Class TopicResponse
- Class name: TopicResponse
- Namespace: LaravelFCM\Response
- Parent class: LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse
- This class implements: LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract
const LIMIT_RATE_TOPICS_EXCEEDED = "TopicsMessageRateExceeded"
const SUCCESS = 'success'
const FAILURE = 'failure'
const ERROR = "error"
const MESSAGE_ID = "message_id"
mixed LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse::__construct(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $response)
BaseResponse constructor.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse
- $response GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
mixed LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse::parseResponse(array $responseInJson)
parse the response
- Visibility: protected
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse
- $responseInJson array
mixed LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse::logResponse()
Log the response
- Visibility: protected
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse
boolean LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract::isSuccess()
true if topic sent with success
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract
string LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract::error()
return error message you should test if it's necessary to resent it
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract
boolean LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract::shouldRetry()
return true if it's necessary resent it using exponential backoff
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\TopicResponseContract
mixed LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse::isJsonResponse(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $response)
Check if the response given by fcm is parsable
- Visibility: private
- This method is defined by LaravelFCM\Response\BaseResponse
- $response GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response