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Jeff Squyres edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 70 revisions

Open MPI fall/winter 2018 developer meeting

  • 9am, Tuesday, Oct 16, 2018 - noonish Thursday, Oct 18, 2018.
  • Cisco buildings 2 and 3 (right next to each other), San Jose, CA, USA.

(yes, the "2018 09" title on this wiki page is a bit of a lie -- cope)


Please put your name on this list if you plan to attend any/all of the meeting so that Jeff can register you for a Cisco guest badge+wifi.

  1. Jeff Squyres, Cisco
  2. George Bosilca, UTK
  3. Arm Thananon Patinyasakdikul, UTK
  4. Andrew Friedley, Intel
  5. Geoff Paulsen, IBM
  6. Howard Pritchard, LANL
  7. Edgar Gabriel, UH
  8. Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu
  9. Thomas Naughton, ORNL
  10. Matias Cabral, Intel (16th only)
  11. Neil Spruit , Intel (16th only)
  12. Brian Barrett, Amazon (16th only)
  13. Akshay Venkatesh, NVIDIA
  14. Xin Zhao, Mellanox

Agenda items

Tues Oct 16 (to accommodate limited availability)

  • OFI (Libfabric):
    • Scalable endpoints support in MTL and BTL
    • Registering specialized communication functions based on provider capabilities
      • m4 generated C code to avoid code duplication?
    • Discussion: OFI components to set their priority based on the provider found.
    • OFI Common module creation.
  • PR 5241: Add MCA param for multithread opal_progress() (George, Arm)
  • r2 / BTLs are initialized even when they are not used (Jeff)

To Be Scheduled

  • 4.0.x status / roadmap
  • 5.0.x roadmap
  • PMIx Roadmap
    • Review of v3 and v4 features
    • Outline changes in OMPI required to support them
    • Outline changes for minimizing footprint (modex pointers instead of copies)
    • Decide which features OMPI wants to use
  • PMIx as "first class" citizen?
    • Shall we remove the OPAL pmix framework and directly call PMIx functions?
      • Require all with non-PMIx environments to provide a plugin that implements PMIx functions with their non-PMIx library
      • In other words, invert the current approach that abstracted all PMIx-related interfaces
  • ORTE support model
  • Should we publish Open MPI release tarballs to
  • Mail service (mailman, etc.) discussion - here are the lists we could consolidate down to:
    • OMPI core
    • OMPI devel/packagers
    • OMPI users/announce
    • OMPI commits
    • HWLOC commits
    • HWLOC devel/users/announce
    • MTT users/devel
    • Do we want to move to a commercial hosting site? Would cost about $21/month, or about $250/year
    • Additionally: The Mail Archive is going through some changes. Unclear yet as to whether this will impact us or not
    • As of 4 Sep 2018, Open MPI has $575 in our account at SPI.
  • public ompi-tests repository for easier sharing of testsuites among collaborators (Edgar)
  • Remove orte-dvm and redirect users to PRRTE? (Ralph)
  • Ralph+Jeff: discuss PMIx compatibility issues and how to communicate them
  • Discuss memory utilization/scalability (ThomasN)
  • TCP bric-a-brac:
  • Debugger transition from MPIR to PMIx
    • How to orchestrate it?
  • ABI-changing commit on master (after v4.0.x branch) which will affect future v5.0.x branch:
    • Do we want to keep it? It's a minor update / could easily be deferred.
  • Nathan/Brian: Vader bug cleanups
    • Want to strengthen the recent vader fixes to be fully bulletproof
  • Need vendors to reply to their issues on the github issue tracker
  • Mellanox/Xin: Performance optimization on OMPI/OSC/UCX multithreading
  • Should we limit the number of C compilers that can be used to compile the OMPI core (e.g., limit the amount of assembly/atomic stuff we need to support).
    • E.g., PGI doesn't give us the guarantees we need
    • Probably need to add some extra wrapper glue: e.g., compile OMPI core with C compiler X and use C compiler Y in mpicc.
      • Are there any implications for Fortran? Probably not, but Jeff worries that there may be some assumption(s) about LDFLAGS/LIBS (and/or other things?) such that: "if it works for the C compiler, it works for the Fortran compiler".
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