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Releases: hyriver/pygeoutils


10 Feb 16:18
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • The input geo-dataframes to break_lines now should be in a projected CRS.

New Features

  • Significant improvements in the accuracy and performance of nested_polygons by changing the logic. Now, the function first determines the nested polygons by comparing the centroids of the geometries with their geometry and then picks the largest geometry from each group of nested geometries.
  • Add a new function called query_indicies which is a wrapper around geopandas.sindex.query_bulk. However, instead of returning an array of positional indices, it returns a dictionary of indices where keys are the indices of the input geometry and values are a list of indices of the tree geometries that intersect with the input geometry.

Internal Changes

  • Simplify geo2polygon by making the two CRS arguments optional and only reproject if CRS values are given and different.
  • Apply the geometry mask in gtiff2xarray even if the input geometry is a bounding box since the mask might not be the same geometry as the one that was used during data query.
  • Fully migrate setup.cfg and to pyproject.toml.
  • Convert relative imports to absolute with absolufy-imports.
  • Sync all patch versions of HyRiver packages to x.x.12.


09 Jan 04:35
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Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an in issue xarray_geomask where for geometries that are smaller than a single pixel, the bbox clipping operation fails. This is fixed by using the auto_expand option of rioxarray.clip_box.


09 Dec 22:47
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a new function called nested_polygons for determining nested (multi)polygons in a gepandas.GeoDataFrame or geopandas.GeoSeries.
  • Add a new function called geodf2xarray for rasterizing a geopandas.GeoDataFrame to a xarray.DataArray.

Internal Changes

  • Modify the codebase based on Refurb suggestions.
  • In xarray_geomask, if drop=True recalculate its transform to ensure the correct geo references are set if the shape of the dataset changes.


05 Nov 04:30
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Release Notes

Internal Changes

  • Improve the performance of xarray_geomask significantly by first clipping the data to the geometry's bounding box, then if the geometry is a polygon, masking the data with the polygon. This is much faster than directly masking the data with the polygon. Also, support passing a bounding box to xarray_geomask in addition to polygon and multipolygon.
  • Fix deprecation warning of pandas when changing the geometry column of a GeoDataFrame in then break_lines function.


05 Nov 04:27
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Release Notes

Internal Changes

  • When combining the responses, now dask handles data chunking more efficiently. This is especially important for handling large responses from WMS services.
  • Improve type hints for CRS-related arguments of all functions by including string, integer, and pyproj.CRS types.
  • In gtiff2xarray use rasterio engine to make sure all rioxarray attrs are read.


04 Nov 22:02
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Release Notes

Internal Changes

  • When combining the responses, now dask handles data chunking more efficiently. This is especially important for handling large responses from WMS services.
  • Improve type hints for CRS-related arguments of all functions by including string, integer, and pyproj.CRS types.
  • In gtiff2xarray use rasterio engine to make sure all rioxarray attrs are read.


30 Aug 17:31
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Release Notes

Internal Changes

  • Add the missing PyPi classifiers for the supported Python versions.


29 Aug 21:32
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • Append "Error" to all exception classes for conforming to PEP-8 naming conventions.


14 Jun 05:29
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • Set the minimum supported version of Python to 3.8 since many of the dependencies such as xarray, pandas, rioxarray have dropped support for Python 3.7.
  • Bump min versions of rioxarray to 0.10 since it adds reading/writing GCPs.

Internal Changes

  • Use micromamba for running tests and use nox for linting in CI.


12 Jun 04:48
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add support for passing a custom bounding box in the Coordinates class. The default is the bounds of EPSG:4326 to retain backward compatibility. This new class parameter allows a user to check if a list of coordinates is within a custom bounding box. The bounds should be the EPSG:4326 coordinate system.
  • Add a new function called geometry_list for converting a list of multi-geometries to a list of geometries.