This is a tiny channel / organization management CLI tool for Hyperledger Fabric v2.x.
- This tool outputs a new config transaction that controls channel and organization with the following inputs:
- The latest config block
-like profile- Parameters to the CLI
- This tool internally uses Config Transaction Library.
- This tool is internally used by OpsSC agents and API servers.
- go 1.14
- Hyperledger Fabric 2.2.1 or later
$ make build
$ ls bin/fabric-configtx-cli
provides subcommands to control channel configurations.
The subcommands are:
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli
fabric-configtx-cli [command]
Available Commands:
create-channel Output configtx to create channel
create-envelope Output an enveloped configtx with ConfigUpdate and ConfigSignitures
execute-multiple-ops Output configtx to do multiple operations on a channel
help Help about any command
remove-consenter Output configtx to remove consenter
remove-org Output configtx to remove org
set-channel Output configtx to set channel (excepting organization parts)
set-consenter Output configtx to set consenter
set-orderer Output configtx to update orderer configuration (excepting consenters)
set-org Output configtx to set org
sign Output ConfigSignature to sign the specified configTx
-h, --help help for fabric-configtx-cli
Use "fabric-configtx-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Each subcommand is explained below:
This subcommand outputs a config transaction to set a specified organization. If the organization is not exist, the subcommand creates a config transaction to add the organization. If it is exist, the subcommand creates a config transaction to update the organization.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli set-org --help
Output a config transaction to set (add or update) a specified organization (Currently support for application, orderer, and consortium organization)
fabric-configtx-cli set-org [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for set-org
--orgType string The organization type which is operated (Option: Application, Orderer, Consortiums) (default "Application")
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects a profile with almost the same format as the Organizations section of configtx.yaml
For more information on the format, see a sample profile to set an org (Org3MSP) with reading MSP Dir and a sample profile to set an org (Org3MSP) without reading MSP Dir.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli remove-org --help
Output a config transaction to remove a specified organization (Currently support for application, orderer, and consortium organization)
fabric-configtx-cli remove-org [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for remove-org
--orgName string The organization name (OrgName) which is operated
--orgType string The organization type which is operated (Option: Application, Orderer, Consortiums) (default "Application")
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli set-consenter --help
Output a config transaction to set (add or update) a specified consenter (Currently a consenter with the specified address is identified as the same)
fabric-configtx-cli set-consenter [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for set-consenter
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects a profile with almost the same format as the Consenters parameters in the Orderer section of configtx.yaml
For more information on the format, see a sample profile to set a consenter ( with reading cert files and a sample profile to set a consenter ( without reading cert files.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli remove-consenter --help
Output a config transaction to remove a specified consenter (Currently a consenter with the specified address is identified as the same)
fabric-configtx-cli remove-consenter [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
--consenterAddress string The consenter address should be removed (e.g.,: '')
-h, --help help for remove-consenter
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli set-orderer --help
Output a config transaction to update orderer configuration for a channel
(NOTE: Excepting consenters settings: set/remove-consenter should be used.
Only support for Raft orderer.)
fabric-configtx-cli set-orderer [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for set-orderer
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects a profile with almost the same format as the Orderer section excepting the Consenters parameters of configtx.yaml
For more information on the format, see a sample profile to update orderer configuration.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli set-channel --help
Output a config transaction to update a specified channel (excepting organization parts)
fabric-configtx-cli set-channel [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for set-channel
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects a profile with almost the same format as the Application and Channel sections excepting the Organizations parameters of configtx.yaml
For more information on the format, see a sample profile to update channel configuration.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli execute-multiple-ops --help
Output a config transaction to do multiple operations (like set-org and set-channel) on a specified channel
fabric-configtx-cli execute-multiple-ops [flags]
--blockPath string The path to read the config block
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for execute-multiple-ops
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects a profile with almost the same format as profiles for the other subcommands for update merged. For more information on the format, see a sample profile to update an application channel with reading the other files and without reading the other files and a sample profile to update the system channel with reading the other files.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli create-channel --help
Output a config transaction to create a channel
fabric-configtx-cli create-channel [flags]
-C, --channelID string The channel ID to use in the configtx
-h, --help help for create-channel
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--outputFormat string The output format for ConfigUpdate (Option: 'delta' or 'enveloped_delta') (default "enveloped_delta")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects creating a channel based on an existing consortium. Also, it expects a profile with almost the same format as the Application section of configtx.yaml
For more information on the format, see a sample profile to create an application channel.
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli sign --help
Output ConfigSignature to sign the specified configTx with the specified key/cert
fabric-configtx-cli sign [flags]
--certPath string The path to read the certificate to be used to sign ConfigUpdate
--configTxPath string The path to read the ConfigUpdate (assuming delta not enveloped)
-h, --help help for sign
--keyPath string The path to read the key to be used to sign ConfigUpdate
--mspID string MSP ID to be used to sign ConfigUpdate
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
$ bin/fabric-configtx-cli create-envelope --help
Output an enveloped configuration transaction with ConfigUpdate and ConfigSignatures specified in the profile
fabric-configtx-cli create-envelope [flags]
-h, --help help for create-envelope
--outputDir string The path to write the configtx (default "artifacts")
--outputFile string The file name to write the configtx (default "output.pb")
--profile string configtx.yaml-like profile to control configtx (the format depends on subcommands)
The subcommand expects a profile with base64 encoded configUpdate
and signature
by each organizations.
For more information on the format, see a sample profile to create an envelope.
This format is compatible with the Artifacts
in Proposal
in channel-ops
Ops chaincode.
See the test code for more information on how to use this command.
Logging in the tool is provided by the hyperledger/fabric/common/flogging
The logging level of the commands is controlled by a logging specification, which is set via the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC
environment variable.
So, for example, you can change the logging level when running the commands as follows:
$ FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC=DEBUG bin/fabric-configtx-cli xxxxx
(...) // This tool outputs debug logs to help to know the internal behaviors
2020-07-30 18:46:45.622 UTC [fabric-configtx-cli.common] PrintDebug -> DEBU 007 Debug: Output envelope
2020-07-30 18:46:45.622 UTC [fabric-configtx-cli.common] PrintDebug -> DEBU 008 {"payload": ...
Logging severity levels are specified using case-insensitive strings chosen from:
See Hyperledger Fabric >> Operations Guides >> Logging Control for more detail.
This tool focuses on major operations to update channels.
- Scope:
- Update channels (both application and system)
- Add / remove organizations on a channel
- Add / remove etcdraft consenters
- Update organization configuration (e.g., MSP settings, policies, anchor peers, orderer endpoints)
- Update consenter configuration (e.g., address, TLS certificates)
- Update channel configuration (e.g., policies)
- Update orderer configuration (e.g., policies, block size)
- Create application channels
- Update channels (both application and system)
- Out of scope:
- Create system genesis block
- Assume using
for initialization
- Assume using
- Fetch the latest config blocks
- Assume using
peer channel fetch config
- Assume using
- Minor operations
- Add an consortium, update consortium name (the tool only supports add/remove consortium org)
- Setting Kafka / solo orderers (these types of orderers are deprecated)
- Create system genesis block
- Improve test coverage
- Validation improvements (on both CLI parameters and profiles)
- Support channel management without the system channel