Releases: hyperaudio/hyperaudio-lite-editor
Releases · hyperaudio/hyperaudio-lite-editor
Version 0.4.0
Version 0.3.1
Version 0.3.0
What's Changed
- fix for broken karaoke by @maboa in #4
- 5 upgraded to latest ha lite by @maboa in #6
- #7 added santisation check for content outside spans by @maboa in #13
- 8 maintain integrity of word array by @maboa in #14
- updated version of Hyperaudio Lite to 2.0.19 by @maboa in #16
- 11 remove autoscroll by @maboa in #17
- some experimental styling by @maboa in #18
- tweak number box by @maboa in #19
- playbackrate fix by @maboa in #20
- positioning of elements by @maboa in #21
- 9 deepgram integration by @maboa in #23
- allow caption export #24 by @maboa in #28
- create new para only if sentence ends #26 by @maboa in #29
- force initial caption generation #30 by @maboa in #32
- fix for #31 where media was not loaded by @maboa in #34
- no caption display for mp3 by @maboa in #35
- 10 transcript export by @maboa in #39
- added language support by @scarsellifi in #37
- 40 41 styling by @maboa in #42
- 45 loader by @maboa in #46
- retry and check for auth/media errors by @maboa in #48
- split every 100 words or nearest end of sentence after by @maboa in #50
- 57 local storage by @scarsellifi in #57
- 60 localstorage filter by @maboa in #61
- first PWA version by @maboa in #65
- fix for localstorage load bug by @maboa in #66
- Rename files by @maboa in #67
- alternative version with sidebar by @maboa in #70
- fix manifest and ha init by @maboa in #73
- fix transcript inital state #78 by @maboa in #77
- Tweak design 1 by @maboa in #79
- fix for #83 (centering) by @maboa in #87
- changes related to #82 (bump ha lite) by @maboa in #88
- longpress transcript navigation for mobile #89 by @maboa in #90
- 71-better-mobile-version by @maboa in #91
- small visual tweak to transcribe box by @maboa in #92
- icon and manifest changes by @maboa in #94
- service worker cache by @maboa in #95
- service worker cache absolute url by @maboa in #96
- improved icons by @maboa in #98
- 74 import/export webcomponents by @scarsellifi in #102
- 93 basic diarize by @maboa in #105
- 104 sanitise copy paste by @maboa in #106
- upgrade to hyperaudio lite 2.1.1 by @maboa in #107
- 108 speaker insert fix by @maboa in #109
- remove lit dependencies by @scarsellifi in #103
- added accessibility to deepgram version by @maboa in #111
- alternative version is now default by @maboa in #112
- 113 best practices by @maboa in #114
- better error reporting by @maboa in #116
- moved deepgram aspects to web component by @maboa in #117
- 119 local upload by @maboa in #120
- 118 srt import by @maboa in #121
- prefix http(s) early by @maboa in #123
- button hover states and labels by @maboa in #124
- srt import fix by @maboa in #125
- fixes search after transcript changes by @maboa in #126
- added question mark to ignored chars (#127) by @maboa in #128
- better speaker insertion by @maboa in #130
- Daisyui experiment by @maboa in #131
- added deepgram logo by @maboa in #133
- 62 whisper integration by @maboa in #137
- 139 summarisation by @maboa in #141
- push notification - webapp by @scarsellifi in #143
- A more comprehensive transcription modal by @maboa in #144
- 97 favicon by @maboa in #145
- 148 pbr fix by @maboa in #149
- upgraded to Hyperaudio Lite 2.1.3 by @maboa in #150
- 132 css grid by @maboa in #152
- 136 scrollbars by @maboa in #153
- 53 caption correction by @maboa in #154
- 155 fix mobile by @maboa in #156
- 157 contenteditable focus by @maboa in #158
- Configured Tailwind CSS for production environment by @scarsellifi in #162
- revert to remote tailwind by @maboa in #165
- 167 deepgram json import by @maboa in #171
- Added smart-formating to all api calls by @maboa in #176
- change edited caption messaging by @maboa in #177
- allow caption alert to no longer be displayed by @maboa in #179
- updated transcript download links by @maboa in #184
- explanation video + transcript by @maboa in #185
- error message when no transcript data is detected by @maboa in #187
- 172 cache local media by @maboa in #191
- 189 fix karaoke for loaded transcripts by @maboa in #192
- 195 accurate clip play by @maboa in #196
- better error messaging by @maboa in #198
- 199 abstract deepgram wc by @maboa in #200
- 202 implement clientside whisper by @maboa in #204
New Contributors
- @scarsellifi made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: