Collection of utilities by and for the PDX Python User Group.
- nlp -- Natural Language (and text) Processing utilities
- ann -- Artificial Neural Network utilities
- invest -- Time Series Processing utilities (including predictive analytics on financial time series)
- dj -- Django utilities and apps (not yet working)
See the docs for the latest.
You really want to contribute, right?
git clone https://github.com/hobson/pug.git
If you're a user and not a developer, and have an up-to-date posix OS
with the postgres, xml2, and xlst development packages installed, then
just use pip
pip install pug
If you're on Fedora >= 16 but haven't done a lot of python binding development, then you'll need some libraries before pip will succeed.
sudo yum install -y python-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel gcc-gfortran python-scikit-learn postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-libs postgresql-devel pip install pug
Even the releases are very unstable, but if you want to have the latest, most broken code
pip install git+git://github.com/hobsonlane/pug.git@master
This software is in alpha testing. Install at your own risk.
I love merging PRs and adding contributors to the __authors__
git clone https://github.com/hobson/pug.git