The robust panoptic mapping module contains 4 ros packages and 1 python package:
panoptic_mapping_pipeline : provides launch files and options to run the full pipeline
perception_ros : image segmentation client and per-frame point cloud segment generation
voxblox-plus-plus : the robust panoptic mapping backend modified on the original voxblox++
orb_slam_2_ros : the RGBD SLAM package to compute camera poses when no ground truth camera pose is available, adapted from orb_slam_2_ros
rp_server : python3-based image panoptic segmentation server based on Detectron2
Please refer to the launch files under panoptic_mapping_pipeline/launch/
for detailed usages and options.
Note: Before running the following steps, please make sure you have properly install dependencies and build the packages following this instruction.
SceneNN dataset contains RGBD sequences and 3D mesh of indoor scenes. The dataset is available here. To run panoptic mapping on SceneNN sequences, we first convert the sequences into rosbags using the scenenn_to_rosbag tool.
We provide a pre-converted SceneNN rosbag for scene 225, which can be downloaded from this Google Drive link.
Step 1 : Launch the python3-based image segmentation server in one terminal. Please make sure you activate the conda env beforehand. The server is successfully launched when "Server launched at" shows up.
conda activate robot-scene-recon
cd Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction/mapping/rp_server
Step 2 : Launch the ros nodes in another terminal. By default we use ground truth localization and disable the SLAM module. You may change sceneNN_test
to any name you like.
roslaunch panoptic_mapping_pipeline scenenn_pano_mapping.launch sequence:=sceneNN_test
To use estimated camera pose for mapping:
roslaunch panoptic_mapping_pipeline scenenn_pano_mapping.launch sequence:=sceneNN_test compute_localization:=true use_GT_pose:=false
Please refer to scenenn_pano_mapping.launch
for more options.
Step 3 : Finally run the downloaded rosbag. As the whole pipeline runs for ~2fps, we slow down the rosbag play speed.
rosbag play -r 0.5 scenenn_225.bag
Step 4 : When the mapping process ends, call the following two ros services to save the mesh of segmented scene and panoptic segments:
rosservice call /gsm_node/generate_mesh
rosservice call /gsm_node/extract_instances
The output will be saved in the output
folder under the root directory of Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction
Running our panoptic mapping module on customized datasets / recorded sequences is almost as simple as writing a new launch file, as long as rosbags are available including:
- RGB image topics (set arg
) - depth image topics (set arg
) - camera info topics (set arg
) - (Optional) tf from "world" frame (on the ground) to the camera frame (set arg
We provide two example launch files kinect2_pano_mapping.launch
and vrep_pano_mapping.launch
that work with rosbags recorded using a hand-held kinect2 camera and captured from the vrep (CoppeliaSim) simulator. After setting up everything in the launch file, please just follow the previous section to run the mapping pipeline.
When ground truth camera pose is not available (as in most real-world use cases), we use ORB-SLAM2 to localize the camera.
Specify sequence parameters : set arguments dataset
and ground_axis
; set compute_localization
as true and use_GT_pose
as false
Specify calibrations & orb parameters : write a new config file orb_slam2_ros/orb_slam2/$(arg dataset).yaml
following examples sceneNN.yaml
and kinect2.yaml
Initialize world_to_map transform : while SLAM provides camera poses w.r.t. the "map" frame, we need to convert the camera pose to the "world" frame (on the ground) so that the reconstruction has the correct orientation and align with the ground. We use two ways to compute the world_to_map transform:
When ground truth (GT) is available, we use the GT camera pose to initialize the world_to_map transform (set
as true) -
When GT is not available, we start sequence with camera in the horizontal position at a certain height above the ground (set
Save / load map : while we can directly run ORB-SLAM2 to obtain online camera pose estimation, the reconstructed map will be inconsistent due to the delayed loop closure correction. A better way is to save a map in advance and localize the camera against the map.
- To save the map when the sequence runs to the end :
rosservice call /orb_slam2_rgbd/save_map map.bin
You can change map.bin
to any name you want with type bin
. The map file will be saved under orb_slam2_ros/orb_slam2/
- To load the map and localize against the map : set
as true, andmap_file
. Optionally setlocalize_only
as true for reduce computation cost.
We leverage the panoptic segmentation model in Detectron2 pre-trained on 80 CocoPano classes. Please refer to panoptic_mapping_pipeline/cfg/pano_class.yaml
for how to specify the panoptic classes accounted during mapping.