Releases: hopshadoop/hops-gpu-management
Releases · hopshadoop/hops-gpu-management
Release notes - hops - Version
- [HOPS-109] - Quota management of Small Files
- [HOPS-136] - Container logging does handle lost containers
- [HOPS-137] - Quota is not recorded appropriately for small files which result in negative quota when deleting files/directories
- [HOPS-140] - garbage container logs and checkpoint remaining int the database
- [HOPS-143] - Quota multiplicator fixed period does not behave according to specification
- [HOPS-150] - Test code was commited by accident and block from having more than one gpu
- [HOPS-152] - app get stuck in NEW_SAVING when user name too long
- [HOPS-155] - Store small files on the datanodes if the database disk tables are full.
- [HOPS-157] - Nullpointer and Index out of bound since HOPS-152
New Feature
- [HOPS-141] - Monitor and control CertificateLocalizationService via JMX
- [HOPS-147] - Reloadable key store manager
- [HOPS-131] - Base price should be different for GPU resource and for General resources
- [HOPS-133] - Remove from hops-metadata-dal-impl-ndb and hops-gpu-management-impl-nvidia
- [HOPS-138] - Increase detail of log output for processed block report
- [HOPS-139] - Add another method for ContentSummary to return the results directly from inodes_attributes in quote enabled directories
- [HOPS-144] - Disabled uber pricing
- [HOPS-149] - Add app IDs in project daily cost
- [HOPS-151] - App's GPU usage in Yarn UI
- [HOPS-153] - [hops-hadoop-chef] Secure webhdfs REST API
- [HOPS-158] - Refactor HopsSSLSocketFactory and add check for Environment Variable set with crypto material
Release notes - hops - Version
- [HOPS-95] - Differentiate certificate localization directory for RM and NMs
- [HOPS-96] - Import HDFS-6570 to fix checkAccess issues with Hive
- [HOPS-99] - Add makeQualified method to HdfsFileStatus and HdfsLocatedFileStatus
- [HOPS-100] - Fix ssl-server.xml path in HopsSSLSocketFactory
- [HOPS-102] - Erasure Coding Tests are failing because of excessive memory use
- [HOPS-104] - Missing check-refresh causes class-cast exception on block report of UC blocks.
- [HOPS-120] - TestErasureCodingManager regularly run out of memory
- [HOPS-123] - Guard for no data in phantom blocks
- [HOPS-127] - pom <repositories> and <distributionManagement> badly configured
- [HOPS-128] - libhopsyarn pointing to wrong table
- [HOPS-129] - The update schema script from to should update yarn_price_multiplicator
- [HOPS-130] - Container log remaining in DB for containers stoped just after creation
- [HOPS-136] - Container logging does handle lost containers
- [HOPS-140] - garbage container logs and checkpoint remaining int the database
- [HOPS-150] - Test code was commited by accident and block from having more than one gpu
New Feature
- [HOPS-98] - Quota for GPU hours
- [HOPS-124] - libhopsyarn and libhopsnvml shouldn't be included in the pom files.
- [HOPS-94] - Improve error handling for HopsSSLSocketFactory
- [HOPS-97] - Use logicaltime per inode to order logs on the same file
- [HOPS-105] - Parallellize add-stored block after calculating report diff to improve reporting performance
- [HOPS-119] - Add certificate password as container local resource
- [HOPS-122] - Recovering ssl certificate info
- [HOPS-125] - Cleanup hops git repo from hs_err*.log files
- [HOPS-138] - Increase detail of log output for processed block report
Release notes - hops - Version
- [HOPS-14] - remove thread in NamenodeSelector
- [HOPS-16] - Transactions deadlock exception is thrown when hundreds of clients simultaneously read the same file.
- [HOPS-20] - Lease manager dies on Transient exception.
- [HOPS-21] - Poor Synchronous implementation of Namenode Selector in HopsFS 2.7.3 causes 80-90% drop in throughput
- [HOPS-45] - Slow LS operation on directories with large number of immediate descendants
- [HOPS-47] - TestUsersGroups fail due to wrong order of list elements
- [HOPS-48] - FATAL UniqueKeyConstraintViolationException During Namenode Creation
- [HOPS-51] - hdfs native_tests failing
- [HOPS-56] - setOwner fails with ForeignKeyConstraintViolationException due to outdated cache
- [HOPS-59] - HopsSSLSocketFactory assumes there is a single proxy superuser
- [HOPS-67] - Incoming data are not processed in Server
- [HOPS-69] - Delete directoy does not work non leader namenode when quota is enabled
- [HOPS-71] - Fix permission issue when writing to Cgroup device subsystem
- [HOPS-75] - Fix Log Aggregation in Yarn
- [HOPS-76] - ProcfsBasedProcessTree cannot parse PID process tree info
- [HOPS-81] - Missing version specifier in hadoop-common dependency causes warnings
- [HOPS-82] - Hops-GPU should handle cases when a subset of GPUs are not working correctly
- [HOPS-84] - hadoop-common pom.xml must include hops-gpu-management as dependency
- [HOPS-85] - Change collate for all the remaining yarn_* tables
- [HOPS-89] - Owner not correctly set in Cgroup hierarchy
- [HOPS-90] - Cgroups broken due to bug in container-executor
- [HOPS-91] - DFSClient update NN list as superuser
- [HOPS-92] - Symbol lookup error crashes NodeManager
- [HOPS-93] - Refactor hops-gpu-manage and hops-gpu-management-impl-nvidia
- [HOPS-103] - Concurrency bug in blockreporting causes iterator infinite loop
- [HOPS-107] - Small file's read fails when a decommissioned node is selected as a phanton datanode
- [HOPS-108] - Get HDFS username from environment variable in libhdfs
- [HOPS-110] - Change column type of small files tables from varchar to varbinary
- [HOPS-111] - Support set replication api for small files
- [HOPS-112] - Implement seek api for small files
- [HOPS-114] - Can't build without -Pndb since [HOPS-103]
- [HOPS-116] - Spark applications fail when small fiels are read using read(ByteBuffer) api
- [HOPS-123] - Guard for no data in phantom blocks
- [HOPS-127] - pom <repositories> and <distributionManagement> badly configured
- [HOPS-128] - libhopsyarn pointing to wrong table
- [HOPS-130] - Container log remaining in DB for containers stoped just after creation
- [HOPS-136] - Container logging does handle lost containers
- [HOPS-140] - garbage container logs and checkpoint remaining int the database
- [HOPS-150] - Test code was commited by accident and block from having more than one gpu
- [HOPS-41] - NPE in Rename for metaEnabled dirs and subdirs
- [HOPS-42] - Optimize logging of rename in the same meta enabled directory
- [HOPS-43] - Delete after rename of a metaEnabled directory fail
- [HOPS-55] - Refactoring block report processing
- [HOPS-58] - Correcting code quality issues in FSNamesystem
- [HOPS-60] - Remove remains of Federation from HopsFS
- [HOPS-62] - Replace Block Report RPC with Bucketized RPC
- [HOPS-63] - Create a HashBucket entity
- [HOPS-64] - Replace the block reporting mechanism with the hash-based one
New Feature
- [HOPS-2] - Improve Small File Performance in HopsFS
- [HOPS-4] - Uber style resource price
- [HOPS-7] - TLS support for Hadoop RPC/IPC
- [HOPS-11] - GPU support for HopsYARN (Umbrella)
- [HOPS-12] - Create an abstraction layer for GPU devices
- [HOPS-13] - Create an implementation layer for GPU devices
- [HOPS-19] - Truncate support in HDFS
- [HOPS-23] - avoid running app to be able to access other app data
- [HOPS-124] - libhopsyarn and libhopsnvml shouldn't be included in the pom files.
- [HOPS-17] - Optimizing addBlock and incrementalBlockReport RPC for large files
- [HOPS-22] - StorageCallPrevented Exception must not be swallowed
- [HOPS-26] - Clean up old MetadataLog code in TransactionalRequestHandler
- [HOPS-29] - ByteBuffer Mem Leak Problem
- [HOPS-30] - Expose Parameters For TX Retry
- [HOPS-31] - Add support to GPUs for hops-metadata-dal
- [HOPS-32] - Add support to GPUs for hops-metadata-dal-impl-ndb
- [HOPS-34] - HdfsFileStatus should return the fileId
- [HOPS-35] - Optimizing logging of MetaEnabled directories
- [
Release notes - hops - Version
- [HOPS-95] - Differentiate certificate localization directory for RM and NMs
- [HOPS-96] - Import HDFS-6570 to fix checkAccess issues with Hive
- [HOPS-99] - Add makeQualified method to HdfsFileStatus and HdfsLocatedFileStatus
- [HOPS-100] - Fix ssl-server.xml path in HopsSSLSocketFactory
- [HOPS-102] - Erasure Coding Tests are failing because of excessive memory use
- [HOPS-104] - Missing check-refresh causes class-cast exception on block report of UC blocks.
- [HOPS-120] - TestErasureCodingManager regularly run out of memory
- [HOPS-123] - Guard for no data in phantom blocks
New Feature
- [HOPS-98] - Quota for GPU hours
- [HOPS-124] - libhopsyarn and libhopsnvml shouldn't be included in the pom files.
- [HOPS-94] - Improve error handling for HopsSSLSocketFactory
- [HOPS-97] - Use logicaltime per inode to order logs on the same file
- [HOPS-105] - Parallellize add-stored block after calculating report diff to improve reporting performance
- [HOPS-119] - Add certificate password as container local resource
- [HOPS-122] - Recovering ssl certificate info
- [HOPS-125] - Cleanup hops git repo from hs_err*.log files
Release notes - hops - Version
- [HOPS-14] - remove thread in NamenodeSelector
- [HOPS-16] - Transactions deadlock exception is thrown when hundreds of clients simultaneously read the same file.
- [HOPS-20] - Lease manager dies on Transient exception.
- [HOPS-21] - Poor Synchronous implementation of Namenode Selector in HopsFS 2.7.3 causes 80-90% drop in throughput
- [HOPS-45] - Slow LS operation on directories with large number of immediate descendants
- [HOPS-47] - TestUsersGroups fail due to wrong order of list elements
- [HOPS-48] - FATAL UniqueKeyConstraintViolationException During Namenode Creation
- [HOPS-51] - hdfs native_tests failing
- [HOPS-56] - setOwner fails with ForeignKeyConstraintViolationException due to outdated cache
- [HOPS-59] - HopsSSLSocketFactory assumes there is a single proxy superuser
- [HOPS-67] - Incoming data are not processed in Server
- [HOPS-69] - Delete directoy does not work non leader namenode when quota is enabled
- [HOPS-71] - Fix permission issue when writing to Cgroup device subsystem
- [HOPS-75] - Fix Log Aggregation in Yarn
- [HOPS-76] - ProcfsBasedProcessTree cannot parse PID process tree info
- [HOPS-78] - Fix TestFsck test
- [HOPS-81] - Missing version specifier in hadoop-common dependency causes warnings
- [HOPS-82] - Hops-GPU should handle cases when a subset of GPUs are not working correctly
- [HOPS-84] - hadoop-common pom.xml must include hops-gpu-management as dependency
- [HOPS-85] - Change collate for all the remaining yarn_* tables
- [HOPS-89] - Owner not correctly set in Cgroup hierarchy
- [HOPS-41] - NPE in Rename for metaEnabled dirs and subdirs
- [HOPS-42] - Optimize logging of rename in the same meta enabled directory
- [HOPS-43] - Delete after rename of a metaEnabled directory fail
- [HOPS-55] - Refactoring block report processing
- [HOPS-58] - Correcting code quality issues in FSNamesystem
- [HOPS-60] - Remove remains of Federation from HopsFS
- [HOPS-62] - Replace Block Report RPC with Bucketized RPC
- [HOPS-63] - Create a HashBucket entity
- [HOPS-64] - Replace the block reporting mechanism with the hash-based one
New Feature
- [HOPS-2] - Improve Small File Performance in HopsFS
- [HOPS-4] - Uber style resource price
- [HOPS-7] - TLS support for Hadoop RPC/IPC
- [HOPS-11] - GPU support for HopsYARN (Umbrella)
- [HOPS-12] - Create an abstraction layer for GPU devices
- [HOPS-13] - Create an implementation layer for GPU devices
- [HOPS-19] - Truncate support in HDFS
- [HOPS-23] - avoid running app to be able to access other app data
- [HOPS-17] - Optimizing addBlock and incrementalBlockReport RPC for large files
- [HOPS-22] - StorageCallPrevented Exception must not be swallowed
- [HOPS-26] - Clean up old MetadataLog code in TransactionalRequestHandler
- [HOPS-29] - ByteBuffer Mem Leak Problem
- [HOPS-30] - Expose Parameters For TX Retry
- [HOPS-31] - Add support to GPUs for hops-metadata-dal
- [HOPS-32] - Add support to GPUs for hops-metadata-dal-impl-ndb
- [HOPS-34] - HdfsFileStatus should return the fileId
- [HOPS-35] - Optimizing logging of MetaEnabled directories
- [HOPS-37] - Append To file using HDFS clients (version >= v2.4) fails due to NPE on the HDFS clinet side
- [HOPS-49] - Making HopsFS and the DAL Java 8 syntax compliant
- [HOPS-54] - Remove unnecessary debug printouts from dal-impl-ndb
- [HOPS-57] - Hash based block-reporting for improved block reporting speed
- [HOPS-61] - Block Management Refactoring
- [HOPS-65] - update to follow hadoop 2.8.2 updates
- [HOPS-66] - Add a script to upgrade Clusterj with hopsfs fixes and Clusterj Native in Kompics repo
- [HOPS-68] - Pass the keystore and truststore password along with the material
- [HOPS-79] - Apply patch YARN-7083 from upstream fixing Log Aggregation
- [HOPS-83] - Cgroups hierarchy should be created automatically