Donations are used to pay for the hosting of iOS Dev Space and the domain. iOS Dev Space is currently on a managed Mastodon host,
Both the domain and original hosting plan were paid for by CCT Plus LLC, which is @heyjaywilson's company.
Donations are accepted at two places, currently. Open Collective and Ko-Fi. You can make a one time contribution or subscribe monthly to both. There are two monthly subscriptions "Member+" and "iOS Dev Blue".
Jay would prefer if donations were made on Open Collective.
Ko-Fi donations will go into a PayPal or a bank account managed by CCT Plus LLC and has the donated amount separated from other business use. They will then be put in manually by Jay into the Open Collective log.
Open Collective donations go into a bank account managed by CCT Plus LLC and has the donated amount separated from other business use.
Expenses will be recorded on Open Collective.