Quaternion Based AHRS Estimation Using MPU9250 and STM32G431
Board used is: NUCLEO-G431RB
Detailed information: NUCLEO-G431RB
Include needed librarys:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpu9255.h"
Create instance:
MPU9255_t MPU9255;
Add printf function properties:
int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&hlpuart1, (uint8_t*)ptr, len, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
return len;
Define needed variables:
float pitch;
float yaw;
float roll;
Init sensor and wait until init completes. Also, add your I2C instance, &hi2c2 or &hi2c1 or &hi2c3...
while (MPU9255_Init(&hi2c2) == 1);
Delay 3 seconds, this is for after mag. calibration completes
Read all sensor data and calculate Quaternions:
readAll(&hi2c2, &MPU9255);
Assign calculated values to the variables
pitch = MPU9255.pitch;
yaw = MPU9255.yaw;
roll= MPU9255.roll;
Create variable count, right before nain While:
int count;
In while loop, print all axis data every 10 microsecond. This is for prevent UART overflow:
if (count == 10){
printf("%f\t", yaw);
printf("%f\t", pitch);
printf("%f\t\n", roll);
count = 0;
Download 3dBody.py and change:
ser = serial.Serial('<PORT_NAME>', 115200)
<PORT_NAME> to the your Nucleo's COM port.