on the IC
- Algorand/Polygon/Tendermint/etc on the IC
- ZK Implementation on the IC
- js ast secure loading
- js engine
- node.js vm inside of a canister
- fs abstractions
- stream abstractions
- network abstractions
- npm and import abstractions