- Downloaded latest weekly planet PBF File (31GB)
- Installed Osmfilter and Osmconvert
- Ran this :
./osmfilter -v planet-latest.o5m --drop-nodes="railway=rail" --drop-relations="railway=rail" --keep="railway=rail" -o=planet-railway.o5m
./osmconvert planet-railway.o5m -o=planet-railway.osm
./osmconvert planet-railway.osm.pbf -B=eurasia.poly -o=eurasia-railway.osm
./osmconvert eurasia-railway.osm -o=eurasia-railway.osm.pbf
(see eurasia.poly inside ./misc/ ).
- Installed Docker on my machine, because it's a hell to compile OSRM on OSX
- I successed in compiling OSRM on a Debian machine but not with Docker [...] so I downloaded from it osrm-contract, osrm-datastore, osrm-extract, osrm-routed....
- Downloaded and modified this file to get it working with the last version of OSRM... (see ./misc).
- Launched my docker machine (see Dockerfile in ./misc)
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 owner/name
- compile & execute read/main.cpp
g++ -o read -std=c++11 -lprotobuf-lite -losmpbf -lz -lcurl -lboost_serialization main.cpp
- compile & execute draw/main.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 -framework PROJ -lboost_serialization -I/usr/local/include/cairo -L/usr/local/lib/ -lcairo main.cpp
- URL to deal with OSRM : line 21 in read/main.cpp
I don't excepted the result (plot eurasia.poly [...])