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Updating to Phauxth 2.1.0

Updating from 2.0 -> 2.1

In version 2.1, you need to remove the references to Comeonin, as it is not directly used any more (it is now a dependency of the password hashing library you are using).

See this commit to see how the example app was updated.

Elixir version

You need to use Elixir version 1.7 or above.


In most cases, you will need to set the following values:

  • user_context
  • crypto_module - needed for Phauxth.Login
    • the recommended value is Argon2
  • token_module - needed for Phauxth.AuthenticateToken, Phauxth.Confirm and Phauxth.Remember
    • you need to write this yourself - see the Phauxth.Token module for more information


with sessions

This no longer uses the get/1 function in the user_context module. Instead, Phauxth.Authenticate uses the get_by(%{"session_id" => session_id}) function.

In addition, Phauxth.Authenticate does not check if the session has expired - you need to do that in the get_by/1 function, as in the example below:

def get_by(%{"session_id" => session_id}) do
  with %Session{user_id: user_id} <- Sessions.get_session(session_id),
       do: get_user(user_id)

with Sessions.get_session/1 something like:

def get_session(id) do
  now = DateTime.utc_now()
  Repo.get(from(s in Session, where: s.expires_at > ^now), id)

with tokens

Change plug Phauxth.Authenticate, method: :token to plug Phauxth.AuthenticateToken


You need to define a create_session/1 function and add this function to the opts when calling Phauxth.Remember.

The create_session/1 function takes the conn as input and should return {:ok, session} or {:error, message}, as in the example below:

def create_session(%Plug.Conn{assigns: %{current_user: %{id: user_id}}}) do
  Sessions.create_session(%{user_id: user_id})

with Sessions.create_session/1 adding the session data to the database.

Phauxth.Login.verify and Phauxth.Confirm.verify

Change Phauxth.Login.verify(params, MyApp.Users) or Phauxth.Confirm.verify(params, MyApp.Users) to:

Phauxth.Login.verify(params) or Phauxth.Confirm.verify(params) (with the user_context set in the config)

or you can set the user_context as an option, as in the following example:

Phauxth.Login.verify(params, user_context: MyApp.OtherUsers)


Phauxth.Confirm.Login and Phauxth.Login.add_session have been removed.

Phauxth.Confirm.Login can be replaced by adding a module like the following to your app:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Auth.Login do
  use Phauxth.Login.Base

  alias MyApp.Accounts

  @impl true
  def authenticate(%{"password" => password} = params, _, opts) do
    case Accounts.get_by(params) do
      nil -> {:error, "no user found"}
      %{confirmed_at: nil} -> {:error, "account unconfirmed"}
      user -> Argon2.check_pass(user, password, opts)

and Phauxth.Login.add_session can be replaced by adding the following function to the session controller:

defp add_session(conn, user, params) do
  {:ok, %{id: session_id}} = Sessions.create_session(%{user_id:})

  |> delete_session(:request_path)
  |> put_session(:phauxth_session_id, session_id)
  |> configure_session(renew: true)

Password resetting

Phauxth.Confirm.verify with the :pass_reset mode has been renamed to Phauxth.Confirm.PassReset.verify.

Token authentication

The Phauxth.Token module now defines a behaviour which you can use to define your own token implementation.

If you are using tokens, you will need to add a module that uses the Phauxth.Token behaviour to your app - and set this module as the token_module in the config.

Below is an example implementation using Phoenix.Token (the token_salt value should be a random string - you can use Phauxth.Config.gen_token_salt to generate it):

defmodule MyAppWeb.Auth.Token do
  @behaviour Phauxth.Token

  alias Phoenix.Token
  alias MyAppWeb.Endpoint

  @token_salt "JaKgaBf2"

  @impl true
  def sign(data, opts \\ []) do
    Token.sign(Endpoint, @token_salt, data, opts)

  @impl true
  def verify(token, opts \\ []) do
    Token.verify(Endpoint, @token_salt, token, opts)

Customizing Phauxth

This section is only relevant if you were customizing any of the Phauxth plugs or verify functions.

  • the Phauxth behaviour (used by Confirm.Base and Login.Base) now has three callbacks: verify/2, authenticate/3 and report/2
  • Phauxth.Authenticate.Base get_user callback is now authenticate, and it returns {:ok, user} or {:error, message}