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On the Global Optima of Kernelized Adversarial Representation Learning

By Bashir Sadeghi, Runyi Yu, and Vishnu Naresh Boddeti


  1. Introduction
  2. Citation
  3. Setup
  4. Requirements
  5. Commands to Reproduce Results in Paper
  6. General Usage Instructions


This code archive includes the Python implementation to impart fairness for already trained representation or raw data by designing a kernelaized regressor as an encoder for the new representation. The new representation aims to trade-off between utility (i.e., the performance of target task) and the leakage of sensitive attribute (i.e. adversary performance). Our closed-form solution is implemented for three different kernels, namely, Linear, Polynomial and Gaussian and can be easily extended to any other kernel. After learning the encoder, we freeze it and train a real adversary and target networks.


If you think this work is useful to your research, please cite:

  title={On the Global Optima of Kernelized Adversarial Representation Learning},
  author={Sadeghi, Bashir and Yu, Runyi and Boddeti, Vishnu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},

Link to the paper:


First, you need to download PyTorchNet by calling the following command:

git clone --recursive


  1. Require Python3
  2. Require PyTorch1.0
  3. Require Visdom0.1.8.9
  4. Check Requirements.txt for detailed dependencies.

Commands to Reproduce Results in Paper

Synthetic Gaussian Dataset

$ python3 -m visdom.server
$ python3 --args args/args-gaussian.txt

Adult Dataset

$ python3 -m visdom.server
$ python3 --args args/args-adult.txt

German Dataset

$ python3 -m visdom.server
$ python3 --args args/args-german.txt


$ python3 -m visdom.server
$ python3 --args args/args-yaleb.txt


$ python3 -m visdom.server
$ python3 --args args/args-cifar.txt

General Usage Instructions

You need to run

Part A: Training the Encoder

  1. Set the path to your input data and your dataset name for both training and test sets. Note: Let the data created by contain three items, input data, target class label and sensitive class label, respectively. Example in args.txt:

    dataset_train = Cifar100
    input_filename_train = ./train_input
    label_filename_train = ./train_label
    dataset_test = Cifar100
    input_filename_test = ./test_input
    label_filename_test = ./test_label
  2. Set the dimentionality of your embedding r and datandim, number of sensitive class label nclasses_A, and number of target class label nclasses_T. Example in args.txt:

    r = 19
    ndim = 64
    nclasses_A = 100
    nclasses_T = 20
  3. Set the trade-off parameter (0<=lambd<=1) between privacy and utility. Note: lambd=0 is related to no privacy and lambd=1 concerns totally to hide the sensitive attribute.

  4. Set the batch size required for training batch_size_e . Example in args.txt: batch_size_e = 12500. Note: The ideal batch size is as large as the number of input samples. For the linear kernel the final encoder is the average between the encoders obtain for each batch. On the other hand, for the non-linear kernel, data is randomly sampled once.

  5. Choose your kernel among three provided kernels: Linear, Polynomial and Gaussian. Note: For Polynomial kernel (K = (x^T*y + c)^d), two hyper parameters are required to be set: the constant part c and the exponent part d (d must be a natural number). For Gaussian kernel (K = exp(-||x - y||^2 / sigma)), the variance sigma should be set which is a positive number. Example in args.txt:

    kernel = Polynomial
    c = 1
    d = 7
    #kernel = Gaussian
    #sigma = 80

Part B: Training the Real Adversary and Target Classifiers or Regressors

  1. Visualization Settings. The parameters for visdom to plot training and testing curves.

     1) the port number for visdom -- "port"
     2) the name for current environment -- "env"
     3) if you want to create a new environment every time you run the program or not -- "same_env".  If you do, set it "False"; otherwise, it's "True".

    Example in args.txt:

    port = 8093
    env = main
    same_env = True
  2. Select the network for target and adversary and specify their task as a regression or classification. Example in args.txt:

    model_type_A = Adversary
    model_type_T = Target
    loss_type_A = Classification
    loss_type_T = Classification
    evaluation_type_A = Classification
    evaluation_type_T = Classification
  3. Finally, set the hyper parameters required to train and test the real adversary and target networks. Example in args.txt:

    nepochs = 2000
    optim_method = Adam
    learning_rate_T = 5e-3
    learning_rate_A = 5e-3
    scheduler_method = MultiStepLR
    scheduler_options = {"milestones": [100, 200]}