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Structured Logging

There are currently two APIs for structured logging: log and lg2. If your code is C++20 (or later) it is preferred to use lg2.

Why structured logging?

Structured logging is a method of logging where every variable piece of data is tagged with some identifier for the data. This is opposite of unstructured logging where logged events are free-form strings.

The principal logging daemon in OpenBMC (systemd-journald) natively supports structured logging. As a result, there are some designs in place where specific structured events are added to the journal and downstream these events can be consumed. For example, one implementation of the IPMI SEL utilizes specific journal structured data to stored and later retrieve SEL events.

Even if an argument might be made against the merits of using the journal as a form of IPC, the value of structured logging persists. It is very common as part of various failure-analysis operations, either on the part of a system manufacturer or an end-user, to need to interrogate the system logs to determine when/where/why a situation degraded. With unstructured logging, the implementation is left chasing message format and data changes, where as with structured logging the format is somewhat static and easily parsed.

A specific example of where structured logging is beneficial is a service which gathers error or higher log reports and creates issues when a new or unknown signature is discovered. If the only information available is an unstructured string, any kind of signature identification requires creating a regular expression (likely). With structured log, specific identifiers can be used as the error signature while others are ignored. For instance, maybe a specific ERROR_RC is critical to identifying the scenario but FILE_PATH is variable and ignored.

For deeper understanding of the OpenBMC logging subsystem, it may be useful to read the manpages for man 1 journalctl and man 3 sd_journal_send. Generally accepted log-levels and their definition is historically documented in man 3 syslog.


The pre-C++20 logging APIs presented by phosphor-logging are phosphor::logging::log. The basic format of a log call is:

    log<level>("A message", entry("TAG0=%s", "value"), entry("TAG1=%x", 2));

Each log call has a level or priority, which corresponds to syslog priorities, such as 'debug', 'info', 'emergency', a free-form message string, and any number of entries, which are key-value pairs of data.

The 'key' of an entry is an upper-case tag for the data along with a printf-style format string for the data. Journald imposes some restrictions on the tag: it must be all capital letters, numbers, or underscores and must not start with an underscore. Unfortunately, if these restrictions are not followed or the printf string is invalid for the data, the code will compile but journald may silently drop the log request (or pieces of it).

It is highly discouraged to dynamically create the free-form message string because the contents are then, effectively, unstructured.


The post-C++20 logging APIs presented by phosphor-logging are lg2::log. The basic format of a log call is:

    lg2::level("A {TAG0} occured.", "TAG0", "foo"s, "TAG1", lg2::hex, 2);

Each log call has a level or priority, but the level is indicated by the function call name (such as lg2::debug(...)). The log call also has a free-form message string and any number of entries indicated by 2 or 3 argument sets:

  • key name (with the same [_A-Z0-9] requirements imposed by journald).
  • [optional] set of format flags
  • data value

The free-form message may also optionally contain brace-wrapped key names, for which the message will be dynamically modified to contain the formatted value in place of the {KEY}. This enables human-friendly message strings to be formed without relying on verbose journald output modes.

Note: Since a free-form message with data can be created using the {KEY} mechanism, no other string formatting libraries are necessary or should be used. Avoiding the {KEY} feature causes the journal messages to become unstructured. Do not use sstream or {fmt} to format the message!

The supported format flags are:

  • bin, dec, hex
    • The [integer] data should be formatted in the requested manner.
    • Decimal is the default.
    • Examples:
      • bin, 0xabcd -> 0b1010101111001101
      • hex, 1234 -> 0x4d2
  • field8, field16, field32, field64
    • The [integer] data should be padded as if it were a field of specified bit-length (useful only for bin or hex data).
    • Examples:
      • (bin | field8), 0xff -> 0b11111111
      • (hex | field16), 10 -> 0x000a

Format flags can be OR'd together as necessary: hex | field32.

The APIs can handle (and format appropriately) any data of the following types: signed or unsigned integers, floating point numbers, booleans, strings (C-strings, std::strings, or std::string_views), sdbusplus enums and object_paths, generic enumerations (as numbers), exceptions, and pointers. The APIs will also allow arbitrary type formatting for any type which has a to_string function defined.

The APIs also perform compile-time analysis of the arguments to give descriptive error messages for incorrect parameters or format flags. Some examples are:

  • (dec | hex) yields:
    • error: static assertion failed: Conflicting flags found for value type.
  • dec applied to a string yields:
    • error: static assertion failed: Prohibited flag found for value type.
  • Missing a key yields:
    • error: static assertion failed: Found value without expected header field.
  • Missing data yields:
    • error: static assertion failed: Found header field without expected data.
  • Missing a message yields:
    • error: use of deleted function ‘lg2::debug<>::debug()’


The API adds an extra journald key to represent the original message prior to {KEY} replacement, which is saved with the LOG2_FMTMSG key. This is done to facilitate searching the journal with a known fixed version of the message (prior to the dynamic replacement).

Key format checking

The journald APIs require that keys (also called data 'headers') may only contain underscore, uppercase letters, or numbers ([_A-Z0-9]) and may not start with underscores. If these requirements are ignored, the journal API silently drops journal requests. In order to prevent silent bugs, the code performs compile-time checking of these requirements.

The code that enables compile-time header checking imposes two constraints:

  1. Keys / headers must be passed as constant C-string values.
    • "KEY" is valid; "KEY"s or variable_key is not.
  2. Any constant C-string may be interpreted as a key and give non-obvious compile warnings about format violations.
    • Constant C-strings ("a string") should be passed as a C++ literal ("a string"s) instead.

stderr output

When running an application or daemon on a console or SSH session, it might not be obvious that the application is writing to the journal. The lg2 APIs detect if the application is running on a TTY and additionally log to the TTY.

Output to stderr can also be forced by setting the LG2_FORCE_STDERR environment variable to any value. This is especially useful to see log output in OpenBMC CI test verfication.

The format of information sent to the TTY can be adjusted by setting the desired format string in the LG2_FORMAT environment variable. Supported fields are:

  • %% : a '%' literal
  • %f : the logging function's name
  • %F : the logging function's file
  • %l : the log level as an integer
  • %L : the logging function's line number
  • %m : the lg2 message

The default format is "<%l> %m".

Why a new API?

There were a number of issues raised by logging::log which are not easily fixed with the existing API.

  1. The mixture of template and temporary-constructed entry parameters is verbose and clumsy. lg2 is far more succinct in this regard.
  2. The printf format-strings were error prone and potentially missed in code reviews. lg2 eliminates the need for printf strings by generating the formatting internally.
  3. logging::log generates incorrect code location information (see openbmc/openbmc#2297). lg2 uses C++20's source_location to, by default, generate correct code location info and can optionally be passed a non-defaulted source_location for rare but appropriate cases.
  4. The previous APIs had no mechanism to generate dynamic user-friendly strings which caused some developers to rely on external formatting libraries such as {fmt}. {KEY} replacement is now a core feature of the new API.
  5. When running on a TTY, logging::log sent data to journal and the TTY was silent. This resulted in some applications creating custom code to write some data to stdout and some to logging::log APIs. lg2 automatically detects if it is running on a TTY and duplicates logging data to the console and the journal.

It is possible #3 and #5 could be fixed with the existing APIs, but the remainder are only possible to be resolved with changes to the API syntax.

Why C++20?

Solving issue openbmc/openbmc#2297 requires C++20's source_location feature. It is possible that this could be solved in the logging::log APIs by utilizing #ifdef detection of the source_location feature so that C++20 applications gain this support.

Implementing much of the syntactic improvements of the lg2 API is made possible by leveraging C++20's Concepts feature. Experts in C++ may argue that this could be implemented in earlier revisions of C++ using complex SFINAE techniques with templated-class partial-specialization and overloading. Those experts are more than welcome to implement the lg2 API in C++17 on their own.

Why didn't you do ...?

Why didn't you just use {fmt}?

{fmt} is a great API for creating unstructured logging strings, but we are trying to create structured logging. {fmt} doesn't address that problem domain.

Why invent your own formatting and not use {fmt}?

The formatting performed by this API is purposefully minimal. {fmt} is very capable and especially apt for human-facing string formatting. That is not the typical use-case for our logging. Instead we prioritized the following:

  1. Reasonable syntactic ergonomics so that the API can easily be adopted.
  2. Simple, consistent, machine parse-able data contents.
  3. Sufficient human-facing messages for developer-level debug.
  4. Very tight code generation at logging call sites and reasonably performant code.

(1) The lg2 API is roughly equivalent to printf, {fmt}, cout in terms of ergonomics, but significantly better compile-time error proofing than the others (except on par with {fmt} for errors).

(2) Adding robust formatting would lead to less consistent structured data with essentially no additional benefit. Detailed field specifiers like {.4f} do not serve any purpose when the consumer is another computer program, and only minimal enhancement for developers. The typical utility formatting for hardware-facing usage is implemented (hex, binary, field-size).

(3) The {HEADER} placeholders allow data to be placed in a human-friendly manner on par with {fmt}.

(4) The call-site code generated by this API is almost identical to a printf and the journal-facing code is on similar performance footing to the journal_send APIs. We save some processing by using iovec interfaces and providing the source-code information, compared to the older logging APIs and have similar formatting performance to the printf-style formatting that journal_send used. The only difference is that this is done in our library rather than in libsystemd.

Utilizing {fmt} for each structured data element would impose much greater overheads. Either we insert the {fmt} calls at the call-site (N calls plus N string objects for N structured data elements), or we do them in the library side where we lose the compile-time format checking. Also, the performance of the more robust formatting would almost certainly be worse, especially if we do the formatting library-side.

Logging is done often. Shifting a few values onto the stack for a printf-type call compared to a kilobyte+ of generated code for inline {fmt} calls is a significant trade-off. And one with the only major advantage being more universally standardized API. The lg2 API seems obvious enough in ergonomics such that this should not be an impediment to our community of developers.

If it is later decided that we need more robust formatting or the lg2::format flags were a bad idea they could be deprecated and replaced. The format flags are a unique C++ type, which makes syntax parsing easier. As long as they are replaced with a similar unique C++ type both syntaxes could be supported for a time. Thus enhancing to support something like fmt::arg in the future could be done without impacting existing code usage. Also, an ambitious developer could write a Clang-Tidy code upgrader to transition from format flags to something else, like Abseil provides for API changes.

Doesn't duplicating the structured data in the message decrease the available journal space?

Far less than you might imagine. Journald keeps the messages in a compressed binary format. Since the data embedded in the message and the structured data are identical in content, and very near each other in the on-disk format, they compress exceptionally well. Likely on the order of 1-2 bytes per structured data element.

The lack of data in the default journalctl output was a serious impediment to adoption of the logging API by some members of the development community. Unless we dispense with structured logging entirely, this duplication seems like a reasonable compromise.

Doesn't the {HEADER} syntax needlessly lengthen the message strings?

Lengthen, yes. Needlessly, no?

An earlier lg2 proposal had a format flag that appended data to the message string instead of putting it in-place. The consensus was that this did not create as human-friendly messages as developers desired so the placeholder syntax was implemented instead.

{fmt} can use shorter placeholders of {} or {3}. The non-indexed syntax would require structured data elements be in specific order and could be error prone with code maintenance. The indexed syntax is similarly error prone and harder to review. Both of them are more work for string formatting on the library.

The {HEADER} syntax is identical to {fmt}'s "Named Argument" syntax but actually with better parameter ergonomics as {fmt} would require wrapping the named argument with a fmt::arg call, which is similar to logging's entry.