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378 lines (267 loc) · 6.62 KB

File metadata and controls

378 lines (267 loc) · 6.62 KB




clone repo:

$ git  clone  --recursive  REPO_ADDRESS
  • REPO_ADDRESS - url/path to git repo
  • --recursive - option to download submodules (nested git repos included in a repo)

duplicate repo with its full meta info:

$ git  clone  --bare  REPO_ADDRESS_SRC
$ cd  SRC
$ git  push  --mirror  REPO_ADDRESS_DST
  • REPO_ADDRESS_SRC - url/path to source git repo
  • REPO_ADDRESS_DST - url/path to destination git repo (must exist but without any commit nor branch)

update cloned repo:

$ git  pull
  • pull = fetch + merge

update meta info of remote repo origin:

$ git  fetch  ORIGIN


create empty branch without history:

$ git  checkout  --orphan  EMPTY_BRANCH
$ git  rm  -rf  .
$ rm  ...
$ git  commit  --allow-empty  -m "Init commit"
$ git  push  origin  EMPTY_BRANCH

create branch:

$ git  checkout  -b DST  SRC
  • DST - destination name for new local branch
  • SRC - commit/tag/branch from git repo

upload local branch to remote repo:

$ git  push  -u  origin  LOCAL_BRANCH

add upstream meta info (additional origin) into local forked repo:

$ git  remote  add  upstream
$ git  fetch  upstream

Optionally (???):

$ git  merge  upstream/master  master


$ git  rebase  upstream/master

make working directory out of branch:

$ git  worktree  add  PATH  BRANCH

merge branch:

$ git  checkout  DST
$ git  merge  SRC
$ git  push
  • DST - destination branch merge to
  • SRC - source branch merge from

rebase with fixed conflict:

  • if after non-conflicting changes/merges git shows something like:
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'upstream/main'.

You are currently rebasing branch 'BRANCH' on 'shaID'.
  (all conflicts fixed: run "git rebase --continue")

nothing to commit, working tree clean
  • then just do:
$ git  rebase  --abort

delete branch:

$ git  branch  -D BRANCH_TO_DELETE
$ git  push  origin  -d  BRANCH_TO_DELETE


download submodules inside local cloned repo:

$ git  submodule  update  --init  [--recursive]
  • --recursive - option to download submodules (nested git repos included in a repo)

add a submodule inside local cloned repo:

$ git  submodule  add  -b BRANCH_TO_FETCH  REPO_ADDRESS
$ git  submodule  init

fix submodule update:

  • for the situation with a submodule like this one:
$ git  status

On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   PATH/TO/LOCAL/SUBMODULE/IN/REPO (new commits)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

$ git  diff

index SHA_N..SHA_M X
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit SHA_OLD
+Subproject commit SHA_NEW
  • run:
$ git  submodule  update  --recursive  PATH/TO/LOCAL/SUBMODULE/IN/REPO


full local state reset:

$ git  reset  --hard  &&  git  clean  -x -f -d

revert uncommitted changes in a particular local file:

$ git  checkout  --  FILE_NAME

revert a commit:

  • revert a commit by creating additional commit in history:
$ git  revert  SHA_ID
  • revert a commit by modifying commit history:
$ git  reset  --hard HEAD~1

get a particular local file from a particular commit:

$ git  show  ID:path/to/file

where ID is SHA ID of a commit or a branch name.

get short SHA ID of the latest commit:

$ git  rev-parse  --short  HEAD

get tag by SHA ID commit:

$ git  tag  --points-at SHA_ID

get branch name:

$ git  symbolic-ref  --short  HEAD

get detached status

$ git TBA

get list of commits inside branch:

$ git  log  --oneline  main..branch

get list of files changed during commits inside branch:

$ git  log  --oneline  main..branch  --names-only


set end-of-line type

  • add to core section of ~/.gitconfig file:
	autocrlf = input


  • using shell command:
$ git  config  --global  core.editor  COMMAND
  • add to core section of ~/.gitconfig file:
	editor = COMMAND

diff tool

  • using shell commands:
$ git  config  --global  diff.tool   COMMAND
$ git  config  --global  merge.tool  COMMAND
$ git  config  --global  --add  difftool.prompt  false
  • using config: add to diff section of ~/.gitconfig file:
	tool = COMMAND

ignore files (global setting):

  • add to core section of ~/.gitconfig file:
	excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
  • add list of must-to-be-ignored files in ~/.gitignore file:

GNU/Linux key ring integration

  • add to credential section of ~/.gitconfig file:
	helper = libsecret


Wiki update

uncommitted changes in a particular local file:

  • create wiki for your cloned project
  • clone wiki from forked repo and add remote for upstream:
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/
git remote add upstream
  • fetch upstream git meta info:
git fetch upstream
  • create branch with wiki from upstream:
git checkout -b upstream upstream/master
  • switch back to your branch of forked wiki:
git checkout master
  • merge changes from upstream wiki branch to your forked wiki branch:
git merge upstream
git commit -m "Merge from upstream to forked wiki"

Git meta info for GitHub Actions

If .github/workflows/push.yml is being used for CI/CD purposes, then during checkout on GitHub infrastructure a git repo will be in detached state. To deal with this, add sub-sections like these into steps section:

      - ...

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          submodules: true
          fetch-tags: true
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Set git meta info
        run: echo "GITHUB_CI_PR_SHA=${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}}" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}"

      - ...

So after that, submodules, tags & full commit history will be available during build/test/etc, and shell environment variable "${GITHUB_CI_PR_SHA}" will be holding the full actual latest SHA ID commit.