Auf der Basis von +
+Based on letters from politician and industrialist Alfred Escher (1819–1882), an important + protagonist of Modern Swiss history, and his correspondents, the Alfred + Escher-Briefedition offers central insight into the economic and + political history of Switzerland during the 19th century. At the same + time, it reflects the personal development of Alfred Escher himself. + Most of the letters, which he sent or which were addressed to him, are + being published for the first time in this scholarly edition. Escher’s + correspondence is explored via editorial comments about specific + subjects, as well as an index of persons and places. Extensive + commentaries facilitate the placement of a respective source text in its + broader historical context. Whereas only a selection of the letters + written by and sent to Escher was presented within a chronological + thematic arrangement in the six volumes of the 2008–2015 print edition, + it is worth mentioning that the continuously expanded online version, + published since July 1st 2015, subsequently closes the gap between the + two converging parts of the entire collection. The online edition also + provides further accessibility and an array of interactive possibilities + that go beyond the potential of the print edition. In this article, + aspects of the ‘digital paradigm’ of the Alfred Escher-Briefedition are + reflected upon and explained.
+Auf Basis von Briefen des Politikers und Unternehmers
+ Alfred Escher (1819–1882,
Diese Rezension betrachtet schwerpunktmäßig den
+ methodischen Rahmen und die Umsetzung des digitalen Teils der Edition aus
+ der Digital Humanities-Perspektive. Angesichts der sachlichen Tiefe und des
+ Umfangs an Quellenmaterial, das einen wichtigen Teil der Geschichte der
+ Schweiz im 19. Jahrhundert bezeugt, können inhaltliche Aspekte auch deshalb
+ nur am Rande berücksichtigt werden, da der Rezensent kein Spezialist für die
+ Geschichte der Schweiz ist. Es soll hier vielmehr allgemein in den Blick
+ genommen werden, wie sich der online bereitgestellte Teil der Edition zu den
+ an verschiedenen Orten formulierten allgemeinen
Die Alfred Escher-Briefedition kann zunächst grob als + wissenschaftliche, historisch-thematische Briefwechsel-Edition + charakterisiert werden, die sowohl eine gedruckte als auch eine online + verfügbare Komponente hat (Hybridedition). Eine engere Charakterisierung + bzw. Einordnung der Edition wird im Folgenden vorgenommen.
+Im gedruckten Teil wird jeweils nur eine Auswahl
+ der Korrespondenz Eschers aus einem bestimmten Zeitraum und zu einem
+ bestimmten Thema publiziert.
Der digitale Teil ist als „Edition sämtlicher
+ bekannter Briefe von und an Alfred Escher“
Neben den zusätzlichen Inhalten bietet die Website weitere (visuelle)
+ Zugänge sowie Funktionen, die dem Benutzer das Speichern und Teilen von
+ Briefen erlauben. Die digitale Komponente bezeichnet sich selbst als
+ „Digitale Briefedition“
Zum zeitlichen und organisatorischen Ablauf des
+ Projekts, dem Gegenstand und den Arbeiten an der gedruckten und digitalen
+ Edition stellt das Vorhaben verständliche, nachvollziehbare und sofort
+ auffindbare Informationen auf seiner Website unter
Am Anfang des Vorhabens standen die
+ Korrespondenz-Transkriptionsarbeiten für die erste Auflage der Alfred
+ Escher-Biographie
Die beeindruckend hohe Geschwindigkeit zeigt den großen Vorteil des
+ „Single-Source-Prinzips“ bei der Herstellung von verschiedenen
+ Ausgabeformaten oder anders formuliert: der Transmedialisierung von
+ Editionen.
Die herausragend gute personelle Ausstattung war für die schnelle Publikation
+ höchstwahrscheinlich ebenfalls ein zentraler Faktor. So konnte das Vorhaben
+ auf über 130 Personen zugreifen, die – teils zu verschiedenen Zeiten – aktiv
+ oder beratend an den verschiedenen Arbeitsprozessen beteiligt waren.
Mit der Bereitstellung der Edition verfolgt die Alfred
+ Escher-Stiftung das wissenschaftliche Ziel, der Alfred Escher-Forschung
+ diese wichtigen Quellen zur Verfügung zu stellen und verspricht zugleich
+ „reiche neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich wichtiger Ereignisse und
+ Entwicklungen in der Schweizer Wirtschafts-, Kultur- und
+ Parteiengeschichte“.
Insgesamt werden editorische Entscheidungen verständlich und nachvollziehbar
+ begründet. Auf der Website des Vorhabens und in jedem Druckband finden sich
+ genaue Angaben zu den Transkriptionsprinzipien. Auf eine vollständige diplomatische Wiedergabe
+ einschliesslich aller textgenetischen Eigenheiten (Verortung und genau
+ Darstellung von Textzusatz, -ersatz und -umstellung) wird zugunsten einer
+ leichteren Lesbarkeit verzichtet. Eine ausdifferenzierte philologische
+ Textdarstellung wird für das vorliegende, in erster Linie in historischer
+ Hinsicht interessierende Textkorpus als nicht angemessen erachtet.
Trotz dieser Einschränkung bietet die Onlineausgabe
+ (die auf den gleichen Transkriptionsarbeiten in XML basiert) eine
+ Präsentationsform der Briefe mit dem Titel „Diplomatischer Text und Bild“
+ (und umgekehrt) (Abb. 1). Die Bezeichnung ist hier wohl nicht im strengen Sinne zu
+ verstehen,
Auch umgekehrt können Ausschnitte des Digitalisats auf dem zeilen- und + seitengenauen Text abgebildet werden. Beide Ansichten können in jeder + Brief-Einzelansicht über die Auswahl „Diplomatischer Text und Bild“ bzw. + „Bild und diplomatischer Text“ eingenommen werden.
+Die im
Der Zugang über den Startseiten-Teaser „Briefe“ bzw. den ersten Punkt des
+ Hauptmenüs führt zu einer auf unterschiedliche Weise sortierbaren Liste
+ mit allen Brieftiteln – verlinkt zum entsprechenden Brief (Abb. 4). Im oberen
+ Bereich befinden sich Facettierungsmöglichkeiten nach Sender, Empfänger
+ und Datierung. Letztere kann über ein grafisches Element mit
+ Balkenauswahl auf Jahresbereiche und mithilfe manueller Eingabefelder
+ bis auf Tagesebene eingegrenzt werden. In der linken Spalte findet sich
+ eine Auswahl an thematischen Schlagworten, die zur weiteren
+ Einschränkung der Auswahlmenge genutzt werden können. Da hier alle
+ Briefe gelistet wurden, dient die Schlagwortliste gleichsam als
+ thematische Navigation innerhalb der Briefe.
Von der Startseite aus ist es auch möglich, sich den Inhalten über einen
+ geographischen Zugang zu nähern. Ein Klick auf Orte führt zu einer
+ eingebundenen, interaktiven Karte, die in Briefen, Überblickskommentaren
+ und Biographien kodierte Orte in ihrer entsprechenden Funktion
+ verzeichnet (Abb. 5).
Der Startseiten-Teaser „Personen“ führt direkt zu einer alphabetischen + Liste (Abb. 6). Hier ist es möglich, sich eine Liste der Korrespondenten oder + eine Liste von Korrespondenten und erwähnten Personen anzeigen zu + lassen. Nicht möglich ist eine Einschränkung auf die lediglich erwähnten + Personen, was wünschenswert wäre und sich wohl leicht ergänzen + ließe.
+ +Der eigentliche Personeneintrag (Abb. 7) liefert eine Kurzbiographie und listet
+ außerdem Briefe, Überblickskommentare und Biographien, in denen die
+ Person erwähnt wird sowie Briefe, in denen sie als Sender respektive
+ Empfänger fungiert. Externe Links in der linken Spalte verweisen via
+ Metagrid, einem Konkordanz-System für Normdaten, automatisch auf
+ Angebote mit weiteren biographische Informationen zur Person.
Bei einem genaueren Blick in die Brieftexte fällt auf, dass in Entitäten
+ wie „Neuen Glarner Zeitung“ oder „St. Gallen-Zeitung“ nicht die Zeitung als
+ Ganzes, sondern lediglich der Ort ausgezeichnet wurde.
Die über das Hauptmenü erreichbare Volltextsuche bietet nach dem Absenden + eines Suchbegriffs die gleichen Facettierungsmöglichkeiten wie sie beim + Zugang über die Liste der Brieftitel bereitgestellt werden. Es kann hier + noch zusätzlich nach Provenienz und dem Kommentierungsstatus eines + Briefes gefiltert werden. Die Volltextsuche lässt sich außerdem vor dem + Absenden per Checkbox auf bestimmte Bereiche beschränken oder ausdehnen: + Briefe, Überblickskommentare, Kurzbiographien, Chronologie, Ortsregister + und Bibliographie. Bewegt man die Maus über das Hauptsuchfeld, wird ein + Tooltip eingeblendet, der mögliche Suchoptionen erklärt (logische + Operatoren AND, OR, NOT, Trunkierung, Phrasensuche, Mindestlänge der + Zeichenkette usw.).
+Alle Einzelbriefe sind mit einer persistenten URL
+ versehen, verwenden aber keinen institutionellen persistenten
+ Identifikator wie URN oder DOI. Öffentlich zugängliche
+ Permalinkleitlinien konnten allerdings keine gefunden werden, sodass
+ hier unklar bleibt, wie die Persistenz gesichert wird, insbesondere mit
+ Blick auf die im Zitierhinweis genannte laufende Aktualisierung.
Im oberen Bereich fallen zunächst zwei zusätzliche
+ Navigationsbalken auf. Der rein textlich gestaltete erste Balken
+ ermöglicht das Blättern zum nächsten oder vorherigen Brief im
+ chronologisch sortierten Gesamtangebot. Darunter befindet sich eine in
+ Zeitstrahlform visualisierte Blätterfunktion zum nächsten und vorherigen
+ Brief in der aktuellen Korrespondenz. Am Beispiel des Briefes mit dem
+ internen Bezeichner B0356
Es folgt ein Navigationsbalken, der neben dem + edierten Text drei weitere Ansichten ermöglicht: Zu den bereits + erwähnten und oben näher erläuterten synoptischen Darstellungen mit + Overlay von diplomatischem Text und Digitalisat (sowie umgekehrt) kommt + hier noch eine einfache Wiedergabe aller digitalen Faksimiles der + Handschriften hinzu. Ob hierbei auch Leerseiten aufgenommen wurden, + konnte nicht ermittelt werden. Stichprobenartig wurden keine gefunden. + Da auch keine Folierung der Blätter oder Nummerierung im Rahmen der + Edition vorgenommen wurde, wird die Referenzierbarkeit und die + Orientierung des Benutzers hier etwas erschwert, Vorder- und Rückseite + eines Blattes können (gerade bei fehlenden Leerseiten) nicht + identifiziert werden.
+Der edierte Brieftext selbst präsentiert die Anrede einheitlich auf der
+ linken Seite, die Datumszeile mit Ort – sofern vorhanden – wird immer
+ rechts oben wiedergeben. Die Absätze des Originals bleiben erhalten. Ist
+ der Brief unterzeichnet, wird die Unterschrift einheitlich rechts
+ wiedergegeben. Stichproben haben gezeigt, dass diese Regeln bisweilen
+ auch im diplomatischen Text angewandt wurden: So müsste die Anrede in
+ der diplomatischen Fassung von B0938
Innerhalb des Brieftexts ist man mit zahlreichen Markierungen
+ konfrontiert, von denen sich unterstrichene Personen- und Ortsnamen
+ sowie ebenfalls durch Unterstreichung gekennzeichnete aufgelöste
+ Abkürzungen per Klick auf eine Checkbox in der rechten Spalte ausblenden
+ lassen. Bestehen bleiben die mit den Einzelstellenkommentaren unterhalb
+ des Brieftextes verlinkten Endnotenziffern, die senkrechten Striche zur
+ Markierung des Seitenumbruchs im Original und die Verweiszeichen auf
+ Überblickskommentare und andere Briefe. Diese sprechend gestalteten
Die gesamte rechte Spalte unterhalb des Navigationsbalkens ist für
+ Metadaten reserviert. Von hier aus kann zu den Biographien der
+ Korrespondenten gesprungen und über das verlinkte Datum in die
+ chronologische Gesamtübersicht gewechselt werden (siehe Kapitel Zugänge
+ –
Das Vorhaben macht auf seiner Website umfangreiche
+ Angaben zum technischen Hintergrund.
Zur Auszeichnung der einzelnen Briefe wurde ein
+ XML-basiertes Datenmodell entwickelt, dass sich an die von der
Buttons zum Teilen von Inhalten bei Facebook und
+ Google Plus und der „Weiterempfehlen“-Button mit E-Mail-Formular sind
+ erste Anknüpfungspunkte für das digitale Konzept der
Um die obengenannten, sehr praktischen Funktionen nutzen zu können, ist + ein Benutzerkonto erforderlich, das über eine einfache Registrierung + angelegt werden kann. Ist man dort eingeloggt, wird bei der + Briefvollanzeige rechts oberhalb des editorischen Briefkopfs ein Button + mit dem Titel „In die Arbeitsmappe“ angezeigt. Eine Notizfunktion im + unteren Bereich der Einzelbriefansicht kann für eigene Bemerkungen + genutzt werden. Allerdings kann pro Brief lediglich eine Notiz + gespeichert werden und der Inhalt des Textfeldes lässt sich zwar später + noch ändern, aber nicht abspeichern. Dies scheint so nicht beabsichtigt + zu sein, da nach einmaligem Abspeichern auch ein zusätzlicher Rahmen + gezogen wurde und das Textfeld nun plötzlich die englische Überschrift + „Comment*“ trägt, während man vergeblich nach einem Speichern- bzw. + Aktualisieren-Button sucht.
+Im Benutzerkonto wird außerdem der Verlauf der besuchten Brief-Webseiten + aufgezeichnet. Die Ergebnisliste einer Suche kann hier ebenfalls + gespeichert und wiederverwendet werden.
+Das Design ist ästhetisch ansprechend und zugleich
+ funktional gehalten und umrahmt eine nachvollziehbare
+ Informationsinfrastruktur. Trotz des geringen Alters bietet die Website
+ aber nur eine geringfügige Unterstützung für mobile Endgeräte. Gerade
+ angesichts des starken digitalen Paradigmas des Angebots wäre die volle
+ Responsivität der Edition wünschenswert.
Da die Edition historische Dokumente in edierter Form
+ und als digitale Faksimiles präsentiert, (text-)kritisch vorgeht und die
+ geschichtlich bedingte Verständnislücke
Die Einbeziehung von verschiedenen Studierendengruppen
+ in die Transkriptionsarbeit und die damit einhergehend kollaborativ zu
+ gestaltenden Arbeitsprozesse illustrieren auf positive Weise die
+ pragmatische und ergebnisorientierte Einstellung des Vorhabens. Die klare
+ Zielgruppenorientierung – den an der jüngeren Schweizer
+ (Eisenbahn-)Geschichte im Allgemeinen oder an Alfred Eschers
+ politisch-unternehmerischer Biographie im Besonderen interessierten Forscher
+ oder wissenschaftlichen Laien – erklärt die in geringerem Maße als möglich
+ geschehene Aufarbeitung der persönlichen (Korrespondenz-)Beziehungen
+ zwischen Escher und seinen Korrespondenten, welche sich aus längeren
+ Briefwechseln wohl noch tiefergehender hätte herausarbeiten lassen. An
+ letzter Stelle sei noch einmal erwähnt, dass das Projekt an
+ Interoperabilität gewänne, d. h. eine über die intendierte Nutzung
+ hinausgehende Verwendung („Nachnutzung“) stärker unterstützen würde, wenn
+ seine zugrundeliegenden XML-Daten über eine offene Schnittstelle und unter
+ einer
Auf der Basis von +
+The Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute, Los + Altos (California) has digitized historical letters and documents + of the Mozart family. The goal of the project is the online publication of + all letters and documents related to the Mozart family as well as related + letters and documents spanning from 1740 to 1880. The digital edition has achieved these objectives, + but does not fully exploit its potential. This review gives an + overview to the presented online publication of Mozarts correspondance, its + appearance, a discussion of the editorial content, the projects targets and + methods.
+Die digitale Edition „Mozarts Briefe und Dokumente“ wird im Rahmen der
+ Digitalen Mozart Edition (DME) durch die Stiftung
+ Mozarteum Salzburg herausgegeben. Die Edition ist erreichbar unter:
Gegenstand der Publikation sind Briefe und Dokumente zur Mozart-Familie aus
+ der Zeit zwischen 1740 und 1880 in Bild und Text. Die Stiftung Mozarteum
+ Salzburg verwahrt die größte Sammlung an Dokumenten der Mozartfamilie
+ weltweit. Die Dokumente wurden in den letzten Jahren nach und nach mit den
+ Mitteln der neuesten Technik digitalisiert, um sie einem breiteren Publikum
+ zugänglich zu machen. Neben den eigenen Beständen sollen aber auch weiterhin
+ andere Schriftstücke aufgenommen werden, die gar nicht oder nur teilweise in
+ der gedruckten, von Bauer und Deutsch bearbeiteten, Gesamtausgabe erschienen
+ sind. Es geht hierbei um die Integration von „Schätzen“
Offizielle Förderer des Projekts sind die Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg
Das Gesamtprojekt Digitale Mozart-Edition „strebt eine interne
+ Vernetzung der digitalen Ressourcen der ISM an und stellt Schnittstellen für
+ externe Services bereit.“
„Die DME zielt darauf ab, das gesamte Schaffen Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts
+ (1756–1791) in digitaler Form weltweit für jedermann über das Internet zum
+ Studium und zu Aufführungszwecken zur Verfügung zu stellen.“
Die letzte Aktualisierung aller Seiten ist im Mai bzw. Juni 2017
Alle bekannten und zugänglichen Briefe von Leopold und Wolfgang Amadé Mozart
+ sind von Wilhelm A. Bauer und Otto Erich Deutsch herausgegeben und seit 1962
+ im Druck veröffentlicht worden.
Die Materialien sind systematisch aufbereitet, indem die Briefe in Gruppen + aufgeteilt wurden. Darunter Briefe der Mozart-Familie bis 1791 (in weiteren + Rubriken Reisebriefe, Briefe der Wiener Zeit und Briefe von Leopold Mozart + an Maria Anna Berchtold zu Sonnenburg 1784 bis 1787), weiterhin Briefe und + Dokumente der Mozart-Familie 1792 bis 1858, dann Briefe und Dokumente zur + Institutionsgeschichte aus der Zeit 1841 bis 1880 und schließlich das + Stammbuch von Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (1801 bis 1812). Zu jeder Gruppe + gibt es eine sehr kurze Einführung sowie eine Auflistung der einzelnen + Dokumente. Am Ende der Seite bekommt der Leser die Information, es seien + derzeit 1128 Dokumente online verfügbar und das letzte Update im Juni 2016 + vorgenommen worden. Somit stellt sich die Frage, ob bis dahin sämtliche + Materialien aus dem Besitz der Stiftung bereits digitalisiert worden sind + und es deshalb keine weiteren Einträge geben wird? In diesem Fall wäre eine + abschließende Bemerkung wünschenswert.
+In der digitalen Edition werden Methoden und Konzepte des Projektes nicht + explizit genannt oder dokumentiert. Die Ausgabe habe sich zum Ziel gesetzt, + sämtliche Briefe und Aufzeichnungen der Mozart-Familie, die im Besitz der + Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg verwahrt werden, in der Edition online verfügbar + zu machen. Darüber hinaus soll ein reichhaltiger Dokumentenbestand + (Korrespondenzen, Stammbuchblätter, Quittungen etc.) mit aufgenommen werden, + doch werden keinerlei Angaben dazu gemacht, in welcher Form oder mit welchen + Mitteln dies umgesetzt wird, bzw. was der Mehrwert der Ausgabe in ihrer + digitalen Form ist. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Digitalisierung mit + den neusten technischen Methoden vorgenommen würde und bereits seit längerer + Zeit umgesetzt wird, die gedruckten Editionen werden demnach identisch + übernommen.
+ +Als methodischer Ansatz dienen die für die Edition verfassten
+ Richtlinien (Abb. 1.).
Eine Modellierung der digitalen editorischen Methodik ist insofern nicht
+ möglich, als dass gar kein Bedarf besteht. Die Materialien werden in einer
+ diplomatischen Transkription wiedergegeben, was laut Projektstand
+ ausschließlich im HTML-Format geschieht und innerhalb dieses Formats wird
+ zwischen dem ursprünglichen Dokumenttext und später hinzugefügten
+ Annotationen unterschieden.
Die Oberfläche der Ausgabe ist übersichtlich gestaltet und intuitiv nutzbar. + Die Reiter in der oberen Menüleiste geben die Struktur vor, sie erfolgt zwar + allgemeinen Mustern, scheint jedoch ein wenig veraltet zu sein. Der Nutzer + weiß aber stets, wo er sich befindet und erfährt umgehend, mit welchen + Inhalten er sich gerade beschäftigt. Neben der Startseite, gibt es die Seite + zu den Dokumenten (also zu dem bearbeiteten Material), Informationen zum + Projektstand, zu den Editionsrichtlinien, ein Abkürzungsverzeichnis, sowie + das Impressum und die Möglichkeit, die Mitarbeiter des Projektes via E-Mail + zu kontaktieren.
+Die technische Umsetzung der Publikation erfolgt durch das Bereitstellen der
+ Briefe als digitale Faksimiles, verknüpft mit deren Transkriptionen, die in
+ HTML umgesetzt wurden. Allerdings sind diese Ansichten nicht tatsächlich
+ verknüpft, sondern werden beim Öffnen einer Quelle „nur“
+ nebeneinandergelegt. Eine direkte Verbindung der Ansichten scheint nicht
+ vorhanden zu sein.
Innerhalb der Dokumentenauswahl erscheinen die Briefe zunächst in einer Liste + (Abb. 2), welche nochmals über die Auswahl eines bestimmten Zeitraums + gefiltert werden kann. Des Weiteren wird eine Suchfunktion angeboten. Es + gibt unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten auch diese Suche einzugrenzen indem nach + Autor, Adressat oder auch Freitext gesucht werden kann (Abb. 3). Außerdem + können mehrere Such-Felder kombiniert werden. Das Ergebnis erscheint auf der + gegenüberliegenden Seite, gekennzeichnet mit einer Identifikationsnummer, + deren Funktion jedoch unklar bleibt. Wird die Identifikationsnummer + angeklickt, öffnet sich das Dokument in einem neuen Tab. Technisch wird die + Suche mit einem integrierten Script und einer jQuery-Abfrage umgesetzt. Eine + Beschreibung der Suchfunktion, darüber wie sie zu benutzen ist und wie sie + auf orthografische Unterschiede reagiert sowie ggf. eine Erweiterung in + Richtung Volltextsuche ist wünschenswert. Zusätzliche Register oder Indizes + werden leider nicht angeboten.
+ +Die Dokumente werden auf dem Bildschirm in zwei nicht beweglichen Fenstern + nebeneinandergelegt (Abb. 4). Auf der linken Seite befindet sich die + Transkription und auf der rechten Seite das originale Dokument mit einem + Maßstab (die Abmessungen sind aber nicht ersichtlich). Eine Farbskala + befindet sich am unteren Bildrand, dessen Funktion jedoch unklar ist. + Gezoomt werden kann leider auch nur einfach. Es gibt keine weiteren + Hervorhebungen, Kennzeichnungen, farbliche Markierungen innerhalb der + Transkription. Es gibt die Möglichkeit eine Lesefassung im PDF-Format + herunterzuladen.
+ +Die Referenzierbarkeit und somit die Nachnutzbarkeit der Inhalte ist durch + das einfache Kopieren des Links gewährleistet, zur Zitation gibt es ein + Beispiel auf der Seite des Impressums (Abb. 5).
+Es werden keine weiteren Schnittstellen oder der Hinweis auf eine mögliche + Integration in andere Inhalte bzw. Projekte oder die Verknüpfung zu sozialen + Medien oder virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen angegeben. Über das Angebot einer + PDF-Lesefassung, deren Druck oder Download möglich ist, geht es leider nicht + hinaus. Alle Materialien sind unter der Creative Commons-Lizenz „CC BY-NC-SA + 4.0“ lizenziert. Daher dürfen alle Materialien vervielfältigt und + weiterverbreitet werden, es soll aber auf angemessene Urheber- und + Rechteangaben hingewiesen werden. Außerdem dürfen die Materialien dürfen + nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke genutzt werden.
+Die Inhalte der Edition sind statischer Natur, die gesamte Ausgabe versteht + sich als Portal zur Bereitstellung vorhandener Materialien für ein breiteres + Publikum und zur besseren Zugänglichkeit. Es gibt keine weiterführenden + Materialien, Begleittexte, Hilfestellungen oder sonstige Dokumentationen. + Die Brief-Edition ist vermutlich nicht abgeschlossen, doch kann dies nicht + mit Sicherheit gesagt werden, da diese Informationen nirgendwo + bereitgestellt werden.
+Die Ausgabe hat in dem Sinne ihre selbstgesteckten Ziele erreicht, als dass + sie die Dokumenten-Bestände der Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg digitalisiert, + transkribiert und online verfügbar macht. Welche Materialien darüber hinaus, + also Quellen aus anderen Sammlungen oder Institutionen bereits dazuzuzählen + sind, wird ausschließlich beim Öffnen eines jeweiligen Dokumentes und dessen + Quellenbeschreibung ersichtlich. Durch zusätzliche Anmerkungen zu den + einzelnen Quellen werden die Materialien angereichert und die Beschreibung + der Basisdaten gewährleisten den notwendigen Überblick.
+Die Einhaltung der zwei „editorischen basics“ ist somit erfüllt. Doch geht
+ die Ausgabe in keinerlei Hinsicht über dies hinaus – einzige Ausnahme ist,
+ dass seit 2016 rund 660 Briefe in correspSearch nachgewiesen sind. Ansonsten
+ wirkt die digitale Edition auch im Hinblick auf die optische Erscheinung
+ veraltet. Gründe hierfür sind nicht ersichtlich und können nur vermutet
+ werden: zum Beispiel mangelnde personelle Ressourcen oder das möglichst
+ rasche Verfügbarmachen von Inhalten und somit der bewusste Verzicht auf
+ tiefergehende Auszeichnung, selbstverständlich aber auch das
+ Erscheinungsdatum der digitalen Edition. Offenbar ist es auch nicht das Ziel der
+ Ausgabe, etwas Anderes als die Digitalisate und deren Transkription bereit
+ zu stellen. Doch das Potential dieser Ausgabe ist meiner Meinung nach längst
+ nicht ausgeschöpft. Als Zusammenschluss mehrerer Projekte unter dem Dach der
+ DME und dem umfangreichen zur Verfügung stehenden
+ Material ist mehr zu erwarten. Die derzeitigen technischen Möglichkeiten zur
+ Umsetzung solcher digitalen Editionen sind äußerst vielfältig und in
+ unterschiedlicher Weise einsetzbar. Die Auszeichnung solchen Materials mit
+ einem flexibleren Datenformat, wie es die TEI anbietet, wäre sehr
+ lohnenswert. Die Möglichkeiten, die diese als Standard etablierte
+ Auszeichnungssprache eröffnet, würde eine tiefergehende Erschließung des
+ Materials gewährleisten. Briefspezifische Eigenschaften könnten deutlicher
+ gemacht werden, sowohl externe als auch interne Verknüpfungen der Quellen,
+ die Einbindung von Metadaten (inhaltliche und technische), Annotationen,
+ Erläuterungen und somit eine detailliertere inhaltliche Erschließung würden
+ somit möglich.
Die Vorteile einer digitalen Edition sind neben der Bereitstellung der + Materialien in grundsätzlich unbegrenztem Umfang, der jederzeit mögliche + Zugriff, verbesserte Such- und Recherche-Möglichkeiten von Quellen, + Verlinkung und Verknüpfung von Materialien miteinander und nach außen, eine + höhere editorische Transparenz sowie das Anschlussfähig- und nutzbar-machen + von Inhalten. Durch sie ergeben sich neue Forschungsfragen, es können + Querverbindungen aufgedeckt werden, die in einer „traditionellen + Druckausgabe“ vielleicht nicht entdeckt worden wären. Eine digitale Edition + auf der Basis von Minimalstandards wäre zwar nicht unaufwändig, bietet aber + einen bedeutenden Mehrwert im Hinblick auf die Benutzbarkeit, Nützlichkeit, + Transparenz, Erschließung und Zugänglichkeit.
+Auf der Basis von +
+The project th to the early 19th
+ century. As a result, a digital text collection and edition of the letters is
+ presented on the project website.
In the
The letters edited in
The collection and edition of private letters of this kind has
+ been at the heart of two predecessor projects closely related to
The goals of “Within the P. S. (Post Scriptum) Project, systematic research will be developed,
+ along with the publishing and historical-linguistic study of private letters
+ written in Portugal and Spain along the Early Modern Ages. These documents are
+ almost all unpublished epistolary writings made by authors from different social
+ backgrounds. [...] These textual resources often present an (almost) oral
+ rhetoric, treating everyday issues of past centuries in a register that hasn't
+ been easy to study, apart from brief examples. Not only does the P. S. Project
+ present a wide collection of private letters, but it also makes it available as
+ a scholarly digital edition and as an annotated corpus.”
What is highlighted here is the relevance of collecting and
+ publishing historical sources that were previously inaccessible to a wider
+ audience, but also their value for the diachronic study of language registers
+ that are rarely documented otherwise. Especially noteworthy is the double goal
+ set for this digital text collection: it is conceived as a scholarly digital
+ edition, but also as a linguistic corpus. This broad scope is reflected in the
+ conception of
Because of its double goal, “The advantages that the new technologies offer to the humanities cannot be
+ denied, even if there is a lack of creation of digital tools that are useful for
+ different scholarly disciplines. In general, the editions designed for the
+ philologist and the historian are not exploited by the linguist in the same
+ manner that an annotated corpus would be; and vice versa, the linguistic
+ corpora, conceived first and foremost to obtain statistics and word
+ concordances, are resources of little utility for historical investigation and
+ textual criticism. In this work we present an already finished research project which incorporates
+ the methodologies of the digital humanities and corpus linguistics to offer an
+ integrative treatment of sources that can be of interest in several fields of
+ study.”
Vaamonde sees the new technologies as a type of catalyst fostering
+ the development of tools that are useful to various humanities disciplines and
+ at the same time making a lack of such tools visible. A similar spirit of
+ disciplinary reunification emerging from the digital humanities is formulated by
+ Marquilhas and Hendrickx: Admittedly, the division of the philological method in the past primarily served
+ as an excuse to define the differences between the modalities of edition which
+ the three areas [linguistics, literary history, and textual criticism]
+ respectively demanded. Now the adoption of digital methods and the creation of
+ resources led to a situation where the “walls” between these areas began to
+ fall, in an exemplary dynamic of interdisciplinarity.
Taking these statements of the project members into account,
The website of
The structure of the website is straightforward. On the homepage,
+ an introductory text about the project, its goals and the methodologies used, is
+ given (see Fig. 2). Links to documentation are also placed on the homepage and
+ there is a suggestion for how to cite the whole resource, but there are no
+ citation suggestions for individual subpages. The main menu of the website is
+ placed on the left, is visible on all subpages, and has a single level of
+ entries, making it easy to stay oriented on the website. The first half of the menu
+ entries comprises content-related aspects: “Search”, “Participants” and “Map”
+ are all general access points to the letters, followed by the entry “Tree
+ Search” which constitutes an advanced option. The second half of the menu is
+ devoted to project-related information such as “Credits” and “Related Projects”,
+ and to project outcomes other than the presentation of the letters on the
+ website (“Papers” and “Downloads”). The website seems to have a backend
On the page “Related Projects”, a list of links is given which is
+ divided into four categories: “Tools”, “Digital Editions and Historical
+ Corpora”, “Guidelines and tutorials”, and “Networks and Associations”.
The “Papers” subpage lists publications by type (Books,
+ Guidelines, Book Sections, Journal Articles, Conferences) and by year
+ (2012-2017).
On the website itself, no information is given about the
+ selection criteria for the letters. More information can be found in some of
+ the publications presenting the project, but this is not ideal, for several
+ reasons. First, a user of the website is forced to go through the list of
+ publications and look for those which are concerned with the presentation of
+ the project as a whole. In the case of
Following the latest publication about the project (Vaamonde
+ 2018), it seems that the primary motivation for the creation of the text
+ collection was the scarcity of sources of documenting spoken language for
+ historical linguistics. Archives of courts were chosen as an excellent
+ opportunity to get access to private correspondence, characterized by an
+ immediate, communicative style and not so much influenced by traditional
+ rhetoric. An overview of the consulted archives in Spain shows that most of
+ the letters could be localized in the National Historical Archive. Vaamonde
+ observes that the localization of letters in the archives is a procedure
+ strongly influenced by chance, as systematic catalogues or even databases
+ are rare. In some cases, the process was initiated with random samples.
+ Regarding the chronological distribution of the letters, the author notes
+ that it was hardest to get letters for the 16th century
+ (see Fig. 4 for an overview). Comparing these numbers with the search
+ results above, approximately 70 % of the located letters have been edited in
To assess the data model used in
The data model of
The elements specific for the encoding of correspondence were
+ not the only necessary customization of the schema. To add linguistic
+ annotations to the texts, the tool TEITOK (
On the website, each letter can be downloaded in the “Pure TEI + P5 XML” export format and in the “TEITOK XML” version based on the internal + TEI-P4 schema. In the P5 version, no schema is declared explicitly, so + supposedly the encoding follows the TEI_all schema. In the TEITOK version, + the internal DTD is linked. No schema file is offered directly on the + website and as the XML of the biographic database is not accessible, its + schema cannot be reviewed either.
+All in all, the combination of different schemas and + customizations is a bit confusing for someone not familiar with the project. + No explanations are given directly on the website. However, the detailed + manual helps the user to follow the history of the project and the + complexities of the data model are layed out transparently in these + guidelines. Access to all the schema files would have been good to + facilitate a formal overview of the structure of the data and especially for + reuse scenarios to make consistency checks and schema adaptations + possible.
+However, apart from how the information on the data model is + presented, the will to follow best practices developed in similar projects, + the orientation towards standards like the TEI, the thorough documentation + of the data model and the possibility to view the XML of the letters on the + website are all highly commendable.
+Each letter edited in
The situational context of the letters is given in the setting + description and a summary of their content in the source description. If + there are translations into English, they are stored in the revision + description as part of a change element. One would not expect translations + there, but it might also have been difficult to add the translations in + situ: the setting description could have been doubled, for example, but the + summary element is not allowed to occur more than once in the TEI schema. + Furthermore, the text is classified according to a project specific taxonomy + as can be seen in the following example, also taken from PS7004:
+The corresponding taxonomy is specified inside the encoding description:
+Apparently, the “catRef” elements in the text classification + point to the type of category declared in the taxonomy, where the category + value is given in the description of the type of category. This seems a bit + odd, because a category with the same XML-ID can then have a different + category description or value in another letter file (for example, if the + type is not “pedición”, but a different pragmatic category. Also, it would + be good to have insight into the entire taxonomy.
+It can furthermore be noticed that some fields are empty (in + this example, /location/geo for the destination as well as the category + description for “linguisticSource”). It is not clear how many of the + metadata fields are empty in the overall collection. In order to know + whether empty fields are due to work-in-progress or because a value is not + mandatory, the manual has to be consulted as there is no formal schema for + the TEI-P5 files available. On the website, no report is given on the state + of the XML files.
+Besides the metadata for the letters, biographic metadata is + collected in the separate demographic database. In the edition manual, it is + described in detail how the data about correspondence participants is + modelled (for example, the role, sex, and age of a person are given, person + names, and a description of the events related to a person). In the letters, + there are pointers from the senders and addressees to the external + biographic data, but this data is not available for insight or download.
+The metadata in
Access to the letters and additional data related to the
+ correspondence is offered in a number of ways on the
The menu entry “Map” leads to a Google Map showing all the + places for letters with a known sender address (see Fig. 6). The documents + can be looked up by clicking on the icons for the places.
+ +Besides these two possibilities to browse the text collection,
+ the main points of access are the search functions. There are two different
+ searches: the “Corpus Search” (simply named “Search” in the menu) and
+ “Syntactic Trees” (called “Tree Search” in the menu). The corpus search is
+ divided into the sections “Text Search”, “Document Search”, and “Discourse
+ Search”. The tree search is also divided into sections two of which are
+ specific for syntactic searches (both the “XPath Search” and the “Predefined
+ Queries” allow to search for specific syntactic units, e.g. subordinate
+ clauses or clitics) while the third one is a general “Document Search”. The
+ searches specific for the edited text and the syntactic annotation will be
+ discussed below in the section on
The document search allows to look for letters by language,
+ archive, year (or a range of years), letter code, origin, destination, or by
+ a list of thematic keywords (e.g. “Agriculture”, “Masonry”, “Church”). Only
+ one of the keywords can be chosen. Documents can also be searched for with
+ the names of the author or addressee and the social status and gender of the
+ author. A help section with further information about the search options is
+ available. The search is well-documented and easy to use. When the document
+ search is performed, the results are displayed in tabular format. The query
+ is automatically transformed into a
Beyond the powerful search functions, more browsing options
+ could have been offered. The only ways to browse the collection are the
+ biographic database and the geographic map, but this archive of letters
+ would have had much more to offer. Full indexes of the letters, for example
+ by identifier, year, place, etc., could have been implemented without much
+ additional effort. The search is especially helpful for someone who already
+ knows what she or he is looking for, but for a user interested in the
+ collection as a whole more browsing options would have been helpful to get
+ an overview of what is there. Examples of scholarly digital editions of
+ letters consistently offering both ways of access are
A great asset of
With these download options, the data can in principle be
+ reused in multiple ways going beyond the usage scenarios created for the
+ website. The data could for example be prepared for integration into the
With this general rights declaration it is not clear if the + copyright applies to all the content of the TEI files or just to parts of + it, e.g. the markup, metadata, or annotations which were added to the texts + in the project. One would expect the original, historical content of the + letters not to be subjected to copyright. With these contradictory + statements other researchers are left in uncertainty: Can they download and + use all the data in external tools without asking for permission? Is a + publication of the plain text files elsewhere not allowed or does this just + apply to the TEI files? A more detailed licensing in the TEI files and on + the website would help to clarify which types of reuse are in principle + allowed and for which cases a special permission is needed.
+Finally, in terms of accessibility and usability of the text
+ collection as a whole, a note on persistent URLs is indicated. The addresses
+ used for the individual webpages are technical addresses, for example
The text of the letters is transcribed and encoded in the TEI + body and a detailed description of the elements used can be found in the + edition manual, together with a chapter on the transcription and editing + conventions. The following changes and additions are applied to the text of + the manuscripts when it is transcribed:
+The project members themselves describe their transcription as
+ conservative, respecting many details of the manuscript, so as to serve the
+ goal of “In the case of Post Scriptum, we understand that the collected documents are
+ interesting as a source for linguistic data, but also as a source for
+ historical data, and even as objects representing fragments of a practice,
+ produced manually by hundreds of persons who lived at a certain time in the
+ Early Modern Age and who put their daily preoccupations on paper. We are
+ definitely faced with a kind of documentation that can and must be
+ approached from three different perspectives: as an artefact, understood as
+ a physical object; as a text, understood as linguistic content; and as a
+ context, understood as the entirety of historical circumstances associated
+ with the text and the artifact. [...] our work as editors must be a
+ meticulous work striving to preserve every detail of the manuscript.”
Another level of the text that is edited are the discursive + parts of the letters. In addition to the usual opener and closer, the + sentences are classified as either harangue, peroration, or narration, for + example the peroration “Que o mesmo Senhor lha conserve [...]” (That the + Lord himself shall save her [...]):
+Each letter is presented on an individual page (see Fig. 8 for + an example). The metadata is presented at the top of the page, starting with + the autor, addressee, and letter summary. The metadata area can be expanded + for more detailed information and switched to English if translations are + available. The text of the letter is given on the left side with the + corresponding facsimile(s) to the right. The default text view is the + diplomatic transcription, but there are several alternatives that can be + chosen in the corresponding “View option” bar above the letter text: + “Edition”, “Variant form”, and “Standardization”. In the edition view, + abbreviations are expanded. The variant forms view shows the edited text + where deletions, for example, are excluded, but historical variants (e.g. + “cousa” for “coisa”) are kept. In the standardized view, the edited text is + given in a modernized form. Especially the last view is very helpful for a + user interested in the content of the letters without being familiar with + the historical conventions of writing and historical orthography. This is + also the text version that forms the basis for the linguistic annotation and + is essential for that task, because a modernized, established text version + without variants is usually expected by automatic taggers. The standardized + forms of single words are also shown in small boxes as a mouse-over + effect.
+ +Besides the different text views, there are additional display + options grouped into the bars “Show” and “Tags”. With the options in the + “Show” bar, abbreviations, variants, and standardized forms can be + highlighted, the letter text can be displayed with original line breaks, and + the facsimiles can be switched on and off. In the “Tags” bar, the different + options serve to activate a tokenized version of the letter, to display the + part of speech and lemma of each word as well as additional notes on special + linguistic characteristics, for example words with clitic doubling in + Portuguese, complex syllables, diphthongs or hiatuses. At the bottom of the + page, there is a small legend indicating the colors used to display + editorial changes to the text. A “Sentence view” is also offered. In this + view, the text is split into sentences and displayed as one sentence per + line (see Fig. 9).
+ +There are two download options at the bottom of each letter + page, one for the download of the XML file, either in the TEI-P5 or in the + TEITOK version, the other for the download of the current view in a plain + text format.
+Browsing through various letters, it becomes apparent that not + all of them have the same options. Some letter texts are not accompanied by + a facsimile (e.g. PSCR5513), some don’t have the detailed POS, lemma, + linguistic notes and sentence view options (e.g. PSCR5285), or the variant + and standardization views (both PSCR5513 and PSCR5285, for example). As for + other aspects mentioned before, it would have been good to have an overview + of the editing status of the letters in the whole collection. Another way to + make the state of progress more transparent would have been to include + search options allowing to look for finalized letters.
+Although most of the functions are self-evident, a help text + explaining the meaning of the different text views, for example, would have + been helpful. If the view options are not documented exhaustively on the + website, a user might miss them if she or he by accident only views letters + where a few of them are available. It was not clear to the reviewer how to + find a letter where all options are available, if not by chance.
+Of all the information encoded in the TEI files, the
+ discursive parts of the letters seem to be the only aspect that is not
+ presented. Apart from that, all the different levels of encoding can be
+ assessed via the web interface in a user-friendly manner. In addition, the
+ “Text Search” supports looking for words on the different levels of
+ transcription (provisional transcription, expanded abbreviations, and
+ standardization). Even if the parts of discourse are not taken up into the
+ HTML view, they can still be searched for with the “Discourse Search” which
+ allows to look for letters containing different types of sentences (opener,
+ closer, harangue, peroration, narration, etc.) and for letter types
+ (friendship, love, family, private business and anonymous letters).
The second side of
Before the several layers of linguistic annotation could be
+ added to the letters in
The original form of each token is kept as the content of the
+ “tok” element. In the “nform” attribute, a normalized version of the token
+ is given. The other attributes serve to hold the lemma, dialectal variants,
+ and so on.
From the point of view of this reviewer, it is not just a + technical question whether different layers of annotation are kept inside a + single file or modelled as stand-off markup. Of course a stand-off setup is + more difficult to process because units like sentences or words have to be + realigned when several layers of annotation are analyzed or presented + together. But to find a way to directly integrate both editorial markup and + linguistic annotations also contributes to build a rich resource which can be + archived in its integrity. In this scenario, the linguistic annotations + become part of the edition and are not just another layer which can be added + repeatedly in an ad-hoc way, especially if their quality is checked + manually. This is not to say that there aren’t any arguments for stand-off + markup, but that the editorial decision on the way to model annotations + contributes to define the type of resource that is created, in this case a + critically edited linguistic corpus.
+In addition to the tokenization and lemmatization, also
+ morphosyntactic annotations and syntactic trees are included in
If a syntactic annotation is available for a letter, a + corresponding link is shown at the bottom of the page. Clicking on that + link, one gets to another page called “Syntactic Trees” (see Fig. 10). In + this view, the text is displayed in sentence rows. At the bottom, the link + “More files” leads to a list of letter IDs, supposedly all the letters with + syntactic annotation. Via the link “Search in this file”, a “Tree Search” + can be performed which is limited to the individual file. From the syntactic + trees view, the letter can be downloaded in either the Penn Treebank PSD or + in the PSDX format. This download option is not available from the main + letter page, so some clicks through the subpages are needed to get to + it.
+ +Choosing one of the sentence links, another subpage with a + visualization of the syntactic tree opens (see Fig. 11). Hovering over a + word in the tree, it is highlighted in the sentence above and additional + information (the standardized word form, lemma, and part of speech) is shown + in a box. Various formats are offered for the visualization of the syntactic + tree: a bracket notation, a tabular format, the table graph (which is the + default as in Fig. 11), a vertical graph, and an SVG tree. They are nice to + have, for example if one would like to use a specific visual form of a + syntactic tree in a presentation or publication, but essentially they all + provide the same kind of information.
+ +Very much effort has been put into making the linguistic
+ annotations searchable. One way is to use the “Text Search” which is part of
+ the general “Corpus Search”. Fig. 12 shows an example of a search for words
+ in the standardized form containing the triphthong “uou”. Per default, the
+ results are displayed as
The results page offers further options to display the + findings: by clicking on “context”, it is possible to jump to the text of + the whole letter and see the search term highlighted in it. Also, the + different textual views can be activated for the search results. A “Direct + query URL” is given and can be used to cite the search and its results (at + this point the technical character of the URL is understandable because it + is meant to reflect complex search queries).
+ +Even more, the results of a query can be used to look for
+ collocations and display frequency tables and visualizations by using the
+ “Frequency Options” below the search results (see Fig. 14 for a bar chart
+ showing the frequency of the triphthong “uou” by lemma).
For the syntactic annotations, there is a dedicated search + (“Tree Search”, see Fig. 15), with an XPath Search field and a number of + predefined queries. It is possible to choose between several options for the + display of the results (brackets, table graph, vertical graph, etc.). The + XPath search operates on the PSDX format containing the syntactic + annotations in XML. The predefined queries help to get started with the + XPath expressions which can be quite complex depending on the structure of + interest. A search for adverbial clauses, for example, is formulated as + //eTree[@Label="CP-ADV"], a search for indirect questions as + //eTree[contains(@Label, "IP") and ./eTree[@Label="CP-QUE"]], and for + postverbal subjects //*[eTree[contains(@Label, + "NP-SBJ")]/preceding-sibling::eTree[contains(@Label, "VB")]]. The results + are displayed per sentence. A search for postverbal subjects, for example, + yields 1,700 results. A tree view of one of the resulting sentences (“corre + a fama” – “runs the rumour”) is given in Fig. 16.
+ +Both for the general corpus search and for the syntactic
+ search, basic help texts are offered. Not every search option is explained
+ but the information that is given helps the user to find his or her way
+ through the search forms when using the various access points that are
+ offered to explore
Altogether, a remarkable range and amount of linguistic + information has been added to the edited texts of the letters and it has + been integrated convincingly into the entire text collection. The many + possibilities to search for specific linguistic annotations, to view them in + the context of the transcribed documents and to download almost all of the + generated information (the linguistic data itself, the search results, and + visualizations of corpus distributions as well as of linguistic details such + as single clauses) must be a great asset for a historical corpus linguist. + While the rich user interface supports qualitative as well as quantitative + work, the option to download all data in text- as well as XML-based formats + is ideal for researchers who would like to integrate the data into their own + technical workflow.
In terms of documentation, it has already been said that many
+ publications have been produced in
An open question, which all project-based digital resources face,
+ is how to proceed with changes to the data. In
For the long run, a more explicit and detailed licensing of the
+ data is also important to ensure that other researchers take the opportunity to
+ work with the results of
Valuable basic work has been done in collecting, transcribing, and + encoding the approximately 5,000 historical private letters kept in archives all + over the Iberian Peninsula and making them available to researchers and to the + public. The decision to make all basic data available for download is exemplary. + An open licence for would have been desirable for data reuse, but still it is + very useful to have insight into the data.
+The project has followed community standards and advice from + similar editorial undertakings, thereby making its data reusable and prepared + for the future. The detailed documentation makes up for a partly complex + combination of data standards and tools, originating from the project’s history + and its double goal to edit the corpus critically and prepare it + linguistically.
+The site’s usability would have benefitted from more context + information directly presented on the website to guide a user not familiar with + the project and also to have the latest information about the selection, amount, + distribution, and state of the data in one place. It would have been good to + include filters for the availability of annotation layers into the search forms + (e.g. to only show letters with completed linguistic annotation). On the other + hand, some of the many visualization options for statistics and syntactic trees + could have been skipped. Still, the range of search options that have been + implemented for the graphical user interface is impressive. It could only have + been enhanced by more options to browse through the collection of letters.
+It is to be hoped that this carefully edited and comprehensively + prepared corpus of private correspondence will be maintained and used by many + linguists, historians, and digital humanists to come.
+Auf der Basis von +
+The Mark Twain Project Online (MTPO) provides digital critical editions of + Mark Twain’s writings for the purpose of scholarly study. The edition + project creates a foundation for in-depth research on Mark Twain’s person + and texts, as well as contributes greatly to this research itself. All the + editions and resources from the MTPO are available free of cost and without + registration. The goal of the edition is to publish all of Mark Twain’s + writings and this review concentrates particularly on their digital edition + of Mark Twain’s letters. This edition project achieves a great deal of + transparency regarding editorial principles and practices, making it easy + for the reader to follow the editorial decisions. The amount of scholarly + work put into the editing and commentary is commendable and offers a vast + amount of information for research and analysis. The technical aspects of + the digital edition are satisfactory, providing for a digital edition that + is easy to read and use, however does not reach the same level of + excellence as the critical text and commentary. Considering however that + the MTPO went online over ten years ago, in 2007, its usability has stood + the test of time.
+I am sorry to ever have to read anybody’s MSS, it is such
+ useless work—the Great Public’s is the only opinion worth having
I was asked to review an online edition of Mark Twain's letters, about which the Great
+ Public has already spoken, one which has been an ongoing success for the past ten years.
+ Despite this fact, and despite Twain’s stance on individual opinions, I was happy to
+ take on the job of delving into the edited text of the Mark Twain Project Online and
+ examining the website, if only because this edition project is unfinished and has many
+ more years of work ahead of it. It is an ever-growing and evolving effort; thus it is
+ hoped that a review even at this stage may shed new light.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens(1835-1910), better known as Mark Twain,
The Mark Twain Project Online (MTPO) provides digital critical editions
+ of Mark Twain’s writings for the purpose of scholarly study. The edition
+ project creates a foundation for in-depth research on Mark Twain’s person
+ and texts, as well as contributes greatly to this research itself. All the
+ editions and resources from the MTPO are available free of cost and without
+ registration. The project created print editions before going digital in 2007
+ with the launch of MTPO, and today they continue to publish both online and
+ in print. This review will concentrate on the digital edition of Mark Twain’s
+ letters.
The MTPO aims to publish everything that Mark Twain wrote, no small task.
+ On its website Twain’s texts are split into two categories,
The MTPO has already been reviewed multiple times, by
The archival material, originally bequeathed from Mark Twain to his daughter Clara + Clemens Samossoud, came to its current home at the University of California, + Berkeley, in 1942 and is now part of an archive entitled The Mark Twain Papers, + housed at the University's Bancroft Library. A research team produces the critical + editions, which are published by the University of California Press. The first + critical print edition was published in 1967, and the first digital edition followed + in 2007 with the launch of the MTPO.
+The project has been funded since 1966 primarily by the National Endowment
+ for the Humanities (NEH), a grant for which they must re-apply every two
+ years, as well as by matching private donations and through other public
+ support (including that of the Bancroft Library itself). The MTPO website
+ states that the amount of private donors must grow in order for the project
+ to continue. It should also be noted that President Donald Trump has attempted
+ to eliminate the NEH
The digital publications have not completely replaced the paper versions,
+ as some of the editions still appear both online and in print. For instance
Most of the above information for this introduction was found on the
+ project’s website.
This review, as mentioned above, examines specifically MTPO’s critical
+ edition of Mark Twain’s letters. In the following section some basic
+ information about the digital collection of letters will be given and
+ the relationship between the print and online editions will be examined.
+ Additionally, the
Under the navigational heading
Before going digital with the launch of MTPO in 2007, six volumes of Mark Twain’s
+ letters had already been published by the project in print form between 1988 and
+ 2002. These six volumes were transformed into TEI-XML and made available online
+ as part of the MTPO. It can be inferred (although an explicit remark from the
+ editors would be helpful) that the letters and accompanying editorial information
+ found in the digital versions does not differ from the print editions, which are
+ still available for purchase. I compared one letter from the printed edition to
+ its digital counterpart and found this (at least in this random sampling), to be
+ true.
In the section on the website titled
This documentation of changes includes not only alterations made to letters since + they were published online but would also by its nature document differences in + the digital and print versions. This is, however, based on the assumption that + the initial digital publication of the letters contained no significant deviations + from the previously printed editions.
+There are also letters on the website that were not previously printed by the project.
+ These are the letters that would have made up a printed seventh volume
+ (
Interestingly enough, despite originating from different volumes spanning
+ many years, all of the letters on the website are linked to the same title
+ page and to the same
I was skeptical as
+ I saw that the editorial guide was altered in 2007 and yet claims to be
+ applicable to all edited letters post-1988. I examined the printed volumes
+ and found that each volume, except volume four (which simply refers to the
+ guide in volume three), includes this
Fundamentally, the text of any letter is a matter of
+ historical fact, determined for all time by the original act of sending
+ it.
+ As mentioned above, the
According to the guide, the editors are providing letters which are extremely
+ faithful (‘
The editors call the result of their method, i.e. the edited text, ‘plain text’, a
+ term of their own creation. In doing so they wish to differentiate their
+ result from Fredson Bowers ‘clear texts’ and ‘genetic texts’.
As it is impossible to transcribe everything from the original handwriting, a
+ key part of the editor’s job is to decide what
+ Like all diplomatic transcription except type facsimile,
+ plain text does not reproduce, simulate, or report the original
+ lineation, pagination, or any other formal aspect of the manuscript,
+ save where the writer intended it to bear meaning
Thus it has been decided that most line breaks, minimal differences in
+ indentations, etc., should not be depicted in the transcription. This is
+ reasonable and to be expected of a critical edition and is an important
+ qualification of the earlier quote, which stated that
The section of the guide headed
The editors explain that, although they in principle do not correct or change
+ Twain’s original text, exceptions are made. Essentially, to be avoided is
+ anything deemed liable to cause further confustion in its transciption. They
+ cite the example of Twain’s unique usage of a dash to justify a line, which we
+ will see below when examining an actual letter. Transcribing this dash does not
+ add any meaning to the transcription but instead would add confusion, especially
+ since the original lineation is not usually reflected in the edited text. It is
+ important to note that such alterations from the editor are not silent emendations,
+ but recorded in the apparatus. Similarly, ambiguities such as hyphenated compound
+ words which are split due to a line break are necessarily emended. The exact line
+ breaks are usually not recreated in the edition text and it is impossible to know
+ if for instance (using the example from the guide) Mark Twain meant waterwheel or
+ water-wheel in such a case as when the word is split due to a line break. The
+ editors summarize this nicely in the following quote, which also nicely represents,
+ in my opinion, their general editorial philosophy: The question posed by such details is not simply whether
+ including them would make the text more reliable or more complete (it
+ would), but whether they can be intelligibly and consistently included
+ without creating a series of trivial puzzles, destroying legibility,
+ while not adding significantly to information about the writer’s choice
+ of words or ability to spell. There are, in fact, a nearly infinite
+ variety of manuscript occurrences which, if transcribed, would simply
+ present the reader with a puzzle that has no existence in the
+ original.
In this quote the editors explain once again their loyalty to the concept of maximum + fidelity and maximum legibility, and their refusal to create unnecessary puzzles. It + is a philosophy that does not forget that in the end the texts are intended to be read, + and their job is to facilitate that act. Overall, the guide does an excellent job of + sharing the general principles behind the creation of the edition, as well as describing + in detail how the text is transcribed and edited, and the reasoning behind those + decisions.
+ +In addition to the
One can also gather in this piece more about the edition’s particular editorial principles.
+ Author intention and the attempt to recreate the original text are at the core of their
+ editorial philosophy. This becomes more relevant for editions of Twain’s published works
+ rather than his letters, but is interesting nonetheless. The slippery nature of author
+ intention is not addressed by Hirst. He does not mention that Twain's wishes regarding
+ his writing might have changed during his lifetime, perhaps even from one day to the next,
+ let alone the fact that claiming to know any form of author intention can be extremely
+ difficult and must sometimes involve speculation. This philosophy is however typical for
+ the style of editing found in the United States and United Kingdom, based on editing
+ Shakespeare’s plays, which Hirst himself explains.
The example letter used for this review was chosen under the conditions that a
+ facsimile of the original handwriting be available, and that the letter have editorial
+ commentary.
The most interesting transcription decision in this letter pertains to the
+ crossed-out lines, on which we will concentrate, as found on pages two and
+ six of the letter (see Fig. 6 and 7). One can see on the facsimile that the
+ last lines on the second page as well as the lines at the end of the letter
+ are heavily cancelled. According to the
And yet why would Twain cross these words out later (if that is what happened)? The
+ first, not crossed out sentence reads: ‘
The decision to not depict the strike in the edition text remains consistent + with the editors' principles. Whether or not the text was crossed out before + or after it was sent is however nearly impossible to establish. The editors + base their decision on the change of ink and pen, as well as on the content + of the lines. As the editors suggest, the words read as though they may have + had an intimate meaning for Mark Twain and Olivia. One can understand that + the couple might have wanted to eliminate those lines before filing the + letter away in storage, in order to keep it private. This is however obviously + a bit of a supposition on the editor’s part, but in the end the editors have + to decide one way or another, either for depicting the cancellation or not doing + so. The reader may disagree with the conclusions drawn, but such is the process. + It is crucial that the reader be able to see that which was omitted in the + transcription, as well as the editors' reasoning behind that decision.
+There are two more small examples of the editorial principles in practice which
+ one can observe here. Firstly, in the original, the word ‘was’ is underlined, and
+ in the edited text ‘was’ is in italics. This is in keeping with their guidelines
+ for depicting emphasis, for which they even have a convenient chart.
The editorial commentary of this letter (called 'explanatory notes' in the edition) + is spectacular, and generally when one reads through the letters, one sees that + the commentary is one of the aspects which contribute to elevate this edition. + The commentary is thorough, helpful, interesting, well-written and could make a + fascinating volume in its own right. It is an unfortunate tendency for many digital + editions of letters to provide little commentary, or even to include none at all. + This is most often due to lack of funding and time; while students or junior editors + can transcribe and edit, commentary is often the task of a senior editor and can be + an enormous and intimidating job. The amount of research, and the facts thusly + uncovered are always many times more than those which actually end up in the edition, + and so oftentimes hours - or even days - of work could be invested in the footnote + of a single sentence.
+The letters written between 1877 and 1880 (about 600 letters in all) are unfortunately + without commentary. It is a small amount compared to the over 2,600 total letters + which do include commentary, but they also comprise those most recently published. + Hopefully MTPO will continue to prioritize editorial commentary, and it will be + added for these letters at a later date.
+ +As far as the presentation goes, the letter is easy to read, with the commentary + and apparatus in a separate section on the right-hand side. It is possible to jump + to the relevant commentary or apparatus entry through links in the edited text. There + is a print view as well as a details link which shows how to cite the letter. By no + means is it a particularly dynamic edition with lots of linked data and many + manipulable viewing options, etc., but it is satisfactory. The design and functions + are relatively simple and sleek and all together make for a pleasant reading + experience.
+One can enjoyably browse through the letters as though in a book, but a scholar looking + to do research will make use of additional tools on the website, especially the search + function. As an example research quest, I will do a little investigating within the + letters using the search functions, to see how successfully I can find what I’m + looking for. I am interested in learning more about Twain’s stance on women’s + suffrage, an important issue during his lifetime, so that's where I'll begin my + search.
+ + +Simply searching for ‘suffrage’ in the letters yields 18 results, with a nice overview
+ of the individual letters on the results page. On the left side of the page one can
+ filter the search results (by incoming or outgoing epistles, name, etc.). Through
+ the ‘keyword in context option’ one can, without opening the letter, see the context
+ of the keyword. This is important in my example case, because Twain sometimes wrote
+ of suffrage more generally and not just as it pertained to women.
When looking at the ten letters the commentary is, unsurprisingly, incredibly helpful
+ and offers a much-appreciated springboard for more detailed research. The commentary
+ refers to other letters that are relevant to women’s suffrage, to lectures from Twain,
+ etc., and references to other letters are linked directly so one can easily click on
+ and peruse them. This letter from March 12, 1874
Separately, under the navigation head
From this simple search and short perusal of the relevant letters I was surprised to
+ learn that at least for some time Mark Twain was not an avid supporter of women’s
+ right to vote. Twain is known today as having been a progressive with regards to
+ many topics, including women’s rights. The wikipedia page
Under the navigational heading
Of particular note within
Outside the
To summarize, the MTPO offers a substantial amount of supplementary material, + mostly in the form of explanatory texts and additional documents. With the + exception of the databases and the simile exhibit, the academic resources + are presented in a static, immovable manner. They are not searchable or + linked. They appear as if they were pulled from printed editions, which is + often essentially what they are. Such an approach emphasizes the likeness to + the form of a traditional book. The amount and quality of the information, + however, is excellent.
+The website was launched in 2007 and due to that fact the design is understandably
+ outdated. Although this is occasionally distracting, it does not hinder either the
+ reading of the letters or the use of the edition for research. There are also some
+ nice touches, for example the clever, witty quotes from Twain which are peppered
+ throughout the website,
It looks as though MTPO has four main databases: one for XML files and images found in
+ the printed editions, one for images of facsimiles amd photographs from their archive,
+ one for metadata, and one for long term preservation. They use the open-source software
+ eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) for the display of the edition and for the search functions.
+ XTF was created by the California Digital Library and is a well established platform used
+ by numerous projects. Generally the MTPO has implemented highly standardized technologies
+ wherever possible, which has served the over ten-year old project well. It is unclear
+ exactly which kind of databases they use and if any data migration was necessary over
+ the years, but considering how much development there has been in the last ten years
+ for digital editions, the MTPO seems quite up to date regarding their backend processes.
+ They also have a system of long-term preservation in place through the California Digital
+ Library’s Merritt
The technical information for this review could be gathered from the
+ project’s very extensive
The digital edition of
While the content of the letter edition and supplementary texts on the website are of the highest + quality, the ‘digital’ part of the digital edition appears somewhat lacking. It would be + ideal if the website were re-organized and re-designed and if a more dynamic concept were used for + the digital edition and supplementary texts. To conclude, it would be thrilling if the thoroughness, + modernity and meticulousness found in the text were also found in the technical execution of the + edition. It is a momentous project with many writings and letters of Mark Twain still to be published, + and it will be interesting to see how it develops in the coming years.