- Add the ability to customize oauth authentication flow @Forcide (#95)
- Fix the case in which first_aired property of tv show is null @alexpayne482 (#88)
- Fix error code handling in the device auth flow @anongit (#83)
- Fix bug loading stored credentials for PIN auth (#84)
- Fix an issue with the formatting of now() timestamps on the 10th of the month
- Add support for device authentication (#81)
- Fix a bug with comment instance creation (#73)
- Properly export module contents across trakt module (#70)
- Added datetime representation of episode first_aired date
- Add Movie and TV credit accessors to the Person class
- Add optional year to movie search parameters @justlaputa (#67)
- Add optional year to show, and episode searches
- Add convenience Person.search class method
- Fix missing episode ids returned from calendar @anongit (#66)
- Fix logic in _bootstrapped function @permster (#65)
- Fix TVShow id attributes @TheJake123 (#64)
- Add support for enumerate list items (#63)
- Fix adding to watchlists (#59)
- Add six support for cleaner 2-3 compatibility
- General code cleanup and style improvements
- Update slugify function to better match trakt slugs (#51)
- Python Style Fixes (per flake8)
- Added mocked unit level tests to ensure API responses are handled properly
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- Fix authentication issue pointed out by @BrendanBall (#48)
- Fixed user list retrieval @permster (#42)
- Fixed return from generator py 2.x bug (#45)
- Cleaned up some ugliness in the auth workflows
- User GET's now actually fetch User data from trakt
- User.watching no longer raises an exception if a user isn't watching anything (#40)
- HTTP 204 responses now return None for more obvious error handling
- Expose documented vars, fix watching query (#39)
- Add easier customization for PIN Authentication url (#38)
- Added User.watchlist_movies and User.watchlist_shows properties to the trake.users.User class. Thanks @a904guy! (#32)
- Fix a bug with authentication prompts on Python 2.x. Thanks @Dreamersoul (#30)
# Fix a bug with loading calendars of TVEpisode objects. Thanks @Dreamersoul (#28) # Fix a bug with TVEpisode.__str__ (and some others) not properly escaping non-ascii characters on Python 2.x (#27)
- Fix a bug loading trakt.calendar.SeasonCalendar (#25)
- Added new personalized Calendar classes to trakt.calendar module
- Add default values to non-critical dict.get calls (#23)
- Updated some documentation.
- A TVSeason's episodes attribute is now dynamically generated from all episodes in that season
- sync.rate and sync.add_to_history now properly make valid requests (#21)
- Note: sync.add_to_history's watched_at argument is now expected to be a datetime object, in order to match sync.rate
- Add Trakt PIN Authentication (#15)
- Fix BASE_URL to point at correct v2 API (#19)
- Fix CLIENT_SECRET assignment Bug (#16)
- Fixed TVEpisode Scrobbling Bug (#13)
- Fixed DEBUG logging messages to properly reflect HTTP Methods
- Added a 400 HTTP Response Code Exception type
- 2.0 Version bump due to incompatible API changes relating to the location of the trakt api_key attribute
- Add additional debug logging for API responses
- Add tmdb_id to the TVShow.ids attribute
- Fixed trakt.init to instruct users on how to create a new OAuth application
- Fixed TVSeason.to_json to return accurately scoped season information
- Updated documentation on APIv2's Authentication patterns
- Fixed a bug with First Aired Date datetime parsing
- Fixes Generator issue detailed in #7
- Fixes Python 2x Unicode bug
- PyTrakt now utilizes Trakt's new API 2.0
- API Keys can now obtained via the trakt.init function
- Note: POSTS have been hit or miss, but get's all appear to be working
- Bug fix for the failure to process JSON API responses
- Merged @stampedeboss changes from PR #1
- Some small stylistic changes for consistency
- trakt.tv.TVShow improvements/changes
- Misc bug fixes in trakt.tv
- Import enhancements in trakt.movies
- Added community module
- Fixed/updated documentation
- Initial Release