This is a test case for pmx_mdrun
. In this test case. State A is a 2-pentene, and state B
has all the dihedral potential removed around the double bond.
Preparation of the top is documented in 00-TOP/
. It's a 2-pentene in gaff prepared by antechamber and acpype.
We can start the simulation from either trans or cis.
cd mdrun/01-trans/
tree -L 1
├── em.gro
├── rep_999
has the double bond in trans
is 1 template folder for one replica
copy the template to rep_0
, rep_1
, ... , and run a initial equlibriation.
submit all replicas to the cluster with given slurm template.
cd mdrun/02-cis/
cp ../01-trans/rep_999 ./ -r
cd mdrun/01-trans/
cp rep_999 rep_0 -r
for i in 0 1
cd $base/eq/$i
gmx grompp -f eq.mdp -c ../../../em.gro -p ../../../../../ -o eq
gmx mdrun -v -deffnm eq
mkdir 000000
cd 000000
mkdir 0 1
cd $base/000000/0
gmx grompp -f ../../mdp/eq0.mdp -c ../../eq/0/eq.gro -p ../../../../../ -o eq
cd $base/000000/1
gmx grompp -f ../../mdp/eq1.mdp -c ../../eq/1/eq.gro -p ../../../../../ -o eq
cd $base
├── 000000 # cycle 0, 1 eq + 1 ti would be 1 cycle
│ ├── 0
│ │ └── eq.tpr # 10 ps equilibrium MD in state A
│ └── 1
│ └── eq.tpr # 10 ps equilibrium MD in state B
└── mdp
├── eq0.mdp # eq run for stateA
├── eq1.mdp # eq run for stateB
├── ti0.mdp # ti run for A to B
└── ti1.mdp # ti run for B to A
pmx_mdrun \
-l md_0.log \
-mdp_folder mdp/ -p ../../../ -folder_start 000000 \
-cycle 10 \
-MDRUN "mpirun -np 2 --bind-to none gmx_mpi mdrun" \
-GROMPP "gmx grompp"
Output files md_0.log
and md.csv
will be append.
pmx_mdrun \
-l md_0.log \
-mdp_folder mdp/ -p ../../../ -folder_start 000009 \
-cycle 10 \
-MDRUN "mpirun -np 2 --bind-to none gmx_mpi mdrun" \
-GROMPP "gmx grompp"
If the job finished properly, at the end of the log file, free energy estimated by bar will be printed.
Read md.csv and estimate free energy difference using 200 cycles.
DeltaG = -20.31 +- 0.30 kJ/mol
= -4.85 +- 0.07 kcal/mol
analysis_bar -csv md.csv --unit kcal
The work distribution will be plotted in Wplot.png
You can also save the work value in separate files, if you want to adapt to pmx work flow.
analysis_bar -csv md.csv -oA integA.dat -oB integB.dat --unit kcal
# unit argument will not change the output unit in integA.dat and integB.dat, as pmx only accept kJ/mol
pmx analyse -iA integA.dat -iB integB.dat
Without RE, trans and cis are separated, and the reversed work gives 2 peaks. With exchange, both 0->1 and 1->0 have 2 peaks.
Without replica exchange, trans and cis would not converge to the same value.
The detail analysis can be found in mdrun/convergence.ipynb