- find a stock market data source
- get a representative json
- make sure we can retrieve the time range we need (day is fine)
- read up on gulp
- read up on redux / deploying react
- what do they mean you need web sockets
- sketch outline for the page
- figure out how to dynically query for a time range
- first use one stock, and get one specific call
- make a function for it to work for multiple stocks
- make the function accept a time range and get appropriate dates in the middle
- make function accept mulitple quotes to query
- display the data
- use d3 to appropriately add the points for a set amount of data
- add the legend and the axes / make it pretty
- add hover bubble
- make it interactable
- be able to add / remove stocks
- be able to choose a new time range
- save off specific set-ups to return to later
- ability to zoom and drag