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File metadata and controls

185 lines (130 loc) · 5.67 KB


An ArchivesSpace plugin that adds revision histories for major record types.

Developed by Hudson Molonglo in collaboration with Gaia Resources as part of the Queensland State Archives Digital Archiving Program project.

Compatible with ArchivesSpace v4.0.0.


Whenever a record is created, updated or deleted the event is saved as a version in the record's revision history. A new Revision History button in the left navigation provides access the list of versions that comprise the record's history. The features available from this screen include:

  • Summary of the date, time and user of every update to the record since its creation
  • Detailed audit metadata for each version of the record
  • A concise view of each version of the record
  • The ability to view the differences between two versions
  • A raw json view of each version or the record
  • Links to other records are rendered as links to versions of those records that were current at the time the version being viewed was created
  • The ability to restore a non-current version of a record, even if it has been deleted
  • The ability to search the history of the entire system based on criteria such as model, id, user and time. For example "All updates to subjects by Mary at or before 2020-04-01"

It is also possible to access the History screen via two options in the System menu:

  • History - All Recent Updates
  • History - My Recent Updates

These two options will show the 20 latest versions created by all users, or the current user respectively.


To install the as_history plugin follow this procedure:

  1. Download the latest version of the as_history plugin into your archivesspace/plugins/ directory
  2. Add as_history to AppConfig[:plugins] in config.rb
  3. Run scripts/ (or .bat on windows)

NOTE: The as_history plugin can be installed at any time on an ArchivesSpace instance. It will begin recording version histories from the time it is installed.

NOTE: There is no special initialization process. The database set up step should complete quickly.


There is no configuration required for as_history (beyond adding it to your plugin list as descibed in the Installation section above.


It is possible to customize as_history via the plugin_init.rb files in other plugins.

To ensure the customizations are loaded after as_history is loaded, add the following entry to your plugin's config.yml:

  - as_history

NOTE: Older versions of ArchivesSpace do not support this config entry. If you are having trouble getting your customizations to work, ensure the as_history entry in AppConfig[:plugins] comes after your plugin's entry.

If you don't want your plugin to have a strong dependency on as_history, but rather to use it if it is present, but not fail if it isn't, then use this assertion instead:

  - as_history

If you do this then be sure to wrap your customizations as follows to avoid exceptions being thrown at system initialization:

  # ...
rescue NameError
  # This will be thrown if as_history is not installed.
  # We can safely ignore it and move on with our lives.

The following customizations are supported.

Model Registration

Defined in backend/plugin_init.rb



Register a new model for history (MyModel in the example). The model should be an ASModel class.

By default, all top level models are registered. This facility is only required if your plugin adds a new model that you want revision histories for.

Skip Fields

Defined in frontend/plugin_init.rb


  HistoryController.add_skip_field('my_boring field')

Add a field by name (my_boring_field in the example) to be skipped when rendering the concise view and calculating differences. By default audit fields and other system level fields are skipped. This facility allows you to skip other fields that are not relevant to the user view of records.

Top Fields

Defined in frontend/plugin_init.rb


  HistoryController.add_top_fields(['id', 'title', 'display_string'])

Force an ordered list of fields to be rendered at the top of the concise record and difference views (id, title and display_string in the example). By default the fields will be displayed in the order that they are returned. If a record doesn't have a field specified in the top fields list then that field entry will be ignored.

Enumeration handlers

Defined in frontend/plugin_init.rb


  HistoryController.add_enum_handler {|type, field|
    if type == 'date'
      if field == 'certainty_end'

Define an enumeration handler for translating enumeration values for display in the concise record view. The standard ArchivesSpace enumerations should be translated correctly. If you introduce a new enumeration you may need to add a handler to ensure its values are translated.

The handler will be passed a record type (type) and field name (field). Your handler should use these parameters to determine the correct name of your enumeration and return it. In the example if the renderer finds a field called certainty_end on a date record then this handler will cause it to look up its translation in an enumeration called date_certainty.

You can add as many enumeration handlers as you like. The renderer will go through them in the order they are specified and will use the first one that returns a value.