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- Drop down list to select from local users or calendars in the attendees view.
- The option to not have any personal calendars displayed, now with remote calendars this would be a desirable option.
- Remove the assumption that each calendar is using the same backend. Ideally it should be possible to have a local calendar using sql or kolab and a remote calendar using another driver (eg wcap or whatever mozilla uses).
- Drivers should handle the permissions checks instead of accessing shares directly (outside drivers) to get the permissions for an event or calendar. One day we might have a calendar backend that knows about permissions.
- Allow publishing calendars to a remote site as iCalendar files.
- Saving of individual events as .ics files.
- Support for searching a local file system for freebusy info.
- Support for searching for freebusy info.
- Automatically locate a meeting time.
- Add a quick tool for planning meeting agendas.
- Handle resource scheduling/management somehow, either per-calendar or by kinds of calendars, including rules for when overlapping appointments are allowed, etc.
- lib/Driver/ical.php should be the central location for remote calendar support. Needs to be finished.
- RSS or Atom feed for upcoming events.
- Natural language quick event creation? (ex: 3/26 2am Raid on Ironforge [WoW] +thrall +gromhellscream)