Given reconstructed mesh segments of layouts (e.g., wall, floor) and object instances in a scene, we estimate the supporting relations and construct a contact graph, and replace object meshes with CAD models accounting for predicted object semantics, geometric similarity, and physical constriants imposed by the contact graph.
The two packages under this directory:
map_proc : contains the major implementations of contact graph construction and CAD replacement. See
for options andmap_proc/src/map_processing_node.cpp
for detailed implementations. -
pg_map_ros : a ros package that defines a class of graph structures (parse graph) and provides functions to construct, save, load and visualize a parse graph.
Note: Before running the following steps, please make sure you have properly install dependencies and build the packages following this instruction.
We collect a CAD dataset with rigid CAD models from ShapeNetSem and articulated CAD models from the internet. We preprocess the CAD models to transform them into the same canonical pose (+z up, -y front, centered, match real dimensions) and estimate planes on meshes. We also convert articulated CAD models into rigid ones for CAD replacement.
Please download the dataset from this Google Drive link, and extract it under the root directory of Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction
First make sure you have the result of panoptic mapping under Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction/output/$SEQUENCE/
, where $SEQUENCE
is the sequence name specified when launching the panoptic mapping pipeline (sceneNN_test
by default). We also provide an example result in this Google Drive link ; please download and extract it under Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction/output/
Then launch the ros node via:
roslaunch map_proc map_processing.launch sequence:=sceneNN_test
Note that to close a viewer and move on to the next step, press a
on your keyboard.
Please refer to map_proc/launch/map_processing.launch
for more running options. The generated contact graph is saved under Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction/output/$SEQUENCE/contact_graph/
. While contact_graph_seg.json
stores the initialized contact graph without CAD replacement, contact_graph_cad.json
stores the final output.
We also provide a tool to visualize contact graphs. In the root folder (Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction/
), run:
conda activate robot-scene-recon
python cad_replacement/pg_map_ros/pg_map_ros/pg_viewer/ -c output/sceneNN_test/contact_graph/contact_graph_cad.json
We summarize our pipeline as below; note that it yields some improvements based on the description in the paper.
//// 1. Load map object segments
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<ObjCAD::Ptr>> cad_database;
LoadObjectDatabase (cad_database);
//// 2. Load map object segments
std::vector<Obj3D::Ptr> objects;
LoadInstanceSegments(cad_database, objects);
//// 3. Estimate supporting relations and initialize contact graph
// Decide supporting parents for all objects
std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, Eigen::Vector4f>> parent_child_map;
std::queue<Obj3D::Ptr> obj_to_check; // Nodes connected to the root node in the contact graph
DecideSupportingParents (objects, parent_child_map, obj_to_check);
// Refine objects using the supporting planes
UpdateObjectsViaSupportingRelations (objects, parent_child_map, obj_to_check);
// Bottom-up build the contact graph
pgm::ConceptNode root (0, "Room");
pgm::ParseGraphMap::Ptr contact_graph (new pgm::ParseGraphMap(root));
BuildContactGraph (parent_child_map, gt_objects, obj_to_check, contact_graph);
//// 4. Coarse scoring-based CAD matching
std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, std::vector<ObjCADCandidate::Ptr>> cad_candidates_map;
MatchCADToSegmentsCoarse (objects, cad_database, cad_candidates_map);
//// 5. Prune CAD candidates by checking physical constraints, and return k best candidates for each map object
int k_max = 40;
std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, std::vector<ObjCADCandidate::Ptr>> cad_selected_candidates;
for (auto& cad_candidates_pair: cad_candidates_map)
int count = 0;
std::vector<ObjCADCandidate::Ptr> candidate_vec;
for (auto& candidate: cad_candidates_pair.second)
// Check supported area
if (!ValidateSupportedArea (candidate, 0.3))
// Check collision & supporting area when supporting other objects
else if (ValidateSupportingAffordance (candidate))
count ++;
if (count > k_max)
cad_selected_candidates.insert(std::make_pair(cad_candidates_pair.first, candidate_vec));
//// 6. Fine optimization-based CAD alignment and matching
// Compute possible collisions
std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, float>> possible_collision_map;
ComputePotentialCollisionPairs (cad_selected_candidates, possible_collision_map);
// Align CAD models
MatchCADToSegmentsFine (objects, cad_selected_candidates);
//// 7. Global collision_free regulation
std::unordered_map<Obj3D::Ptr, ObjCADCandidate::Ptr> map_candidate;
GlobalRegulation (objects, cad_selected_candidates, possible_collision_map, map_candidate);
//// 8. The final contact graph
FillContactGraph (objects, gt_objects, map_candidate, contact_graph);
We propose a complex pipeline consisting of tridational methods to replace reconstructed object meshes with CAD models, while maintaining the physical plausibility of the scene. Some known limitations of the pipeline are:
Some of the replaced CAD models may be in wrong orientations, and the selected CAD models may not match well with novel map objects, as the algorithm relying on simple geometric features (e.g., planes, 3D bounding boxes) may be potentially fragile when the reconstructed meshes are noisy and incomplete. However, we are aware that the orientation estimation can be handled robustly using deep learning-based methods.
Supporting by wall and hanging may not be well-handled, while in fact we are not aware of any other works that can perfectly deal with these complex reelations at the scene-level.
The pipeline takes seconds to minutes to run for a single scene as we loop over the whole CAD database in some of the steps, and use dense collision detection and point cloud/mesh processing to check for the physical plausibility.