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Actor4j promotion

Representation of the basic calls to the actor4j REST API

Use Cases

The realized solutions are conceptualizations that require further completion. For any inquiries, I'm willing to help.

Actor4j an actor implementation

Aim of this project [18] was to enhance the performance in message passing. As a reference implementation Akka [1] was used. Results of the research shown that intra-thread-communication is much better than inter-thread-communication. You can group actors, so they are bound to the same thread, for instance. Message queues of the actors are outsourced to the thread. The four principles of reactive manifesto [2] and the four semantic properties [3] of actor systems have been applied. The actor system is from extern accessible by the REST-API or by a websocket. Between the server nodes (cluster configuration) are websockets for message transfer established. Time consuming tasks can be outsourced to ResourceActor's, which are executed by an extra ThreadPool. So the responsiveness of the actor system therfore will not tangented.

Configuration, starting and stopping the actor system

In actor4j the following important configuration options are available.

ActorSystem system = new ActorSystem();

	.softMode(); // or .hardMode();

On the one hand, the number of threads can be set with setParallelismMin and the scaling factor with setParallelismFactor:

Number of threads = parallelismMin * parallelismFactor

In addition, it can be determined whether the threads are operating in soft or hard mode if the situation occurs that temporarily no messages are received. The actor system is started with the call:


The actor system can be terminated, either with controlled shutdown of all actors or not. With a controlled shutdown, a stop directive is sent internally to all actors. By means of parameter transfer, it is possible to determine whether the calling thread waits until the shutdown of the actor system has been completely terminated.

system.shutdown(); // normal shutdown
system.shutdown(true); // shutdown and wait

system.shutdownWithActors(); // shutdown with actors

Actor4j solves a controlled shutdown by sending a termination message to the user actor (father node of all actors, tree structure), which results that the other subordinate actors are terminating in a cascade form. The actors themselves are responsible for an orderly handling of their termination.

Actors, pattern matching and behaviour

There are two possibilities to add actors to the actor system. On one hand, by specifying the class and its constructor (is then instantiated by using reflection) or via a factory method. Both variants are passed to a dependency injection container, which can then instantiate the actors accordingly. Actors can be generated outside the actor system, these are automatically subordinated to the user actor (father of all user-generated actors). However, they can also be generated within an actor, but these are then child actors of the corresponding actor. After instantiation, the function returns a unique UUID (unambiguous identification of the actor).

// over reflection
system.addActor(MyActor.class, "MyActor", ...);
// or using a factory method
system.addActor(new ActorFactory() {
	public Actor create() {
		 return new MyActor();	

// or in the context of an actor
addChild(MyActor.class, "MyActor", ...);				
// or
UUID myActor = addChild( () -> new MyActor() ); 

Actors must derive from the class Actor and implement the receive method. In the example below, MyActor waits for a message that contains a String and then outputs it via a logger. Subsequently, the message is sent back to the sender. When a different message is received, a warning (unhandled (message)) is outputted if debugUnhandled has been set in the actor system. [4]

public class MyActor extends Actor {
	public void receive(ActorMessage<?> message) {
		if (message.value instanceof String) {
				"Received String message: %s", message.valueAsString()));
			send(message, message.source);
/* Adapted for actor4j according to [4] */

Messages can be sent using the send method. The following methods are available. Tell offers a similar syntax to Akka. A message can also be forwarded (forward). Aliases are among other things available to access a remote actor in a simplified manner.

send(ActorMessage<?> message)
send(ActorMessage<?> message, UUID dest)
sendViaPath(ActorMessage<?> message, String path)
sendViaAlias(ActorMessage<?> message, String alias)
tell(T value, int tag, UUID dest)

forward(ActorMessage<?> message, UUID dest)

The structure of the ActorMessage<T> looks like that:

Type Name Description
T value payload of the message
int tag tags helps for differentiating between messages
UUID source source of the message
UUID dest destination of the message
UUID interaction associated interaction
String protocol interaction protocol
String ontology ontology of the message

Tab. 1: Structure of the ActorMessage<T>

Patern matching

To receive messages, pattern matching can be used with the ActorMessageMatcher class. This class was inspired by pattern matching in Scala [12]. The message can be checked to match a tag, source, or class of the passed object (value). If a match is true, an action is triggered. This example is based on the top, except that this is expressed by the language means of the class ActorMessageMatcher. Tags serve as a simple means of communication. ACK would be such a tag.

public class MyActor extends Actor {
	protected ActorMessageMatcher matcher;
	protected final int ACK = 1;
	public void preStart() {
		matcher = new ActorMessageMatcher();
			msg -> logger().info(String.format(
				"Received String message: %s", msg.valueAsString())))
			msg -> logger().info("ACK tag received"))
			msg -> send(msg, msg.dest))
			msg -> unhandled(msg));
	public void receive(ActorMessage<?> message) {

MatchAny is always triggered, no matter what message has been received. If no match is found, MatchElse is fired.


The message processing method receive of an actor can be replaced by another method at runtime (HotSwap to Akka [6]). In the later example, the behavior of the actor is changed (on receipt of a tag SWAP). Upon receipt of the next message, information about the then received message is outputted. Finally, the behavior with unbecome is returned to the original receive method.

public class MyActor extends Actor {
	protected final int SWAP=22;
	public void receive(ActorMessage<?> message) {
		if (message.tag == SWAP)
			become(msg -> {
					"Received message: %s", msg));
			}, false); // false -> putted on stack

Simple Example

// Initialize the actor system
ActorSystem system = new ActorSystem("Example");
// Creation of actor pong
UUID pong = system.addActor(() -> new Actor() {
	public void receive(ActorMessage<?> message) {
		// Receives message from ping
		// Sends message "pong" to ping
		tell("pong", 0, message.source);
// Creation of actor ping
UUID ping = system.addActor(() -> new Actor() {
	public void receive(ActorMessage<?> message) {
		if (message.value!=null)
			// Receives message from pong
		// Sends message "ping" to pong
		tell("ping", 0, pong);
// Starts the actor system
// Sends a message to ping to start the ping-pong process
system.send(new ActorMessage<>(null, 0, system.SYSTEM_ID, ping));
// Lifetime for the ping-pong process
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Wait until all actors are shutdown

Life cycle of actors, monitoring

Representation of the life cycle of an actor

Fig. 1: Representation of the life cycle of an actor (adapted for actor4j according to [4])

Life cycle

As already mentioned, actors are either instantiated via system.addActor(...) or parentActor.addChild(...). Actors then receive a randomly generated (or persistent) UUID as a unique identifier, with which they then can communicate with other actors (sending messages). An actor can also have an alternative identifier, the alias (also for the purpose of better legibility or when the UUID is not previously known). By the first awaken of the actor the preStart method is initially called. This method will be used for first initializations of the actor. It will be also called the method recover, if the actor is a PersistentActor. This method recoveres then the state of the actor. An actor can also be restarted, usually triggered by an exception (see chapter Supervision). In this case, by the old instance preRestart is called first. Then a new instance is generated with the dependency injection container. The old instance is replaced by the new instance, and the method postRestart is called by the new instance. The preRestart and postRestart methods are used so that the actor can react adequately to the situation of the restart. The marking (UUID) of the original actor is retained. This also guarantees that references from other actors to this actor will stay valid. An actor can be stopped either by calling the stop method or by receiving the STOP or POISONPILL message. [4][15]


An actor can also monitor another actor for that it has not yet terminated itself. If the observed actor is terminated, a message TERMINATED is sent to the observer. An assignment is then made via message.source, which corresponds to the sender's UUID. With watch, an observer can register with an actor and de-register with unwatch. [4]

watch(UUID dest)
unwatch(UUID dest)

Comparison to Akka

The life cycle and monitoring are largely similar to Akka's approach. Instead of a UUID, an ActorRef is returned when an actor is instantiated.


OneForOne-Strategy and OneForAll-Strategy

Fig. 2: OneForOne-Strategy and OneForAll-Strategy (cp. [7][8])

The supervisor actor monitors its child actors, in the event of an error, they are resumed or restarted or stopped by them. Two strategies are foreseen (see Fig. 2). In the OneForOne-Strategy, only the affected actor is considered. In the OneForAll-Strategy, on the other hand, not only the affected actor is considered but also the neighbouring actors (below the supervisor actor). [7][8] The default strategy for actor4j is a OneForOne-Strategy [11] and is specified as:

public SupervisorStrategyDirective apply(Exception e) {
	if (
	     e instanceof ActorInitializationException || 
	     e instanceof ActorKilledException)
		return STOP;
		return RESTART;

An ActorInitializationException is thrown if an error occurs during the instantiation of an actor. An ActorKilledException is triggered by an incoming KILL message at the actor. In this case, an exception is deliberately provoked to activate the supervisor and its error handling strategy. A restart is carried out by default for every exception otherwise the actor is stopped. The default strategy can be changed by overriding the supervisorStrategy method. [4]

Extended representation of the life cycle of an actor

Fig. 3: Extended representation of the life cycle of an actor (cp. [5])

Actor4j currently supports seven directives: RESUME, STOP, RESTART, ESCALATE, RECOVER, ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE (see also Fig. 3). Stopping and restarting of the actors is asynchronous.

  • RESUME: In this case, the supervisor remains passive. The actor can continue its activities undisturbed [5].
  • STOP:
    • To all children the message STOP is sent (recursive process, if the children also have children) so that they can terminate. Use of watch, to observe that all children have terminated.
    • Call of postStop.
    • PreRestart is called at the current instance.
    • To all children the message STOP is sent (recursive process, if the children also have children) so that they can terminate. Use of watch, to observe that all children have terminated.
    • Call of postStop at the current instance, after all children have finished and confirmed this with the TERMINATED message.
    • Instantiate a new instance with the dependency injection container. It is ensured that the UUID is maintained.
    • Call of postRestart (with preStart (with optional recover) for the new instance.
  • ESCALATE: If a supervisor is unclear as to what the correct strategy is in the event of a specific error, he can pass it on to his superior supervisor for clarification.
  • RECOVER: The actor will be recovered to it's last state, novel events can lead to an update of the actor's state.
  • ACTIVATE and DEACTIAVTE: Activates or deactivates the actor (messages will be or not longer processed). The current explained directives remains deliverable, even when the actor is deactivated.



To persist the state of an actor, this must be derived from the PersistentActor class. A PersistentActor is characterized by events and a state, which can be saved, depending on use case. In the example below, two events are defined. First, a snapshot of the state is made and persisted. Then the two events are saved. Handlers are defined for error handling and for a successful case. In general after successful saving the events, the state of the actor can be updated. Side effects can be triggered, which may be affects other actors. The recover method is called to recover the state of the actor. It is loaded from the database, where the last state and the last events have been persisted. With the help of the Recovery class this attributes can be loaded, for this purpose the json String will be transformed to a Recovery object. The principles of Event Sourcing [16] are followed, as a database MongoDB [17] is currently used. Every PersistentActor must have a persistent UUID for unique access. [15]

public class MyActor extends PersistentActor<MyState, MyEvent> {
	public void receive(ActorMessage<?> message) {
    	// two events are generated based on the received message (!)
		MyEvent event1 = new MyEvent("I am the first event!");
		MyEvent event2 = new MyEvent("I am the second event!");
        // the events will be persisted
			(s) -> logger().debug(String.format("Event: %s", s)), 
			(e) -> logger().error(String.format("Error: %s", e.getMessage())),
			event1, event2);		
        // the state will be persisted
        saveSnapshot(null, null, new MyState("I am a state!"));
	public void recover(String json) {
		if (!Recovery.isError(json)) {
			Recovery<MyState, MyEvent> obj = Recovery.convertValue(json, 
           		new TypeReference<Recovery<MyState, MyEvent>>(){});
			logger().debug(String.format("Recovery: %s", obj.toString()));
			logger().error(String.format("Error: %s", Recovery.getErrorMsg(json)));
	public UUID persistenceId() {
		return UUID.fromString("60f086af-27d3-44e9-8fd7-eb095c98daed");

Presentation of different actor types within actor4j

Four important actors, derived from the class Actor, are to be presented next. The class Actor is an abstract class.

ActorGroupMember (Interface)

The use of this interface signals to the ActorSystem that the correspondingly implemented actor is a member of a group. This is taken into account when distributing the actors to the threads. Actors belonging to a group are held together on a thread. The basic idea behind this has been explained in our paper (see chapters results and conclusion [18]). Inter-communication between threads is more expensive than pure intra-communication (within the same thread).


This class implements the interface ActorGroupMember.


Workload tasks should not be performed within the ActorSystem. Because they block the reactive system and it is no longer responsive. Therefore the class ResorceActor is provided. These special actors are executed in a separate thread pool, thus avoiding disturbances within the ActorSystem. It should distinguish stateless (@Stateless) and stateful (@Stateful) actors. The advantage of this distinction lies in the fact that stateless actors can be executed in parallel.


The ActorWithRxStash class implements the queue stash, from the class Actor. With stash, messages can be temporarily stored, which are not to be processed immediately. RxStash provides access to stash as an observer by using RxJava [9]. This allows a comfortable access to stash (filters, transformations, aggregators, etc.).


A PseudoActor is a mediator between the outside world and the ActorSystem. It allows communication with the actors within the actor system from outside. Unlike the other actors, the PseudoActor has its own message queue, in which the messages of other actors can then be stored by the ActorSystem. The class PseudoActor is derived from the class ActorWithRxStash. To be able to process received messages, the run method must be started manually.


Examples for the actors ActorWithRxStash and PseudoActor can be viewed under GitHub [10]. Application examples for ActorGroupMember are also included in the benchmarks of actor4j.

Class diagram to the core components

Now, the core components of actor4j are presented both from the user perspective as well from the developer perspective. In particular, connections between the core components will be clarified.

User's point of view

The most important core components of actor4j can be seen in the overview (Fig. 4). The normal user of actor4j will mainly work with the classes ActorSystem and the different actor classes (Actor, ActorGroupMember, ActorWithRxStash, ResourceActor). Possibly, the user will change the supervisor strategy. A timer (ActorTimer) should also be relatively useful in different situations. The ActorService class is used for a potential server (see also chapter, cluster configuration).

Developer's point of view

For a potential supporter or interested person, further details are helpful. The class ActorSystem is a wrapper of the class ActorSystemImpl. ActorSystemImpl internally creates a map of the set ActorCell. A wrapper is also the class Actor from the class ActorCell. ActorSystemImpl uses the ActorExecuterService to generate the ActorThreads. ActorThreads are executing the actors when they have received a message. The ActorMessageDispatcher acts as a link between the actors during message passing. It places the new message in the appropriate queue of the ActorThread. In the case of an actor error, the ActorThread class is called the auxiliary class ActorStrategyOnFailure, which then executes the defined strategy of the supervisor (OneForOneSupervisorStrategy or OneForAllSupervisorStrategy). Supervisor strategies can affect the RestartProtocol as well as the StopProtocol. These protocols can also be triggered by a corresponding message to the actor (RESTART, STOP or POISONPILL). PseudoActor has its own ActorCell, which is called PseudoActorCell. This also includes a separate queue for the purpose of communication between the actor system and the outside world (the PseudoActor). Last but not least again to the ActorMessageDispatcher. The ActorBalancingOnCreation class is used to distribute the actors on the ActorThreads when the actor system is started. At runtime, the class ActorBalancingOnRuntime is used.

Class diagram to the core components of actor4j

Fig. 4: Class diagram to the core components of actor4j


Enclosed two scruffy class diagrams maked with, have fun!

Cluster configuration

In the cluster, actor4j can also be operated. A tomcat server is generally used as the front end. A server node can be addressed via a REST API (see the current specification) or over a websocket connection. The servers in the cluster exchange messages via websocket connections. Of course access to a server node is also possible as a client. The websocket approach is similar to the REST API (see Fig. 5).

Representation of the basic calls to the actor4j REST API

Fig. 5: Representation of the basic calls to the actor4j REST API

Each actor has a unique ID (UUID). Alternatively, an actor can also be addressed via an alias instead of its ID. For remote access this is quite handy. Before a message can be processed, it is checked whether the corresponding addressee (actor) is running on the local machine. If this is not the case, an attempt is made to determine on which host the addressee can be located (1, 2). Subsequently, the message is sent to the destination host (3). Already found addressees are temporarily stored for later easy access (use of Guava Cache [14]).

Structure and behavioral analysis with an analysis tool

An analysis tool (using JGraphX [13] for visualizations) is suitable for testing, checking and optimizing an actor system. Such a tool is shown in Fig. 6. The internal structure of the actor system and the behavior of the actor system are shown on the left. The ellipses each correspond to one actor. The numbers at the edges between the actors, corresponds to the frequency of the exchange of messages. The right representation contains two rings, a hub and a tuple, linked in the message exchange. The impetus for message distribution is triggered via a timer (marked as system, since implemented from outside the actor system). It might be useful to see what kind of messages are exchanged between the actors.

Representation of the analysis tool for actor4j

Fig. 6: Representation of the analysis tool for actor4j


This framework is released under an open source Apache 2.0 license.


D. A. Bauer and J. Mäkiö, “Actor4j: A Software Framework for the Actor Model Focusing on the Optimization of Message Passing,” AICT 2018: The Fourteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, IARIA, 2018, [Online]. Available from: [retrieved: August, 2018]


This software framework is currently under an prototype state.


[1] Lightbend (2016). Akka.
[2] Jonas Bonér, Dave Farley, Roland Kuhn, and Martin Thompson (2014). The Reactive Manifesto.
[3] Rajesh K. Karmani, Gul Agha (2011). Actors. In Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, Pages 1–11. Springer.
[4] Lightbend (2015). Actors. UntypedActor API.
[5] Derek Wyatt (2013). AKKA Concurrency. Artima Inc. Pages 160-164.
Lightbend (2015). Actors. HotSwap.
[7] Joe Armstrong (2013). Programming Erlang. Software for a Concurrent World (Pragmatic Programmers). Pragmatic Bookshelf. Pages 398-399
Lightbend (2015). Supervision and Monitoring.
[9] Netflix, Inc (2013). RxJava.
[10] David A. Bauer (2015). Actor4j Examples.
[11] Lightbend (2015). Fault tolerance.
[12] EPFL (2015). Pattern Matching.
[13] JGraph Ltd (2016). JGraphX.
[14] Google Inc (2015). Guava. Google Core Libraries for Java. CachesExplained.
[15] Lightbend (2015). Persistence.
[16] Martin Fowler (2005). Event Sourcing.
[17] MongoDB Inc (2016). MongoDB.
[18] D. A. Bauer and J. Mäkiö, “Actor4j: A Software Framework for the Actor Model Focusing on the Optimization of Message Passing,” AICT 2018: The Fourteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, IARIA, 2018, [Online]. Available from: [retrieved: August, 2018]

Page to be updated 09/27/2018