- Updated the reel_drive_clamp and shaft_adapter CAD to their slip clutch varients
- Added slip clutch and slip clutch pulley CAD
- Updated overall CAD assembly to include slip clutch and slip clutch adjacent CAD
- Added missing counterbore to back of `reel_adapter'
- Added drawings of updated CAD
- Changed the reel drive plate and slip clutch shaft CAD file reference to reel_drive_clamp_slipclutch and shaft_adatper_slipclutch
- Removed components for old slipclutch
- Added current slipclutch
- Changed the material of the takeup_rest from aluminum to stainless steel
- Included 4-pin connectors for the load cell amplifier and the LED, and a 7pos housing receptacle for the LED buckpuck
details about the assembly instructions changes...