Please include a summary of the change, new sample or fixed issue. Please also include relevant motivation and context. Please read the contribution guidelines
Fixes #
Please ensure the following points are checked:
- My code follows the coding style
- I have reviewed file licenses
- I have commented any added functions (in line with Doxygen)
- I have commented any code that could be hard to understand
- My changes do not add any new compiler warnings
- My changes do not add any new validation layer errors or warnings
- I have used existing framework/helper functions where possible
- My changes build on Windows, Linux, macOS and Android. Otherwise I have documented any exceptions
- My changes do not add any regressions
- I have tested every sample to ensure everything runs correctly
- This PR describes the scope and expected impact of the changes I am making
If your PR contains a new or modified sample, these further checks must be carried out in addition to the General Checklist:
- I have tested the sample on at least one compliant Vulkan implementation
- If the sample is vendor-specific, I have tagged it appropriately
- I have stated on what implementation the sample has been tested so that others can test on different implementations and platforms
- Any dependent assets have been merged and published in downstream modules