All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.5 (2019-11-05)
- attemp auth (d0e8a96)
- attemp auth (8df0733)
- deal with user (29d155f)
- init Oauth generate token (c0b5638)
- init Oauth generate token (60f8674)
- jwt strategie initialized (dc9592f)
- odyssey specific service (7e13494)
- redirect on swagger route (2b10eef)
- redirect on swagger route (362c638)
- route Oauth (0c58a12)
- route Oauth (e3a75c3)
- secur ticket (1247519)
- secure event (deb30d7)
- secure route flash (128c898)
- secure topic (b948d66)
- sign jwt (b0db51a)
- user change format (75e78b5)
- send wrong observable (385579b)
0.0.4 (2019-11-02)
- abstract validation (2a56ad4)
- add folder feature, clean structure (7accafa)
- add status to ticket (050b7ff)
- enable user validatoin (25d96e2)
- enforce post validity (112360a)
- event validation (e6e8f73)
- flashcard the crud way (62db4b6)
- redirect on swagger route (2ceca73)
0.0.3 (2019-10-20)
- many to many user <=> group (6a6ab20)
- abstract structuration ok (8ea6e1d)
- add entity repository (02ac8ea)
- add relation entity user (3b7e080)
- attempt abstract (c8bd9d4)
- create user entity (02ace0e)
- description user/group entity (314faec)
- many_to_many sur les entité (39d3043)
- route event ok (69da034)
- route flashcard ok (245257b)
- route group ok (c9cc0d4)
- route tickets (e991ac4)
- route topic ok (327eaf0)
- route user ok (12c9b5f)
- docker config (0c65b6d)