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Releases: ibexa/experience-skeleton


23 Aug 13:15
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ibexa/experience-skeleton v3.3.25 change log

Changes since v3.3.24

ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop changes between v3.3.20 and v3.3.21


  • IBX-3591: Added missing translations for Customer profile data (#429)

ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.3.22 and v2.3.23



  • IBX-2559: Added new style to ez-extra-actions__content class to allow scrolling language list (#2061)
  • IBX-3652: selecting a bookmark after selecting an item in the Browser tab can be confusing (#2062)
  • IBX-2964: Flatpickr widget localization (#2059)
  • IBX-3320: Unified content versions edit button logic (#2058)
  • IBX-3681 - Added selectedLanguage update on location change in UDW (#2065)

ezsystems/ezplatform-content-forms changes between v1.3.11 and v1.3.12


  • IBX-3451: [Behat] Removed depending on APP_ENV when loading Context services (#62)

ezsystems/ezplatform-core changes between v2.3.24 and v2.3.25

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-elastic-search-engine changes between v1.2.6 and v1.2.7


  • IBX-3116: Made Section identifier nonconvertible (#48)

ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.3.22 and v1.3.23


  • IBX-3588: Enhanced ContentFieldValidation exception (#329)


  • IBX-360: Added \d+ requirement on contentId parameter for ez_content_download_field_id route (#325)
  • IBX-3167: Fixed performance issue in URL Alias cache invalidation (#326)
  • IBX-3451: [Behat] Removed depending on APP_ENV when loading Context services (#324)
  • IBX-3557: Provided Location target for updateLocation API method (#328)
  • IBX-3334: Skipped migrating binary file or its metadata when using the same handler (#322)

ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder changes between v2.3.22 and v2.3.23



  • IBX-3650: [Nested attribute] Index in data-bs-target is assigned based on first group (#958)
  • IBX-3320: Unified content versions edit buttons logic (#961)
  • IBX-3670: Fixed multiple setting set to false is not respected (#960)

ezsystems/ezplatform-page-fieldtype changes between v2.3.19 and v2.3.20


  • IBX-2885: Added nested attribute (#232)
  • IBX-2886: Added support for help messages for fields in nested attributes (#233)


ezsystems/ezplatform-personalization changes between v1.0.11 and v1.0.12


ezsystems/ezplatform-segmentation changes between v1.1.7 and v1.1.8


  • IBX-2292: Changed API to use identifiers instead of numeric IDs (#50)


  • IBX-3333: Fixed issue where segment-user mappings are not cleared after removing Segments (#52)

ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine changes between v3.3.10 and v3.3.9

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-workflow changes between v2.3.14 and v2.3.15


  • IBX-2824: Added a possibility to paginate WorkflowMetadata properly (#254)

ibexa/content changes between v3.3.24 and v3.3.25

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v3.3.24 and v3.3.25

No significant changes.

ibexa/installer changes between v1.0.12 and v1.0.13


  • IBX-3333: Added migration scripts removing orphaned segment-user mappings (#79)

ibexa/migrations changes between v1.0.20 and v1.0.21


  • IBX-3263: Fixed Content Update/Delete not possible against hidden content
  • IBX-3328...
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09 Aug 15:51
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v4.2.0 change log

Changes since v4.1.0

ezsystems/JMSJobQueueBundle changes between v4.0.1 and v4.0.2


  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN
  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN

ezsystems/JMSPaymentCoreBundle changes between v3.0.1 and v3.0.2


  • EC-424: Enable SSL verification

ezsystems/TedivmStashBundle changes between v0.9.0 and v0.9.1


ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.1.0 and v4.2.0


  • IBX-2628: Introduce colorful tag-like dropdown (#383)
  • IBX-2603: Content Tree actions: followup for code standards (#404)
  • IBX-2677: As a developer I want to have prettier and eslint style check/fix (#393)
  • IBX-2655: Fixed create/edit layout (#391)
  • IBX-277: Personalization - model edit fixes (#418)
  • IBX-2653: Introduce colorful ibexa-tag and ibexa-tag-view-select (#389)
  • IBX-2784: Toolbox redesign (#415)
  • IBX-1129: As a developer I want to get rid of deprecated React lifecycle methods (#417)
  • IBX-2803: Update React from v17 to v18 (#407)
  • IBX-2658: Introduce adaptive filters (#392)
  • IBX-2918: Improvement collapse panel (#429)
  • IBX-2000: Added search into URL Wildcard tab (#2042)
  • IBX-2493: Added mappers and views for new user/invite limitation (#396)
  • IBX-2898: Added icon for upload image (#431)
  • IBX-2995: Fixed parameters order for AuthenticationSuccessHandler (#2051)
  • IBX-2995: Fixed parameters order for AuthenticationSuccessHandler (#2051)
  • IBX-2000: Aligned URLWildcard search codebase with 4.x
  • IBX-2823: Added reverseRelationsCount and isBookmarked to ContentTree node (#442)
  • IBX-3007: [Content Tree] As a user, I want to have warning modal about hiding content with reverse relations (#466)
  • IBX-3086: Vertical view in details UI component (#477)
  • IBX-3071: Allow adaptive filters component to adapt to a tab (#476)
  • IBX-3092: dropdown in subfield should be small like other fields (#479)
  • IBX-3085: As a Developer, I want to have thumbnail twig component (#478)
  • IBX-2631: Corporate Account new icons - telephone (#387)
  • IBX-2954: Added option to invite users into groups (#447)
  • IBX-2937: Added new relation starting location options (#432)
  • IBX-3114: Add Pagination helper (#481)
  • IBX-3154: Add content_raw to twig details component (#487)
  • IBX-3119: As a developer I want to set custom table empty image (#480)
  • IBX-3090: Added possibility to add extra classes to tag in page title (#494)
  • IBX-3242: Added twig macros for rendering form fields in edit base view (#492)
  • IBX-3305: Add register page (#493)
  • IBX-2534: Improved invite users modal design (#501)
  • IBX-3201: handled custom form action in invitation modal (#515)
  • IBX-3523: Introduced tabs to left sidebar in Content Edit interface (#526)
  • IBX-3608: Added items_class and html to selected item label (#534)


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21 Jul 13:45
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ibexa/experience-skeleton v4.2.0-rc1 change log

Changes since v4.2.0-beta1

ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1


  • IBX-3090: Added possibility to add extra classes to tag in page title (#494)


  • IBX-3132: Added possibility to change clear button type in inputs (#484)
  • IBX-3243: don't trigger change on same option select; trigger change on clearCurrentSelection (#489)
  • IBX-3251: Changed textarea to search type in url wildcards (#490)
  • IBX-2779: Unify ghost dropdown caret icon (#469)

ibexa/admin-ui-assets changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/calendar changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-base-design changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-checkout changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-price-engine changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-shop changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-shop-ui changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/connector-dam changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/content changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/content-forms changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/content-tree changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/core changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/corporate-account changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1



  • IBX-3180: Fix error in company details when contact is null (#28)
  • IBX-3296: Add missing policies translations (#36)

ibexa/cron changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/design-engine changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/doctrine-schema changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/elasticsearch changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/fastly changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1


ibexa/fieldtype-address changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1


ibexa/fieldtype-matrix changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-page changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-query changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-richtext changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/form-builder changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/graphql changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1


ibexa/http-cache changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.

ibexa/i18n changes between v4.2.0-beta1 and v4.2.0-rc1

No significant changes.


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14 Jul 13:20
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v3.3.24 change log

Changes since v3.3.23

ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.3.21 and v2.3.22


  • IBX-3067: Fixed JS validation for float and integer fieldtypes (#2056)

ezsystems/ezplatform-core changes between v2.3.23 and v2.3.24

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-form-builder changes between v2.3.11 and v2.3.12

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-graphql changes between v2.3.10 and v2.3.11


ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache-fastly changes between v2.0.11 and v2.0.12


ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.3.21 and v1.3.22


  • IBX-2618: Added skipped Ibexa integration tests for Solr
  • IBX-2618: Aligned list of test languages with the ones supported by Solr
  • IBX-3110: Added version parameter validation in DownloadController
  • IBX-3051: Fixed custom non-string Criterion query value mapping
  • IBX-3036: Provided fallback for Content-Disposition header in DownloadController

ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder changes between v2.3.21 and v2.3.22

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext changes between v2.3.14 and v2.3.15


  • IBX-1219: Added value justify into ezxhtml:align

ezsystems/ezplatform-version-comparison changes between v1.3.8 and v1.3.9


  • IBX-3011: Removed template param from ez_render_field (#77)

ibexa/content changes between v3.3.23 and v3.3.24

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v3.3.23 and v3.3.24

No significant changes.

ibexa/migrations changes between v1.0.19 and v1.0.20


  • IBX-1855: Added LimitationConvert for ParentContentTypeLimitation (#339)

ibexa/oss changes between v3.3.23 and v3.3.24

No significant changes.


07 Jul 15:17
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v4.2.0-beta1 change log

Changes since v4.1.0

ezsystems/JMSJobQueueBundle changes between v4.0.1 and v4.0.2


  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN
  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN

ezsystems/JMSPaymentCoreBundle changes between v3.0.1 and v3.0.2


  • EC-424: Enable SSL verification

ezsystems/TedivmStashBundle changes between v0.9.0 and v0.9.1


ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.1.0 and v4.2.0-beta1


  • IBX-2628: Introduce colorful tag-like dropdown (#383)
  • IBX-2603: Content Tree actions: followup for code standards (#404)
  • IBX-2677: As a developer I want to have prettier and eslint style check/fix (#393)
  • IBX-2655: Fixed create/edit layout (#391)
  • IBX-277: Personalization - model edit fixes (#418)
  • IBX-2653: Introduce colorful ibexa-tag and ibexa-tag-view-select (#389)
  • IBX-2784: Toolbox redesign (#415)
  • IBX-1129: As a developer I want to get rid of deprecated React lifecycle methods (#417)
  • IBX-2803: Update React from v17 to v18 (#407)
  • IBX-2658: Introduce adaptive filters (#392)
  • IBX-2918: Improvement collapse panel (#429)
  • IBX-2000: Added search into URL Wildcard tab (#2042)
  • IBX-2493: Added mappers and views for new user/invite limitation (#396)
  • IBX-2898: Added icon for upload image (#431)
  • IBX-2995: Fixed parameters order for AuthenticationSuccessHandler (#2051)
  • IBX-2995: Fixed parameters order for AuthenticationSuccessHandler (#2051)
  • IBX-2000: Aligned URLWildcard search codebase with 4.x
  • IBX-2823: Added reverseRelationsCount and isBookmarked to ContentTree node (#442)
  • IBX-3007: [Content Tree] As a user, I want to have warning modal about hiding content with reverse relations (#466)
  • IBX-3086: Vertical view in details UI component (#477)
  • IBX-3071: Allow adaptive filters component to adapt to a tab (#476)
  • IBX-3092: dropdown in subfield should be small like other fields (#479)
  • IBX-3085: As a Developer, I want to have thumbnail twig component (#478)
  • IBX-2631: Corporate Account new icons - telephone (#387)
  • IBX-2954: Added option to invite users into groups (#447)
  • IBX-2937: Added new relation starting location options (#432)
  • IBX-3114: Add Pagination helper (#481)
  • IBX-3154: Add content_raw to twig details component (#487)
  • IBX-3119: As a developer I want to set custom table empty image (#480)


  • IBX-2275: Refactor UDW configuration subscribers (#2039)
  • IBX-2627: dropdown small styling issues (#382)
  • IBX-2557: Fix badge (#367)
  • IBX-2796: reference correct property (#405)
  • EZP-32430: Enabled clicks after using back/forward buttons in browser (#2043)
  • EZP-32430: Fixed class name
  • IBX-2826: Search input should be hidden when less than 5 items are in dropdown (#410)
  • IBX-2673: Unable to scroll grid view in UDW (#412)
  • IBX-2417: Size of avatar in header (#414)
  • IBX-2775: Fixed main menu selection (#411)
  • IBX-2775: Fix prettier styling (#422)
  • IBX-2837: Missing spinner when content is loaded in meta data in search (#420)
  • IBX-2878: Cutted change path label button (#423)
  • IBX-2871: Wrong spacing on some admin pages (#421)
  • IBX-2760: Number input - clear X button overlaps with the number (#424)
  • IBX-2414: Button "create" - wrong priority (#426)
  • IBX-2869: [Navigation menu] Field groups navigation menu cannot unselect 2nd choice (#425)
  • IBX-2910: Fix font family in headlines (#427)
  • IBX-2880: Changed CredentialsExpiredListener to expect PasswordExpiredException (#2045)
  • IBX-2920: Fixed rolled-up styles (#430)
  • IBX-857: Added call invalidateSize on each map when tab clicked and if tab contains any map (#2047)
  • IBX-2928: Provided tooltip fallback for Content fieldtype description (#2048)
  • IBX-2940: Introduced middle ellipsis component (#434)
  • IBX-2943: Section is not fully switched when editing content with multiple sections (#437)
  • IBX-2965: Added min-height to header title (#464)
  • IBX-2948: Media File Upload: Cannot upload same file twice in a row with button upload (#2053)
  • IBX-2913: Changed type of filter button in fieldtypes ...
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27 Jun 12:31
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v3.3.23 change log

Changes since v3.3.22

ezsystems/ezcommerce-fieldtypes changes between v1.2.8 and v1.2.9


  • IBX-2618: Optimized search indexing VariantTypeMapper

ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop changes between v3.3.19 and v3.3.20


  • IBX-2618: Optimized search indexing SpecificationsTypeMapper

ezsystems/ezplatform-core changes between v2.3.22 and v2.3.23


  • IBX-2817: Fixed missing cast to float for timeout option in ibexa:encore:compile command

ezsystems/ezplatform-elastic-search-engine changes between v1.2.5 and v1.2.6


ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.3.20 and v1.3.21


  • IBX-2618: Optimized search indexing performance

ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder changes between v2.3.20 and v2.3.21


ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine changes between v3.3.8 and v3.3.9


ibexa/content changes between v3.3.22 and v3.3.23

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v3.3.22 and v3.3.23

No significant changes.

ibexa/oss changes between v3.3.22 and v3.3.23

No significant changes.


20 Jun 11:20
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v3.3.22 change log

Changes since v3.3.21

ezsystems/ezcommerce-checkout changes between v1.0.10 and v1.0.9

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezcommerce-fieldtypes changes between v1.2.7 and v1.2.8


  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN

ezsystems/ezcommerce-price-engine changes between v3.3.10 and v3.3.9

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop changes between v3.3.18 and v3.3.19


  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN

ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.3.20 and v2.3.21


  • IBX-2948: Media File Upload: Cannot upload same file twice in a row with button upload (#2053)

ezsystems/ezplatform-connector-dam changes between v1.1.6 and v1.1.7


  • IBX-2870: Implemented ImageAssetMapper strategy needed for DAM and GraphQL synchronization (#50)

ezsystems/ezplatform-content-forms changes between v1.3.10 and v1.3.11

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-core changes between v2.3.21 and v2.3.22

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-graphql changes between v2.3.10 and v2.3.9

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.3.19 and v1.3.20


  • IBX-2934: Proxified FieldsGroupsList with lazy
  • EZP-30746: Fixed respecting hidden Content when moving subtree

ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder changes between v2.3.19 and v2.3.20


  • IBX-3013: Resolved preview Site Access for contents without alwaysAvailable flag (#951)

ezsystems/ezplatform-page-fieldtype changes between v2.3.18 and v2.3.19


  • IBX-2962: Unset deleted items from Content Scheduler block (#231)

ezsystems/JMSJobQueueBundle changes between v4.0.1 and v4.0.2


  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN
  • IBX-3029: Fixed entities referenced by their alias instead of FQCN

ezsystems/TedivmStashBundle changes between v0.8.2 and v0.9.1


ibexa/content changes between v3.3.21 and v3.3.22

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v3.3.21 and v3.3.22

No significant changes.

ibexa/installer changes between v1.0.11 and v1.0.12

No significant changes.

ibexa/migrations changes between v1.0.18 and v1.0.19

No significant changes.

ibexa/oss changes between v3.3.21 and v3.3.22

No significant changes.


03 Jun 12:56
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v4.1.5 change log

Changes since v4.1.4

ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5


  • IBX-2943: Section is not fully switched when editing content with multiple sections (#437)

ibexa/admin-ui-assets changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/calendar changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-base-design changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-checkout changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-price-engine changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-shop changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-shop-ui changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/connector-dam changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/content changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/content-forms changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/content-tree changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/core changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/cron changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/design-engine changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/doctrine-schema changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/elasticsearch changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/fastly changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-matrix changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-page changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-query changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-richtext changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/form-builder changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/graphql changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/http-cache changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/i18n changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/icons changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/image-editor changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/installer changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/measurement changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/migrations changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5


  • IBX-2932: Changed FieldDefinitionNormalizer to only require needed data for the field

ibexa/oauth2-client changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/oss changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/page-builder changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/permissions changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/personalization changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/post-install changes between v4.1.4 and v4.1.5

No significant changes.

ibexa/product-catalog changes between [v4.1.4](https...

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03 Jun 12:39
Choose a tag to compare

ibexa/experience-skeleton v4.0.8 change log

Changes since v4.0.7

ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/admin-ui-assets changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/calendar changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-base-design changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-checkout changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-price-engine changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-shop changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/commerce-shop-ui changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/connector-dam changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/content changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/content-forms changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/content-tree changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/core changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/cron changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/design-engine changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/doctrine-schema changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/elasticsearch changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/fastly changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-matrix changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-page changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-query changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/fieldtype-richtext changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/form-builder changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/graphql changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/http-cache changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/i18n changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/icons changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/image-editor changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/installer changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/migrations changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/oauth2-client changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/oss changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/page-builder changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/permissions changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/personalization changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/post-install changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/product-catalog changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/rest changes between v4.0.7 and v4.0.8

No significant changes.

ibexa/scheduler changes between v4.0.7 and [v4.0.8](htt...

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03 Jun 10:42
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ibexa/experience-skeleton v3.3.21 change log

Changes since v3.3.20

ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.3.19 and v2.3.20

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-core changes between v2.3.20 and v2.3.21

No significant changes.

ezsystems/ezplatform-rest changes between v1.3.14 and v1.3.15


  • IBX-2973: Removed obsolete random sleep on REST login (#95)

ibexa/content changes between v3.3.20 and v3.3.21

No significant changes.

ibexa/experience changes between v3.3.20 and v3.3.21

No significant changes.

ibexa/migrations changes between v1.0.17 and v1.0.18


  • IBX-2932: Changed FieldDefinitionNormalizer to only require needed data for the field

ibexa/oss changes between v3.3.20 and v3.3.21

No significant changes.