A collection of command line actions. These are printed with newlines between each parameter to make them easier to read.
Initial build of Unreal Engine:
mkdir UnrealEngine_<VERSION>
cd UnrealEngine_<VERSION>
git clone https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git .
git checkout <VERSION>-release
[[2020-08-22_22:55:03]] Building and installing Unreal Engine from source
[[2021-10-01_16:04:08]] Installed Build
Creating a binary release of Unreal Engine:
-Target="Make Installed Build Linux"
Multiple GameConfigurations
can be passed, separated by ';'
I know of Shipping and Development.
There is probably Debug as well.
This flag is for what you are doing with the engine itself.
If you are working on a project, and not the engine, then use Shipping.
I think one can build projects in Development using a Shipping engine.
Both Development and Shipping is required to export plugins with RunUAT BuildPlugin
See BuildPluginCommand.Automation.cs
in the engine source, an excerpt:
HostProjectFile, HostProjectPluginFile, Plugin, "UE4Game", TargetType.Game,
TargetPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, // Hard coded development.
ManifestFileNames, AdditionalTargetArgs);
HostProjectFile, HostProjectPluginFile, Plugin, "UE4Game", TargetType.Game,
TargetPlatform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping, // Hard-coded shipping.
ManifestFileNames, AdditionalTargetArgs);
%UAT_PATH% BenchmarkBuild -project=UE4 -editor -client -noxge -iterations=1
Generating build system project files for a C++ Unreal Engine project using wrapper script:
This will generate a CMakeLists.txt
that can be used to open the project in any C++ IDE that supports CMake projects.
A bunch of settings, such as include paths, are stored in <PROJECT>/Intermediate/ProjectFiles/
When using an Installed Build of the engine a massive number of include paths are listed.
So many that CLion errors out with
g++: fatal error: cannot execute '/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/cc1plus': execv: Argument list too long
while parsing the project.
I "fixed" it by deleting a bunch of stuff from the end of the list in <PROJECT>/Intermediate/ProjectFiles/cmake-includes.cmake
I found what could be deleted by generating parallel project using a source build of the engine and comparing the two files.
Generating build system project files for a C++ Unreal Engine project using Build.sh
Build a C++ Unreal Engine project with the generated project files. Here assuming Makefile
make <ProjectName>Editor
The above builds for use in the editor. The below builds for use in an cooked/exported project. (Is this really true? I don't think this does a full cook.)
make <ProjectName>
To clean the build files, i.e., prepare for a full rebuild, pass ARGS="-clean"
to make
make <ProjectName>Editor ARGS="-clean"
** We may want -NoEngineChanges
on a bunch of these, to avoid editing stuff in the engine installation.
Build a project with Build.sh
Not sure what the -buildscw
part does. Possibly related to Shader Compiler Workers. Not sure why it's on the <PROJECT>
build but not the <PROJECT>Editor
Build the Editor target for a project:
The recommended (on the Unreal Slackers Discord Linux channel) way to build a project to fix the module missing or incompatible
error at Unreal Editor startup:
This replaces the old recommendation, which was BatchFiles/Linux/Build.sh <PROJECTNAME>Editor Linux
but that doesn't work for Blueprint-only projects.
If the command above builds nothing and you still get LogInit: Warning: Incompatible or missing module
then run the same command again but with -Clean
appended at the end. WARNING This will rebuild a whole chunk of the engine and take a long time.
Building with Unreal Build Tool directly:
# A source SetupMono.sh or similar is required here. Find the note and update here.
$UE_ROOT/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Linux -Project="<PATH>/<PROJECT>.uproject" -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE
Don't know what other options for TargetType
might be.
On Linux, clicking Package Project in Unreal Editor runs the following Unreal Automation Tool command:
mono AutomationTool.exe
I expect there to be a fairly straightforward conversion to a RunUAT.sh
command line from this.
Maybe like this?
An example RunUAT line to build a server:
Cross compiling a Linux server from Windows:
Another variant, not sure what it does:
RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project="Path/To/Project.uproject" -clientConfig=Shipping -installed -noP4 -platform=Win64 -cook -build -allmaps -stage -pak -archive
Another variant I copied from somewhere. Maybe the same:
One can set Project Settings > Cooker > Cooker Progress Display Mode to get more or less information from the cooker.
This builds something, not sure what. From https://discord.com/channels/187217643009212416/375022233875382274/935265408053809224
-clientconfig=$([[ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "master" ]] && echo "Shipping" || echo "Development")
-serverconfig=$([[ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "master" ]] && echo "Shipping" || echo "Development")
UE4Editor "path to uproject" -run=DerivedDataCache -fill -projectonly
This is useful for debugging cooking crashes since it's one of the steps that the cooking process takes.
eval $UE_ROOT/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.sh BuildPlugin -Plugin=<PATH>/<PROJECT>/Plugins/<PLUGIN>/<PLUGIN>.uplugin -Package=<PATH>/<OTHER_PROJECT>/Plugins/<PLUGIN> -Rocket
Don't know what -Rocket
May want to add a -TargetPlatform(s?)=
Unpack a .pak
unrealpak.exe "path/to/pak" -extract "path/to/empty/folder"
Building a third-party CMake library. The following is from the Unreal Engine 4.25 release notes:
RunUAT.bat BuildCMakeLib -TargetLib=ExampleLib -TargetLibVersion=examplelib-0.1 -TargetConfigs=relase+debug -TargetPlatform=PlatformName -LibOutputPath=lib -CMakeGenerator=Makefile -CMakeAdditionalArguments="-DEXAMPLE_CMAKE_DEFINE=1" -MakeTarget=all -SkipSubmit
[[20200827122445]] Third-party libraries