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Game Mode

The rules for the game, such as win states and lose states.

The Game Mode is a Blueprint. Create a new Game Mode by Content Browser > right-click > New Class > Game Mode Base. Set the project's default Game Mode in Project Settings > Project > Maps & Modes > Default Modes > Default Game Mode. This value can be overridden on a per-level basis. The Game Mode is created when a level is loaded, and destroyed with the level.

The Game Mode contains the following important settings:

  • Game Session Class.
  • Game State Class.
  • Player Controller Class. Which Player Controller to use,
  • Player State Class.
    Holds any data or functionality that transcends all the levels. ( Not sure if this should be on Player Controller or Player State. ) ( How can anything survive between levels if the entire Game Mode is destroyed and recreated on level transitions? )
  • HUD Class.
  • Default Pawn Class. Which Pawn to use for the player, unless override for a particular level.
  • Spectator Class.
  • Replay Spectator Player Controller
  • Server Stat Replicator Class.

The selected Pawn should probably contain a Camera

The Game Mode used is determined by the first of:

  • ?game=xxx in the URL. (command line parameter?)
  • Game Mode Override value set in the World Settings.
  • Default Game Mode entry set in the game's Project Settings.

To set the Game Mode for a particular level, overriding the project's Game Mode, change Level Editor > Toolbar > Settings > World Settings > Game Mode Override.

To set the Default Game Mode for the project, change Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Default Game Mode.

The default Pawn type can be set in a C++ AGameModeBase subclass with the following code:

static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnClass(
if (PlayerPawnClass.Class != nullptr)
    DefaultPawnClass = PlayerPawnClass.Class;

The path is found by right-click on the Blueprint class for the Pawn in Unreal Editor and selecting Copy Reference. Delete the extra .<CLASS NAME> part at the end, it shouldn't be there. The principle is the same for the PlayerControllerClass inherited member variable. The code tries to load the Blueprint at the given path. The .Class member that we access on the FClassFinder is of type TSubclassOf<APawn>. TSubclassOf is part of the reflection system. It is a pointer to a class, not to an object. Well, to an object that represents a class.

A Blueprint Game Mode inheriting from your C++ Game Mode class can be created. Not sure what the point of that is though. To create Blueprint Visual Script functions and variables, perhaps.

[[2020-04-11_09:21:04]] Pawn
[[2020-04-11_11:18:18]] PlayerController
[[2020-05-08_21:50:52]] Camera