The purpose of this lab is to engage students in the considering the purpose, value, and unique differentiation of system architectural patterns.
Lab reports will be submitted by generating a markdown file in the labreports directory under the naming convention: LAB_[GITHUB HANDLE].md, and submitting a Pull Request to this repository that include your lab report as well as any accompanying images/files (there are diagrams required in the lab content). The link to that Pull Request must be submitted to Canvas as a
- Throughout these instructions, you'll find that items marked in bold text reference content you are to submit in your lab report.
- For the purposes of clear communication, you may base your lab report off of the template found in, but you're also free, welcome, and encouraged to get more creative.
- If you are unfamiliar with markdown, I recommend checking 1000 places on the Interwebs that will help you close that gap.
- If you don't have a GitHub account already, create one. If you do, record the name of your handle in your lab report and record a link to one repository you either follow or star.
- If you don't already have git installed on your development machine, do so.
- Install a text editor or some sort of application for local development. Lately, I'm partial to Visual Studio Code and my instructions assume it's use, but you're welcome to diviate. Each one should choose their own sword, etc. etc.
- To run the project in Step 2, you'll need to have node.js and npm installed.
- After logging in, navigate to the root of this repository.
- Fork this repository to your personal GitHub account (hint: read the page).
- Navigate to your forked repository in your GitHub account and copy the reference to your repository in from the Clone or Download button.
- Open the terminal or command line interface on your development machine, navigate to your chosen working directory, and execute the following command:
. - Navigate to that directory
cd cis411_lab1
. - Create a lab report mardown file (ex.
cp labreports/ labreports/LAB_[GITHUB USERNAME].md
). - Add your lab report
git add *
- Add the file to your branch
git commit -a -m "your commit message"
. - Push the change to GitHub
git push -u origin master
. - As you make additional changes to the lab report, commit and push your changes.
Once you've completed your report markdown, and have committed all your changes to your (primary) master branch, initiate a Pull Request in GitHub to submit your Lab Report.
- Navigate to the root of your forked repository (ex.
- Click the New pull request button.
- Choose the base fork tangollama/cis411_lab0 is the target and that your fully updated master branch is the source.
- Enter a title and description for the Pull Request (PR), referencing at least one other student in the content via their GitHub handle, and submit the PR.
- Submit that URL to canvas as your lab report work.